Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

That's an amazing amount. Hope you enjoy the walk.
Did it!! Knackered and sore but walked the 11 miles over fields, up and down hills and through woods in 5 hours exactly :) managed to raise £612 so far with some promises of more to come. Beautiful countryside, and no rain!! Also back to total solution as of today :-D
hope everyone is on track and happy. Ttfn x
Well done! BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so I'm back again. again again! done a week of TS using old slightly past the use by date products and have got 7lbs off. 3 '50' boxes arriving today...! Had managed not to get quite back to my heaviest (half a stone away) but enough is enough.

Hi to those of you still here that I have travelled this weary road with before. (if anyone is reading a thread thought dead and buried!)

good luck, good will, good humour, and good losses!

Welcome back Diva & good luck x
thanks guys. trying pancakes this morning. (proper exante ones rather than me making pancakes out of the porridge mix!) they smell yummy so hope they live up to it! also tried a hot cross bun bar yesterday - again a lovely smell and taste, but slightly different texture to what I expected. not unpleasant though. got the blueberry pancakes to try tomorrow or later, otherwise meals as before (shepherds pie, spag bol, chilli and carbonara)

congrats both on your losses, and susie58 - sri lanka sounds heavenly :)

ttfn X
pancakes. yum. :) 12lbs off in less than 2 weeks. I knew there was a reason I chose exante! happy sunday all X
a stone in two weeks :)

Well done, Diva! You are on a roll!


another 5 lbs off so back to where I was in May. (19) just want it to carry on now! 18s would be good to start with :) Happy Friday everyone.
I should stop weighing every day!!! I can feel in my clothes that the weight is coming off so will try and stay away til monday!
can't do it. :-( scales say weight on!! am hoping just water pre totm. clothes feel good so I'll hold on to that.
I'm a daily weigher too - wish I wasn't! Makes me so happy when they say what I want then to say, but puts a real downer on my day if I get a STS or gain... Stick with it, as others have said, no one else sees the numbers on the scales but they do see the inches coming off so going by clothes is a good idea :)
Thanks bob123 :) I had an exante delivery today which has helped on the drinking front and so hopefully the water retaining front too! the mulled wine drink mix is divine! also having a try of the choco balls and chicken bites/crisps. alllll good so will keep on keeping on :)
ttfn X
gave myself a day off yesterday. definitely heading for totm as I wanted crap! back to it today so hopefully into the 18s soon. :)
head in gear today. hopefully some off by the end of the week. :)
Just caught up on your day is not bad if you jump straight back on. Keep the focus!
Thanks Shrimp! and bless you for reading through my rubbish!scales dipped into the 18s this morning which made me stupidly happy despite the totm cramps! Happy nearly Friday! :)