Starting over for the last time...

Healthy stir fry for tea... Getting disheartened at the scales not budging!

My thyroid is under active but not medicated as he wanted to do another blood test in 6 months. I think I need to go have a word with my gp because I feel this is half the reason the scales aren't budging ?.

Anyway not alt else to report really zzzz x
So down to 9 stone 12 as of about 10 minutes ago!

I'm so happy, takes me 12lbs away from target but just glad to be back in the nines.

Before I lost weight last time, I was 11.5 stone, got down to 9.3, and then got complacent and went back to 10.7 which is when I decided to do something about it (again, lol).

I was so close to target and then lost it... Need to work on that as I get closer to goal again, so it doesn't happen again.

I know I will never be as small as I was pre baby (8 stone). But this much weight on my tiny 5 foot frame clinically still makes me over weight :( xx
Still here plodding away. 9st 10 now but have had a week off the gym and several days off the diet for my little girls birthday so probably more than that.

Back on it today, hour at the gym. And have a week off work so going to try and get down every day.

Little quiet in the CC forum, what's going in? Hope nobody's lost there way x

So this happened today!

So happy to be so close to being on the 8s!

Realise haven't updated this in ages but feeling good today and thought I'd update for my own records.

Haven't been this low in weight since before I had my 3 year old.

Still have a way to go, about half a stone, but feel really positive and good. Especially going into the Xmas period. Not even tempted by the food.

I'm only 5 foot so now literally just out of being overweight! Woohoo!xx