Starting SF again!


Full Member
Hey Everyone!

Been a member for a while now and followed
SF before but it was a while ago. I'm the heaviest i've ever been so have decided to give SF another go! Wanna lose 2 stone by June for when i go to ibiza, i know this is possible as i have lost alot of weight on SF before.

How much did everyone lose in their first week? Xxx
Hi Little Star,

Well done for giving it another go!

I lost 6lbs in myfirst week but as you already know everyone is different.

Good luck and please let us know how you are doing.
Clare x
I lost just over 2lbs in my first week.

Good Luck on your new Journey :)
Hi little star and welcome back to SF. I've used SF twice before and lost 5 and 6lbs. I have a lot to lose though. Glad you're feeling positive :)
I am on my second week now and lost 4.2lbs on my first week - TBH it was far more than I expected!

I am looking on track for around 2.5lbs this week and I know it will slow down from now on in, but after 9 months on SW losing and regaining the same half a stone any loss is fantastic!

Good luck on your weight loss journey - here's to looking svelte on the beach in Ibiza later this year!

Best of luck! It can be done :D