Starting with maintenance instead of a diet. I just want to eat like a grown-up, but I have challenges.

bog willow

Full Member
Hello, everyone!

This is my third time in the obese category. First time in my twenties, due to depression and anxiety, I hid at home and numbed out with food. I lost that weight with calorie counting and a lot of exercise. I maintained it by eating sanely and continuing to exercise for a few years, and I was happy with my body. In my early 30s I was prescribed seroquel for bipolar depression and gained 5 stone in 6 months. I lost it the same way, only this weight was much harder to lose, and I had to exercise a lot more and eat a lot less. But I within 18 months I lost it. I kept it off, same way for 4 or 5 years and then a lot of really awful stuff happened, and I ate and hid once again.

I'm now 49, back on a very low dose of seroquel, I need it to sleep. I am married to a man with asperger's, and there are challenges to loving someone on the autism spectrum. And I often eat in response to my feelings of loneliness.

I am still disabled, thanks to my bipolar depression and anxiety - I've learned recently I have CPTSD. My husband works full time, but he is limited in the work he's able to do, so we are a low income household.

My goal is to get fit again, and shed some weight, so I can feel better and to be employable, if only on a part time basis. I have tried the calorie counting and diets I did before, when I was younger and they only lead to binging and hunger. I'm just not able to stick to anything. So I'd like to start with just learning to eat like a grown up again, exercising is the easier part (I've been doing Lucy Wyndam-Read videos, and I like them) but I really need to address the emotional reasons I eat.

I would like to care enough about myself, my self esteem has really plummeted. I just want to feel worthy of not stuffing my face every time life gets overwhelming, and I often find life overwhelming.

So if anyone can direct me to the appropriate part or parts of the forum - I'd really appreciate it.

Thanks, sorry for the long first post.
Welcome Bog Willow. Good to meet you here. Take a look at WeMITT, we mean it this time- it might be a good place to start a thread tracking how you are doing.