Staying Shunk Shrimpy

aliscrapper said:
Yes I feel better knowing that I am not the only one struggling to stay on Plan whilst hubby is eating all my favourite yummies!! I've done that before - gone to bed for fear of giving into temptation! lol!

Ooh your definitely not. :)
Hello all!

I'm back to school today. *boo hiss* But I have had a good day overall. My little bottom set 7s were wee stars and my 10s were crazy motivated, and my fizzers, well I can only hope they did ok in the exam after lunch!

Today's food so far.

Breakfast: Oat so Simple (HExB) made with some milk (HExA-250ml ss) with a grated pear (s). A banana.

Breaktime: An apple (s), a Asda Mini Bubbly Bar (3.0syns)

Lunch: Jacket potato (2 small spuds microwaved actually) with baked beans (ss- entire tin) and salad (lettuce (s), raddichio (s), peppers (s), scallions (s)). Melon (ss) & strawberries (ss).

Snack before gym: Satsuma (s) & a banana

Look, yep! Gym!:character00115: I finally made it! I'm back in the zone! :character00115: I nearly killed myself too, all that hard work...:sign0007:

:eek: I was on the treadmill when I had an overwhelming urge to fart,:479: but you can't do that there, so I went to take care of business and someone STOLE my treadmill!! there were no free treadmills so I only managed 10mins and not 15! :(

But i am on a Day 1 programme today, so almost can't laugh with all the abs work.

I meet with the personal trainer tomorrow for measuring and :airquote:reprogramming:airquote: so will let you all know how I've got on and what godawful changes she'll decide to make. Last time it involved weights whilst doing squats and lunges and making me run longer. I'm a little scared!:help2: But It should be worth it. I wanna shift all my loose skin and see if I can tone up. I wanna look GOOD in a bikini, not just "sorta okay". If you know what I mean.

Right, shower time :0bathtime: and the figure out what to have for dinner.:eat:

Catch you all later! Happy Monday!:)
All the secretive hints on the interwebs must have penetrated his brains, cause he made me dinner! :D

I got his home made spag bol and I think it was the best he's ever made. EVER.

Dinner: Spag Bol (extra lean beef mince, passata (s), onions (s), chopped tomatoes (s), courgette (s), garlic, frylight, italian herbs, oregano, basil, smoked paprika, worchester sauce, balsalmic vinegar, celery salt, garlic powder, mixed pepper) with wholewheat spaghetti. :D


I'll look in to pudding later. Too full at the min. :D
1. You are putting so much effort into this whole plan I have no doubt you will look absolutely gorge in a bikini!

2. You need to pay OH even more compliments so that he makes the tea more often ;)

Happy Monday to you too xx
Ali, I really hope so. I would like not to panic, searching for a t-shirt, if the doorbell rings and I'm in the yard in my bikini top & shorts. I can't help but sunbathe, I know it's bad, but I love it! :)

I have told him profusely how amazing his spag was... :) Pity he's buggering off away from me for a few days, I'll have to fend for myself!
you are so so good!

I will start with the gym again once school is over!! lol

I'm much better with the routine of school. I seem to be much more willing to do the gym if I've got limited time. LOL.

Just grabbing a coffee with a galaxy caramel cake bar (6.0syns) and a jumbo caramel snack a jack (2.5syns). And wrapping stuff up here, cause soon it's bedtime as husband needs to be at the train station by 7.05. Gah! earlier and earlier! :(
Today was day one...again ha ha

Work from home on a Monday, so it's easier I guess.

Had shreddies 40 g little box, but then realised its more than would be recommended (28g) and skimmed milk. .. Meant to have fruit but didn't fancy kind of screwed that up too...

Then had for lunch, bacon lean, baked beans and boiled egg, and guess what, got straight back on laptop so didn't think about the veg, see a theme ??? No superfree!!!!

So dinner, salmon baked in the oven with herbs, mixed roasted veg, savoury rice, had third of plate of veg, so one success.

Had an urge to eat crisps.. But didn't , I had 2ryvita and one dairylea triangle.

Can totally see what's happening, just need to get it sorted!!


I'm doing. Lot of driving tomorrow, making my car picnic as we speak..

Going to have oats simple with frozen berries before I go. And of course coffee.

Then have made chicken savoury rice and defrosting fruit de mere( prawns, mussels,calamari) will mix to make a kind of paella.
Need to magic up some veggie side for with it ... Maybe just lettuce and red onion and toms???
just bougt cherries on offer from co-op, so can nibble in car.
An orange and apple.

Got a hi-fi bar for emergency.

Will take water and pepsi max for in car.

Then have bought a lean beef joint, bag of winter roasting veg, and baby new pots for dinner.

Got pineapple for afters too

So didn't do well tody but figured what I'm doing, changing it tomorrow!!!


Is this what planners do ??????? Lol

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Hi Red,

Doesn't sound too bad, maybe you should start your own food diary thread then you can ramble on like I do at length, throughout the day. LOL. Looks like you only had 5 syns... 2.5 for the extra 12g of Shreddies & 3 for the ryvita. :) Not too bad, just gotta remember to up the superfree. With the paella I would chop up some onion, carrots & peppers and chuck them in with the savory rice that you're cooking. You could also have some fruit for afters? Personally I would go lower syns for the emergency and have an Alpen Light (3.0 as an extra- rather than a 6.0syn HiFi).

Though, well done for identifying the areas that will lead to falling off plan. :)
Right, summary time!

Day: Extra Easy
HEx: A- 250ml semi skimmed milk, B: Oat so Simple
Syns: 11.5
Speed/superspeed: 12.

Not bad.

Hopefully I shall be still in target on Wed. :D
Shrimpy said:
Hi Red,

Doesn't sound too bad, maybe you should start your own food diary thread then you can ramble on like I do at length, throughout the day. LOL. Looks like you only had 5 syns... 2.5 for the extra 12g of Shreddies & 3 for the ryvita. :) Not too bad, just gotta remember to up the superfree. With the paella I would chop up some onion, carrots & peppers and chuck them in with the savory rice that you're cooking. You could also have some fruit for afters? Personally I would go lower syns for the emergency and have an Alpen Light (3.0 as an extra- rather than a 6.0syn HiFi).

Though, well done for identifying the areas that will lead to falling off plan. :)

Ha ha yeah sorry, kind of started off telling you a little then got carried away.

I love the you just worked out the syns like that ha ha your the best!!!

One day at at a time is my new motto x

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Ha ha yeah sorry, kind of started off telling you a little then got carried away.

I love the you just worked out the syns like that ha ha your the best!!!

One day at at a time is my new motto x

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One day at a time is all you can do-I know thats what I am doing, but I agree with Shrimpy, having a diary can really help-especially given all the lovely support you get! xx
Just been out and got myself some 6syn galaxy caramel cake bars they look yummy. Going to follow suit and make the most of my syns with small syn value treats so I feel really naughty as I am having more than one thing heehee ;-)
I'm at work, but am free, I have finished writing most of my Year 7 reports so just a min for a quick update.

Breakfast: Oat so Simple (HExB) made with milk (HExA 250ml semi) with a grated apple. A banana.

Break: 1/2 a grapefruit (ss), 1/2 of my huge fruit salad (strawberries (ss), melon (ss), pineapple (s), kiwi (s), blueberries)

Lunch: Left over Spag bol (extra lean beef mince, passata (s), onions (s), chopped tomatoes (s), courgette (s), garlic & herbs, Spaghetti) served with salad (mixed leaves (s) & cherry tomatoes (s)). The rest of my fruit salad & a Foxs Triple (4.5syns)! :D

Now to finish the last 6 reports.
Just got back from weigh in and had to share - hope you don't mind me posting here. I've swapped from an evening to a morning class so I may not have lost quite what the scales said which was 5.5 pounds! I'm now at the lower end of my target range!:bliss:
:happy096: Congrats Ali S! :D Well done!!!!!!!

Since we last spoke, I have eaten 2 pears (s), small ones though... on the way home from school. Then I went to the gym. :character00116:
THEN i ate 1/4 of a pineapple and 1/8 of a galia melon. I was soooo hungry after my gym session and husband seems to have gotten on the wrong train or something so is not home yet (has to go through Derby!!) and I can't have dinner til he gets home!!!! So, shower time now.

According to the gym lady, I have gained 1.5cm on my thighs, 1.0 on my calf & 3.0 on my butt!!! Though, my body fat has reduced by 2.6% so... huh?! :whacky068:She reckons I'm toning up and building muscle. I stayed the same cm on my waist, arms & boobs. I blame all the squats and lunges at Aerofusion! Mih. I'm still a size 8, so whatever!

Anyhoo! Shower!:0bathtime:
Thanks. :) Been an 8 since Dec. :) :) :) A tight 8 in Dec, but am a comfy 8 now. :) Even if my BMI is almost 24, so verging on "overweight", the upper limit of my healthy weight is 9st 1... so only a few measly lbs away (currently 8st 10). Mih! Whatever!

Anyway, still waiting on husband, so no tea yet. Instead had a coffee with a caramel snack a jack (2.5syns). :)