Stevia - natural low GI sugar subsitute finally approved in UK


Full Member
Hi all

Thought I'd bring this to your attention:

Pure Via Granular Sweetener with Stevia 80g

I'm not sure if we can use it on TFR or not (but i don't see why not) but thought if you hadn't heard of Stevia before then I'd post as it will be useful for life after TFR.

I've used it before and its fine only the cost was an issue as I had to buy it from overseas (and it cost a fortune).
Hi chick,
Glad to hear its finally been ok`d. I discovered Stevia a while ago and rang Lipotrim up to ask and they said NO! So was a bit gutted that I had to keep using the sweeteners that slowly poison you instead!! :eek: Crazy is all I can say to that decision :mad: Love to you Lou xx

Yeah I can't wait to get off Lipotrim to be honest - everytime I think of all the Aspartame I'm guzzling I feel bad! xxx
The aspartame really bothered me too. Have a look at Exante, no aspartame there!
I know. Wish I'd known about it before I went on Lipotrim but I didn't find out until week 5 and now I'm almost finished, and of course I will never need to do TFR ever again as I'll be in control won't I so I'll never know what it's like ;-) xx