Struggler in need of motivation!


New Member
Hi m new and in need of help :p.

im not massively overweight but I'm very uncomfortable with my body. I've put on a lot of weight over the months and have no motivation to change.

im in a job which is often quiet n find myself snacking on junk. I'm always tired n therefore eat. I'm passionate about food, god food but I still eat krap.

eating Pringles now as I type.

what are your tips for motivating yourself and ideas to snack healthier.


If you really want to do it then you will. The trick is to take baby steps! Slowly cut out the junk and see how that works for you. I've been doing the 5:2 diet plan and have lost almost 17 lbs in less than a month! About to start the eatstopeat plan to lose the 2stone I have left to use.

Some people make a food log of everything they eat and drink everyday.
Maybe you've got a friend to diet with? I find that helps me, its friendly competition.
At work my partner keeps his desk drawers full of apples and satsumas to keep hi, from going to the biscuit tin or the cafeteria.

I've got LOTS of pictures on my tablet of women who are inspiring me to not just get skinny but to get fit too.
And whenever I feel discouraged I come on here, really helps!

Good luck, I'm sure you will do it!
Welcome sausagegirl88! I'm a newbie aswell and also struggle with motivation but if you can get your first week over with, seeing results will spur you on. What I found really helpful, was reading other peoples success stories and that really inspired me. Best of Luck with it :)
I found having control is what's been helpful in restarting because sometimes it's not just the motivation but you need your head in the right place. I want to be skinny (my motivation) but I had no control over my eating. I ate when I was sad, happy etc and in the end I was literally like food controls me! Also I didn't enjoy everything I was eating, I didn't eat out hunger sometimes I just ate and then yesterday someone said to me if hunger isn't the problem then food isnt the answer. X