Struggling, help please



I have really been struggling for the last couple of weeks, I have been following this diet for nearly 6 weeks and have now lost a stone! :D But I went away for a weekend two weeks ago and have not got back on the wagon. I have tried to limit the damage and I have even lost weight (I don't know how) but I know that if I do not get back on the Dukan diet I will put all my weight back on which obviously I do not want to do.

I weighed myself this morning and have finally lost that stone, I do not want to celebrate this as I know I had pate and toast last night :(so am not sure how that has happened!!:confused:

I find it really hard that once I divert off the diet it is so hard to get back on. How do other people do this? Any tips would be much appreciated.

Thank you

Joan x
Hi Joan

I think you've just got to be really strong and jump back on; you've already got rid of one stone forever!! :D

Maybe try and have a couple of really 'clean' days (lots of home-cooked meat, no tolerateds, avoid sweeteners) to get you deep into ketosis and back in the Dukan zone.

You can do this : D

P x
Do you have a holiday/event/party coming up? Things like that keep me focussed, and I'll sometimes pick an outfit that's a bit tight and say to myself this will fit you perfectly by X date.

Also, congratulations on losing a stone. That's fantastic, and you should celebrate!
Congrats on loosing your first stone, its a great feeling!! How about having a browse around this board and checking out some stats and signatures, I find it a huge inspiration to see what others have successfully achieved on this diet, it works, you can do it too!! :D

Well done on getting rid of the first stone...... All you need to do is set your mind to getting back in the zone and it will be easy - fill the fridge with protein snacks and ff yoghurt etc and go for it!!!!! Have to rhubarb to hand, make some muffins - you can do it - if it helps for the first couple of days double your oat bran so you can have two helping of muffins or galette if that helps you out.. You have proved you can do this diet and it obviously works for you.... Your mind is your strongest tool and you can say no - simples - go for it and good luck! xxx
Thank you for your replies, I know the only person that can do this is me!!
I have a holiday in August so that is why I am trying to lose weight. I think I am going to focus on that!

Thank you again x
Make a plan for the week of what your going to cook for yourself, keep it handy and so you dont have to think about it too much, works for me!
I agree with everyone make a meal plan for the next week and be prepared to follow it, you will soon slot into it. Good luck xx
First stone off great x......agree with the girls fill your fridge with protien and great tip off C, making a spreadsheet,plan etc of what youll be eating each meal is a fab idea and takes the panic out of what to have, youll be right where you want to be for your holidays...keep posting and keep your chin up...we will all get there together x