Struggling tonight help needed

Week one - 9 lb loss
Week two - 4 lb
Week 3 day one - fed up
5 ft 9
Start weight 15 st 11
Weight now 14 st 12
Stones to target 3 st 5 lb

I'm having a downer day, not sure why done so well so far and I'm really proud of my loss, I enjoy the diet ( Cambridge diet )
But just miss food I think !! But only today

Does anyone have any tips on getting out of this slump I'm in ????

Not sure I can help much but I just noticed we are in almost exactly the same boat following different diets.
I'm 5 ft 9 the same as you. My start wright (this time) was 15st 3lbs and I've managed to get down to 14st 7lbs since 1st Jan but I've lost all motivation!!!
I'm aiming to be 12st by June as itself 30th birthday do at least I have a big thing to aim for.
Sending you lots of support and hopefully just knowing you're not the only one will help
Aww thanks feel better it really helps to know your not alone !!
It's just so hard to see the end of the line at the moment ! Even though I know I can do this
You can too hang in there I'm not and refuse to give in , I really want to not have to look horrendous in a bikini on hols or dress on night out !

Must try and get some positive Thinkin goin on ! Lol
Got weighed again ... Only 1 and a half pounds off grrrrr gonna have a few days off now to re boot it .. Has anyone else had this problem so soon (5 weeks on Cambridge diet )
First of all, flowerpot, relax. You're still losing. That means that if you keep going at the rate you're at, you'll eventually be the slim, healthy person you want to be. Perhaps not as quickly as you'd like, buy hey! You're setting yourself up to be slim and healthy for the rest of your life. What's a couple of extra months, in the grand scheme of things? The alternative is giving up and reaching your start-weight (and probably beyond) again very quickly, and staying there. And you don't want that, right? So a little bit of logic goes a long way.

As for the weight loss being slow for VLCD in comparison to others - there could be many reasons for that. Maybe you're just endomorph (google it!). Maybe that's just how you are, and how little you need to eat to lose. If you're very worried, a quick trip to the doctor could help to see if there is any underlying cause for holding onto your weight.