
So I'm a student hoping to lose weight!

The main factor is looking at my sister, who has an absolutely PERFECT figure!! She could be a model.

I'm not technically overweight, but I'd say I definitely have lumps and bumps, anyway I'm not happy with my body put it that way.

I'm not on a strict diet with a proper title, I'm just trying not to eat too much food, and trying to exercise more and tone up.

On this diary I'm mainly just going to write what I eat and what exercise I do each day, because the most important thing for me is to be conscious of these things.

So here we go let's bite the bullet!
Diary - day two!

So for breakfast I had two pieces of toast and marmite, then I walked down to uni which is a 40 minute walk!! Have just walked all the way back, which included a couple of detours and then carrying some shopping for the last 10 minutes.

I might have some leftover tuna pasta as a snack / lunch

Then tonight it's the flat christmas dinner which will include 3 meats, pigs in blankets, roasts, alcohol, the lot.

I'm just gonna tell myself I've earned it with my long walk this morning, and maybe do some weights as well ;)