Total Solution Stylish Kid's Diary

Hi SK. Sounds like you've been doing really well. How did your weigh in go?
Thanks Lynne. I didn't quite make it under 14 stone, but I am 2.6lbs closer. Which means i've 0.5lbs to lose to get into the 13's woop woop. Also 0.2lbs to go and I can say I've officially lost 3 stone. Today is definitely a good day :) But next Saturday shall be filled with epicness. No doubt in my mind by next week end I'll be in the 13's. Excited.
3 stone is amazing - and even better when you're in the 13s!
Well it's all gone a bit tits up for me. I didn't weigh in at the weekend and not sure if I will tomorrow. I think a fresh start is needed. I've been quite down and miserable the past few weeks and it all just got too much. I couldn't face anything or anyone, and of course that meant my motivation left me too. So I became a gift of a vacuum for food and couldn't move my lazy ass. But thankfully I realised what damage I could be doing to all my hard work.
Back on TS I go, and hopefully damage control will take effect :)
Hi SK. I think it's the time of year! I'm not in the right frame of mind to do anything at the moment. I keep having new starts and then blowing it! Keep trying to do 4:3 but struggling!
I keep finding reasons to cheat at TS too :/ Its really difficult! But as long as we stick together, we'll all get there in the end! xx
Hats off to you TSers (that sounds wrong but you know what I mean lol). I did it on CD and I would never have the willpower again to go so extreme, good luck all, you have my total admiration :)
The results make it worth it in the end! I lost 11lb in 10 days (then I fell off the wagon. Illness plus coursework plus TOTM. Not a good combination :p) but the results have made me decide that from monday, til christmas eve I'm going 100% with this no matter what. (I have a meal tomorrow- but just eating salmon and prawn salad so shouldn't be too bad!)
Hi SK. How's it going. I hope you are feeling better. It's a miserable time of year! I've been eating and drinking non stop over the last couple of weeks - you name it, I've had it - and I got a nasty shock when I got weighed this morning. I'm going to have to get a grip - despite work being one big stress. It's back to daily weigh ins and calorie counting with My Fitness pal from this morning. Bee and I are both going to go back on 100% TS on January 1st. I can see anew challenge coming on in January!
I'm not doing too good at the moment to be honest. I was getting back on track, lost about 4lbs in four days then disaster happened. I've gotten a bloody ear infection which caused sever vertigo. Not fun at all, but I've just been stuffing my face here on the couch since Thursday. I expect to have regained that 4lbs and then some. Although I did send the other half out to get me some sensible snacky things so I won't do much more damage till I'm on the mend. I think realisticly before xmas I want to be back to 14st or under I hope lol. At the moment I'm not sure what I am but I know it's pushing back towards the 14st 7lbs mark. Crazy what damage a few weeks can do. No exercise and lots of crappy food is not a good combination for getting the body I want lol. This will be a lesson to me at least, I need to permanently change my eating patterns or else this is just a waste of time and I'll pile back on the stone in no time when I reach my goal. Just need to get over xmas and hopefully come out the other side 14st or less.
January it's all up to you kid. Major challenge ahead.
Hi SK. Sorry to hear you've been ill. I'm very good at lying on the sofa feeling sorry for myself and binging - I was like that a lot of the time when I was off work with my sore leg. Why don't you try calorie counting using My Fitness Pal. That's what I'm doing until January 1st when I'm going 100% TS.
I have downloaded the app, I was using it for those few days before it all went pete thong lol. But I'm gonna start using it again in the morning. It is a handy app just have to remember to use it haha
It looks like everyone is suffering at the moment :-(

Here's to a better week this week for us all :)
Hi Sk. How are you doing? I've been well and truly off plan for a while. Restarting on January 2nd. have put 2 ne challenges up in anticipation. Hope you'll join me!
Happy new year SK.