Sugar's diary


New Member
Ok, here goes! I am thinking that if i write down on here then it might help to keep me motivated and if anyone reads and has tips for me then that will help too :)

Today is friday, bad day to start and ALWAYS my worse day of the week. Friday is cake day in the office, we always have cake then 5pm and im heading for the chocolate isle in the shops or the chip shop (tonight it was both!) and as for the gym, off limits on a friday!

I had a cereal bar for breakfast, cake for morning tea, tomato pasta for lunch and an apple in the afternoon. For dinner i had a chicken supper from the chip shop and have since eaten my weight in chocolate!

The only good thing is that i have been trying to up my water intake and have been drinking a mug of hot water nearly every hour while at work. When i'm at home i drink diet juice.

Bad start, feel so guilty now it definitely wasn't worth it!
Gym tomorrow and i'm hoping to have a better weekend.

Hope everyone is well!
Well Saturday wasn't great but i don't think it was terrible considering its the weekend :confused: I went to the gym first thing and did an hour of cardio, came home and had a muller rice (i know it's not much of a breakfast after being at the gym but i was heading out and needed something really quick) then i didn't have anything else till 8pm when i went out for dinner, had Spaghetti Bolognese and garlic bread.
I've read conflicting reports about eating often and my plan is to try and eat fruit in between meals but i was out all day.
So (maybe i'm kidding myself) but i don't think Saturday was so bad considering.

*promises myself that come monday it'll be better*

Thanks if you've read :) I'm really hoping this diary will help me!