Sunday....perhaps time for a new diary?

It;s hard Puggs at the moment, as its early days and I am loosing regularly, it's like my body and mind are in snyc to loosing and I just want to keep that up?!@ i know, i know, I shouldn't and will go back to next week weighing weekly. I'm holidays for 2 weeks (term break) and have 12 weeks until bikini time, if I get close to goal might even put up a piccie!!! LOL

hi bren, i'm not quite 100% on track but i'm getting there....
Kept at it Alex, we will get there. I'm not really even thinking about the whole diet thing. Just watching points/calories and trying to burn 450cals on the machines at the gym a day.

Old thoery about burning more than u consume, even had a glass of wine or 2 on the weekend, and left the chips on my plate!, proud moment.

At the gym as we speak and going to weigh when I get home.

Are u just healthy eating or pointing?

just trying to eat healthier and make better choices. i've also been having breakfast this last week which seems to help
Breakfast definitely helps. I have yoghurt (low fat natural) most mornings on the weekends I have scrambled eggs with hubby at a local cafe.

Another lb bits the dust this morning on the scales! Wooooo Hooooooo, i have lost 2.7kgs in 2 weeks. I have 6kg's/13lbs to loos in 12 weeks, before Penang and my bikini's.............

I sort of doing what you are doing, healthy eating and also a combo of diets that have worked in the past WW and Cohen's (carb/sugar controlled with protein at every meal). I was really worried about the scales this morning as I had 2 glasses of wine last night and Thai at a lovely restaurant mmmmm...

So back to the healthy foods today, keeping up the exercise, water and staying busy.

What are you plans for the weekend??

Forgot to mention.... I changed my weight loss goal to 150lbs, which is where I would like to be before my holiday, but I actually want to get down to 145lbs. Seeing less lbs to loose in the side panel has spurred me on!
i can't even remeber being 145lbs - i can remeber once getting to 152, but i didnt stay there for long. i just want to get to under 168 and my ticker goal is 158lbs. havent been 158lb for over 2 years really need to do this NOW otherwise it could be another 2 years before i get there again.

not sure what i'm this weekend yet, im off work until wednesday (took exta days holiday to make the easter weekend a bit longer), i'm just hoping its nice weather and i can go ride the horses every day.
Hi Alex, how was your Easter? Was the weather nice enough for riding?

Hey congrats on breaking into the healthy BMI range! When did this happen?

I have to confess I ate/drank more than i wanted to over Easter, as a result too scared to jump on the scales! Thinking about getting back into it, forgetting about the scales until Sat morning and crossing everthing that I can reverse the damage?><@!

A good first day today...... (always another start, might have to learn to live with that)

I've managed to eat 20pts and earned 6pts (not used). Also i have consumed 1005 cals today. I am looking at doing a combination of WW and 1000 cals. I am aiming not to deprive myself and going over the 1000 the days I want to (ie partys etc) and just keep up the exercise. I know I am doing enough of that problem to resolve is my food.
I'm not technically in the healthy BMI coz i;m 25.9 :-(
i'm just on mylunch at work at the moment so dont have time to write much, will log on tonight and give you something of a bit more substance to read!
Hi im back....
yes easter wasn't too bad....I think it rained only sunday and monday morning so I managed to ride most days, - I haven't been going for a leisurely ride around the block, I've been giving myself a bit of a training session, and both me and the horse were worn out after most days! I didn't feel so guilty when I had a piece of cake yesterday when I went out with mum to costa coffee.

I've been a bit de-motivated about seeing 12-something on the scales so I;ve changed them to just lbs rather than stones and lbs.....and at the moment i've just hovering around 175 and so my mini target is 173 then 170. I think breaking it down like this might make the weight loss a bit easier by having lots of mini targets.

I'm abit worried about this weekend a meal out on saturday and then I'm away sunday through to tuesday at a course for work.....I've been before so I know that the evening meals (and puddings) are delicious! so I'm going to try and maybe only have pudding one evening (a girls gotta treat herself right) and on that evening I'll only have a starter. I'm just going to try and make the healthy choices for my breakfasts and lunches and hope I can get away with a maintain whilst I'm away. the good thing about this course is the walking....the hotel is about a 20min walk from the campus so thats 40mins walking a day which I wouldn't normally do...on the riding :-(

How you getting on? I see your well down in the 160's....that must be so exciting to be nearly in the 150's!!!
Yep good idea with the meals. Also you could opt for a salad or soup for dinner (low cal) and have some fruit and custard for dessert?

Well done on doing something different with your exercise/riding variation really does help.

I am trying to develop good eating habits also when we go out (which is often), like leaving some food on my plate and stopping about 3 or 4 times during the meal to slow myself down and notice that I am feeling full (to avoid overeating).

As for the mini goals, I agree with you and changing the scales to lbs. In Oz we use kg's and grams, I convert to lbs to use minimins. 150lbs is my Penang holiday goal. I think that over Easter I might have ventured up to 165 again, so I am not going to WI until Sat or Fri morning in a bid to get under 165lbs and back to 163. 145 will be my ultimate goal and will work on that for end of Sept. So I have 11 weeks until Penang and 7kgs (15 or so lbs) to loose.

Exercise is going well and my mind is in the right place, just working on the food aspect. Trying to gauge around the 1000cal mark for today and tomorrow, yesterday I did about 1100cal by the end of the day and 2 sessions of exercise.

Today already been for a 45 min walk, eaten scrambled eggs out (only 1 slice of bread) and attacking the 2ltrs of water as we speak. Then off to get my hair done and perhaps some house work and sewing?

Lets do this girl and loose!
I tried changing my scales to kilos once, - I didn't like it! 1kg seemed to take ages to loose, whereas my scales go in 0.2 of the lb so even .2 a day adds up to 1.4lb a week. I know I'm not losing any faster, - just that in my head it seems like the numbers are going down quicker.

well done for sticking at the 1000 cals-ish mark. I did that last year and got down to 163lbs.....but I couldn't sustain it -hence where I am now.

yesterday I had 1800 cals and today i've had 1650....I've upped my cals a liitle but just to make my days a bit easier. I try to cut down a bit to 1400-1500 at the weekends (i find weekends much easier as I'm much more active and busy, rather than during the week when I'm at work sat at my desk).

my birthday is 24th august which is about 19 weeks away so I'm hoping i'm at the bottom end of my ticker by then!
Mines the 24th of July!

I have to confess, we had dinner out last night, a curry...... and didn't do my second exercise session of the day....then decided this morning to WI!!! I know what am I thinking. Well I thought I would rather know the damage and move on. Well 75.2 so back up to 165lbs.... but that's okay as it could be the curry. I ate really well and only 680cals until dinner, and I didn't over eat with the curry.

Just about to head off to the gym today and hopefully a walk later before my best friends party. Think I am not going to drink and just take diet soft drink.

Aiming for 1000 cals again today, i think it is easy for me to stick with the 1000 because I am a vegetarian. Today should look something like this;
plain yoghurt 90
coffee and banana 130
salad with cheese for lunch (sometimes I have tuna/fish but no chicken or other meats) 180
peach 50
coffee and half a protein cookie 85

So that's 535 cals and no dinner yet as going to have a couple of nibbles at the party. I now that will involve dip and crackers, so will easily make it to 1000 or just over.

With the whole CCing of 1000 I am just going to listen to my body and if it wants more on a particular day I will. That gets me thinking of doing a 1200 cal day once a week? just to reassure my body we are not starving.

24th of july! well (if I decide to go) I've got a college re-union that that might be a good goal date for us both to work towards??

currently at lunch at work, so again, i'll log in tonight and write you a bit more
bye for now
i finished work today on 950, and had tea about 700 so thats 1650, normally i ride after to burn a bit off, but tonight I haven't so I think I may skip weighing in until I get back from my course. I go on sunday so may take a sneaky peak at the scales sunday though.
is your weigh day sunday?

oh and i've just had a sneaky peak of your picture album - how much did you weigh in that bikini picture?? - you look really good!!!
yeah for once, I wrote on your profile page last night commenting on that we are never on at the same time
Last night, the party was good. I had 1 glass of wine and celery and carrots sticks without dip! But did consume alot of nuts and cheese and crackers.

Then... when i got home to take hubby to work at 1am I ate some choccie! and bread just before going to bed. Today I weighed myself this afternoon before lunch and scales revealed 76.2 but I know that this would not be accurate, still has made my spirits sink some. Just before Easter I was 74! and really chuffed about this.

TODAY i have not eaten very bad at all and debating about the gym, as my knee is very sore and I havent had a rest day since last Sunday. Also debating on whether to have dinner or not? Suppose I could have dinner if I go to the gym.

I have eaten already;
yoghurt 150
sesame bar 180
cheese and crackers, sml slice of bread 250
tofu stir fry 200
muesli bar 110
2 coffees 130 (one from a cafe and quite milky)
handful of cereal munched on 150

so 1170 cals and not even dinner yet. If I dont have dinner I will snack. So thinking the gym and then a micro potato and salad?

Wish I didn't feel so bummed about that number on the scales.
I know I saw and thought I would post ASAP!

Do you have a busy day planned?