I'm a Sunday morning weigh in, not for any real reason apart from seeing a pic my son took of me last Sunday was the kick up the a$$ i needed. I dont tend to pig out, least not on a Sunday as my kids are at their dads so I don't bother cooking
Another Sunday weigh in person here! Have lost 9lbs so far, and will post in here tomorrow morning when I do my weigh in tomorrow morning.
Weigh in -1lb

As i jump on the scales daily i was expecting that, still disappointing but slowly is better than never I guess and although the scales show very little I can actually feel/see a difference in my upper tum, ribcage area.
-3lbs this week. 2 stone gone now, forever!!! Onwards I plod on this long journey
4lbs loss this week! More than I expected, so I'm really chuffed with this. And congrats to everyone else on their weight losses today as well. :)
well done nutmeg, that's fantastic xx
Another Sunday weigh-er here too! Lost 3lbs this week, which is better than I thought, phew! :party0049:
Well done to all. I just updated my details and realised that tho it was only 1lb off it was also a point off my BMI, thats a bonus! :)
I will join you this Sunday coming...I always overdo it with extras on the weekend with low carb stuff, but still calorific. My weigh in day is Thursday but I know if I haven't at least lost a pound between Thursday am and Sunday am, I am doing something wrong. As it is I over indulged this weekend, so will be
Ss tomorrow and the next day hoping for at least a lb off this week
I've veered off track a little this week as I was soooo tired and I knew that I was having too few calories and it seems to be shifting better, I will weigh and post tomorrow but I think it will be more that a measly lb this week. Better be or I will cry!
don't worry though catcrazy, stay focused xx
I'm excited to weigh in tomorrow. Haven't sneaked a look at the scales at all during the week and am really curious to see how much I have lost.
-2lbs for me this week. 30lbs lost in total now. Feels slow, but I suppose steady loss will be better for me (and my skin) long term
-4lbs WOOOO. :D

Thats 5lbs off in 2 weeks so evened out nicely. So happy because last time I tried I only lost 2lb in 2 weeks or sheer torture!:cry:
No more lost since Thursday, am still 16.6lb but am relieved I am not more, as i have eaten too many low carb yummies. Weighing today gives me the focus to keep my focus until Thursday.

I want to be 16.3 by then. Therefore will have to ss until then.
That's the plan ;-)
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I suppose steady loss will be better for me (and my skin) long term

Well done on the loss

I was thinking that myself. My belly i give up all hope on after 4 children but I'm hoping I don't get batwings, bingo wings are bad enough. Anyone have tips to firm up the underarm?
-3lbs for me this week. I dont think thats too bad, i've been poorly most of the week so havent really been sticking to plan, well... i havent really been eating much of anything really.