Superfree Question


Miss Awesomeness Herself
Hi all

Hopefully someone can help. I understand passata is free? Is it superfree as it's tomato?

If so, if I was making a pasta sauce with passata, onion and garlic and using it just on plain pasta, would I need to eat it with salad or would my passata count as the superfree?

This is the same sort of question I have around making a curry. If I use a packet mix thats 5syns for the whole packet and I use chicken, potato, onion and carrots and then passata instead of chopped tomatoes - does the passata count towards my superfree? or if it just the carrots and onion?

Sorry to go on, just getting really confused. Trying to get my head out of the red/green diet and more into the extra easy lol


Yes it counts towards your superfree the same as tinned tomatoes would