Sure slim??

hey hun!! im good ta!

is this your first baby? I really do feel for ya. Ive had two babies and was throwin up till about the 13th week!! The bets medecine is eat little an often!

Aslo i used to keep a pack of rich tea biscuits at side of my bed and munch on one before i got up! WEll it worked first time, second time i was dragged outta bed by a two year old hehehe

take care and speak soon

luv katie

ps have u seen the pregnancy with out the pounds section? If only i'd seen this site b4 i was pregnant!:D

Yes its my first, I only been with my OH since March we got engaged in May and Pregnant by September lol. I am so so excited though. Scared as well.

Since i found out I have lost my appetite to be honest, i just want to drink fanta/tango all the time, the orangy freshness mmmm, wouldnt mind but i only about 4-5 weeks gone.

Someone else said about the rich tea biscuts, mmm maybe i will have to get some. Today was the first time i was sick mind you. I still feel sick now though.

No i havent seen it, i will have a look in a min. Apparently i can still do slimming world, i need to contact my consultant so she can get me a programme sorted??

How old are your 2 then?

one is 3and a half other one is 15 months!

they r proper monkeys!

awww its soooo exciting your first baby! i luved to shop hehehe!
its really good you can still do slimming world as you are not cutting calories are ya! you just stop when full!

good luck with it hun! when u got your scan?

luv katie
Yeah although the later you go the later it is! well that was the case with my hospital! Apparently there is a baby boom!

hope the sickness has subsided lol

luv katie
i didnt find out i was pregnant till i was about 9 weeks s i had my scan arbound 14 weeks cos there was a big que for ladies waiting for scan!

sorry im not good at explaining things hehehe