Surfhunny's Countdown to Florida


26 days to xmas! 3 weigh ins left! whoop whoop!

This stresses me out -- less than four weeks --eeeeekkkkkk! And, it is not even the weight (although, I still somehow miracualously hope to end the year at my lowest 2011 weight (which was 10 st 5). Not gonna happen, me thinks. *sigh*

Wow is that all? I don't know how I feel about that :eek: WI tomorrow night and I really don't hold out much hope, 2 days early too :(

My CWPC postponed now to Tuesday. This is not helping me at all. I may have to start going to another WL group, just to get weighed on the same day at the same time. Or try doing it myself. DH and I were weighing at home on Sundays, when I was seeing my CWPC last January through April.

Good luck with the weigh in. You never said how your mum was doing. I know she had to stop -- but is she well?

I'm getting sick of feeling like I'm treading water with my weight. I'm stuck! I have no problem losing weight for the first month then I stall! Happened back in April and it's happening now.

I would be very upset if I were you -- you've been so good. I have been a STS for ages, but then I have not been 100% most days. And, I've done NO exercise in weeks.

Hi!!!! I'm back!!! Nice to see the same faces around!! Another Cambridge journey starting for me today :-( xx

Welcome back, Kimmi!

Off to piano lessons, haircut, shopping... strike day!
kimmi1982 said:
Hi!!!! I'm back!!! Nice to see the same faces around!! Another Cambridge journey starting for me today :-( xx

Hiya chick welcome back!! Good luck with starting, I'm always around if you need me :) xxx
I must confess that this week I've been less than 100% and at weigh in I STS!! WTF is going on with my bloody body??

Anyway now until after Christmas I'm just focussing on damage limitation. So long as I stay at this weight ish I'll be happy. I'll really focus after Christmas! That's all I can say. I'll talk to my CDC about my plans next Friday when I go.
good plan.

i'm staying on the 810 this week and next then moving up on the 19th dec for xmas. i'm starting to itch for something xmasy to scoff which is very naughty. a nice glass of wine and a few crisps. baileys and a mince pie xmas eve. i'm sort of dying to have some time out now. been chugging along for a while and getting nowhere then chugging and getting a bit off. think i need a good 2 week break where i can really focus on exercise, me, kids, relaxation and whole family time without saying to paul.... "no i can't go out for that meal as i'm on my diet!" "no i can't have x y z cause it's weigh day soon!"

i've came to realise that my family life sort of suffers on this diet. we can't go out and do a sunday lunch like normal people. i wish i was going to be lower for xmas but i'm not. last year around this time it dropped off me. i went up to 13st when i had to stop the diet cause of low iron but as soon as i started back on again i lost 3 to 4lbs loads of week for ages. i went from 13st to 11st 3lb in 6 to 7 weeks. that's a 1st 11lb drop (25lb in 6 to 7 weeks).
p.s i'm wondering... i feel like my iron is low again and last time my weight loss practically stopped because of it. could i have trouble loosing weight when my iron's low. is that possible?
just found this article

Iron in diet: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia

last time my iron leels dropped i was craving tuna and salt. it's happening again. every night for a while i've been craving or having tuna as my 810 option. did ss+ last week but sat i couldn't hold out any longer and had 2 tins of tuna and have done every night since. so far i've eaten 10 tins of tuna!
great things said:
p.s i'm wondering... i feel like my iron is low again and last time my weight loss practically stopped because of it. could i have trouble loosing weight when my iron's low. is that possible?

It could well be related. Iron deficiency can knock off your thyroid function. If your thyroid's not working well, it's going to be harder to lose weight.

Ever had your thyroid function tested? Sometimes being hypothyroid can cause anaemia. Ironically, so can hyperthyroidism (overactive).

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It could well be related. Iron deficiency can knock off your thyroid function. If your thyroid's not working well, it's going to be harder to lose weight.

Ever had your thyroid function tested? Sometimes being hypothyroid can cause anaemia. Ironically, so can hyperthyroidism (overactive).

Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins

every time my iron drops the docs tests everything and my thyroid always comes back as 'normal' right smack bang in the mid range. my iron tends to drop to daft levels though. just don't know why he doesn't leave me on iron tablets to a small amount. it would be very had to overdose my iron levels lol. the range from 12 to 300+ i'd never reach the top end. mine tends to drop to about 7 when i really feel it badly. palpatations when exercising, no energy, tired, listless. even had dark circles under my eyes. the thing is i'm pretty pale looking anyway and when i get ill with colds etc i look really healthy as i get colour in my cheeks.
found this to back it all up. never thought that it could affect me with my weight loss as much as it seems to have this time round.

Iron and Thyroid Function
If you have low levels of iron in your body, it can cause your thyroid to not work properly. According to a 2002 article in "Thyroid," a lack if iron can reduce the function of your thyroid gland because some of the enzymes needed to produce thyroid hormones require iron. Thus, taking iron supplements may be able to help you improve the function of your thyroid, though you should talk to your doctor before taking iron supplements to treat hypothyroidism.

Read more: Iron Supplements & Thyroid | LIVESTRONG.COM
Interesting, I wouldn't have a clue whether I'm anaemic or not. I do know that I've got constipation boo. I've not been properly for a few days and now my tummy is sore and crampy. I'll have to take something tonight I think, but in the mean time I'll suffer belly ache.
Well I'm thoroughly upset :( I've just had a patient say to me "It's a good job you're a big hefty lass pushing that trolley!" I couldn't speak, just walked off and locked myself in the loo in tears :cry: People are so insensitive sometimes.
Well I'm thoroughly upset :( I've just had a patient say to me "It's a good job you're a big hefty lass pushing that trolley!" I couldn't speak, just walked off and locked myself in the loo in tears :cry: People are so insensitive sometimes.

I hope he does not need your assistance any time soon! Unreal! So sorry, Sal.
every time my iron drops the docs tests everything and my thyroid always comes back as 'normal' right smack bang in the mid range. my iron tends to drop to daft levels though. just don't know why he doesn't leave me on iron tablets to a small amount. it would be very had to overdose my iron levels lol. the range from 12 to 300+ i'd never reach the top end. mine tends to drop to about 7 when i really feel it badly. palpatations when exercising, no energy, tired, listless. even had dark circles under my eyes. the thing is i'm pretty pale looking anyway and when i get ill with colds etc i look really healthy as i get colour in my cheeks.

Hmm. Hmm because you say your thyroid comes back as 'normal' - but then say 'right smack bang in the mid range'. Because the mid range ain't normal - not if you're talking of a TSH of more than 2.0. Unfortunately, that scale's ridiculously outdated. My OH has Hashimoto's thyroiditis and feels absolutely awful if her TSH goes above 2.0. Yet according to most GPs, 2.0 is normal. If you test someone who hasn't got a thyroid problem their TSH will be about 0.5...

The thing is, if you're diagnosed as having hypothyroidism, all of your prescriptions become free - hence UK doctors don't want to admit you have it. In the US, a TSH of 3.0 or more is automatically treated with thyroxine.

Anyway. You may not have it. But I found the links between iron deficiency and thyroid function last night as you've done - I just couldn't find a webpage that summed it up nicely!
Well I'm thoroughly upset :( I've just had a patient say to me "It's a good job you're a big hefty lass pushing that trolley!" I couldn't speak, just walked off and locked myself in the loo in tears :cry: People are so insensitive sometimes.

Stupid patient. You're not even that big. Just ignore 'em.

stupid patient. hope he poos his pants!


Big hug, Sal :bighug:
Hmm. Hmm because you say your thyroid comes back as 'normal' - but then say 'right smack bang in the mid range'. Because the mid range ain't normal - not if you're talking of a TSH of more than 2.0. Unfortunately, that scale's ridiculously outdated. My OH has Hashimoto's thyroiditis and feels absolutely awful if her TSH goes above 2.0. Yet according to most GPs, 2.0 is normal. If you test someone who hasn't got a thyroid problem their TSH will be about 0.5...

The thing is, if you're diagnosed as having hypothyroidism, all of your prescriptions become free - hence UK doctors don't want to admit you have it. In the US, a TSH of 3.0 or more is automatically treated with thyroxine.

Anyway. You may not have it. But I found the links between iron deficiency and thyroid function last night as you've done - I just couldn't find a webpage that summed it up nicely!

found my last test results from july 2010.

phoned my doc about results today. got figures. so...

thyroid is normal at 1.67

electrolytes are normal

iron is very low with a ferritin level of 8. it should be between 11 and 307. i've got a telephone conversation with doc tomorrow to discuss findings and see if there are any more tests to be done to discover the reason for it being so low. i don't really get full on periods, just lots of spotting the last 4 weeks of my depo injection.

there must be a reason for it being so low, especially as i've been on cd which is fab for the vits and mins. it's never been this low before. not the first time on tablets. as the symptoms of thyroid and low iron as very similar it justifies why i've been feeling rubbish and loosing my hair. it's surprising i can get out of bed of a morning :argh:
Sorry for the threadjack, Sal. :eek:

found my last test results from july 2010.

phoned my doc about results today. got figures. so...

thyroid is normal at 1.67

electrolytes are normal

iron is very low with a ferritin level of 8. it should be between 11 and 307. i've got a telephone conversation with doc tomorrow to discuss findings and see if there are any more tests to be done to discover the reason for it being so low. i don't really get full on periods, just lots of spotting the last 4 weeks of my depo injection.

there must be a reason for it being so low, especially as i've been on cd which is fab for the vits and mins. it's never been this low before. not the first time on tablets. as the symptoms of thyroid and low iron as very similar it justifies why i've been feeling rubbish and loosing my hair. it's surprising i can get out of bed of a morning :argh:

It is odd, I agree. But I remember KD posting something similar about getting anaemia on Cambridge. In theory, it really shouldn't happen thanks to the vits - but it happened to her and it's happened to me in the past. I wonder if it's a vitamin or mineral that isn't in the shakes? No idea what that might be though!

Sal, hope you're feeling a bit better now. Sounds like that idiot patient got you when you were feeling vulnerable. I think I need to hit the 5-htp again. I burst into tears cos I got stuck in a traffic jam this morning and I knew I'd got loads to do today! :rolleyes:
It's ok about the hijack! Been reading with interest. I can't believe the cheeky b@st@rd patient managed to make me cry, but I was having one of those mornings where everything I did was wrong and I'd only had 4 hours sleep last night! Not a great time to insult me.

As for the rest of the day, it didn't really improve. I've got very bad belly ache :( I've had a niggling pain in my lower left abdomen and as the day has worn on it's spread across the rest of my belly. I hate bowel issues, so painful. I've taken 2 senior to try and improve things but I know they cause me to have belly ache too but I need a good clear out and hopefully that'll sort me out.
As it the first weekend in December I've put my Christmas decorations up. I couldn't wait any longer lol.


My Christmas Tree


My Fireplace