Surfhunny's Countdown to Florida

hope you day has gone better today. had to have depo today so the nurse weighed me. i've been like an ostrich lately, not my usual scale obessed freak. well the news is not too bad. i've had some bad says lately with extra food and wine. so..... looks like i've put on about 7lbs max. not too bad since i stopped CD. it must be the exercise keeping me in check. so all in all when i pop back onto CD i probably won't be allowed onto ss :(

just focus and be mentally ready. :D
Well here I am again, in bed by 8pm! I'm turning into an old woman :( I'm cold and tired. All I seem to do is moan lately, and I'm sick of it but can't seem to stop. One of the girls at work tried to cheer me up but failed miserably and just ended up annoying me bless her. Roll on the weekend.

Dietwise I'm going along fine, I have WI tomorrow and as long as I lose 3lbs it'll be okay.

Anyway I won't moan on any longer. Might get another early night!
:( !
thought that ss+ week would have put you into ketosis already. sounds like you're feeling ketosis effects more this week than last. hate the cold feeling. not nice in this weather. at least it's warmer than it could be. still you can feel the cold.

went out running yesterday with the gym lot and decided it was time for my thin coat and running gloves. by the end i'd stripped off again though. just bought a hat on ebay too. my coat is flo yellow and black and i decided to go for the black hat instead of the yellow hat. don't want to stand out too much lol. :D

it would be good to get back to the gym. just go. go on the bike, rower, walk on the treadmill. it will energise you. so instead of hitting the bed early go there. then finish with a swim if you are into swimming - i always find it far too cold in there and have to drag myself in there :( trying to teach ems to swim see.

i always have coffee at the gym too. i'm a coffee addict and just love that you can get a really good cup there. when on ss i used to have a black americano. now i still stick to americano but have sk milk in it. used to have lattes and cappucinnos but find these too milky now and i can't taste the coffee lol. so this could be your treat if you like coffee. a black decaf americano. 0 cals.

leave classes until later if you feel like you couldn't do one mentally. bet you could though. i'm going tonight. braving the cold and doing phil's body pump. he's doing a new class which i'm interested in and it's on before so i'll go early and watch. the class is called a tri class. works your core muscles. you use the ball and do other things. girl at the gym said it used to be called 20 20 20.
Just back from WI and I'm so freaking gutted I could cry!!! I haven't lost a single lb, zero, nothing I'm devastated!!! How can I live off 414 calories a day and not lose weight??? I feel completely cheated out of a decent loss. All I wanted was 3lbs!!!!

My CDC was as stunned as I am and all we can think of to blame is water retention. I'm due on this Saturday and I forgot I needed to drink extra water each day because I'm having 3 tetras so I hope that's it. Yesterday morning I weighed 13st 8lbs and tonight I weigh 13st 12lbs :( :( :( as if I wasn't feeling miserable enough this is just a huge kick in the teeth!! And to think I've been so proud of my self control all week, I guess pride really does come before a fall! :(

Anyway decision definitely made, it's back to the gym for me! No excuses!!! Did you watch that tri class Nikki? It sounds like what I need to do, what time is it on? I'm also going to dig out my swimming cozzy and swim too, then go in the sauna to warm up!

This STS has been such a massive set back I need to lose 5lbs a week from now on just to stay on track to target, I'm so so gutted!! :(
I bet it is the water. I hadn't lost anything for 3 days because I wasn't good with my water. And the day I decide to drink more than 4 pints, bam, several lbs off the scales in the following morning.

And anyway, don't beat yourself up. I know it is easier said than done, but take your measurements as well, or maybe get scales that'll show your % of fat. You may not lose weight, but you're bound to lose fat and inches!!

Big hug to you. Make yourself a hot cuppa and go to bed with a nice DVD or book :)
aww sally.

think logically.

1) have you 'been'?
2) if it's water retention drink more water and body brush it away.
3) if you don't loose this week and it's the 2 above then next week you will probably loose double.

phil's class is on wed at 5.45 then after that it's body pump. been to body pump tonight and my legs are so wobbly that i can't walk properly. squats no problem it was the lunges. it was like my legs haven't done proper lunges for ages... wait a min it's been 9 weeks lol :D i was so tired before my class i was debating not going but i'm glad i did as i came back energised.
p.s if you do go back to exercise you might have another week of a low loss but it will be muscle and tone. your shape will change etc. so don't fret.
Thanks for the tips Nikki, I've been a bit lax with the body brush lately. I won't get to that class for a couple of weeks but I'm changing my WI to Tues in november so I'll be able to go then (traffic permitting). I love Phils classes! Anyway I'm not giving up I'm not going to be beaten by a set of scales.

Ellie I'm watching reruns of Biggest Loser to keep motivated. And I'm going to aim for at least 4 litres of water from now on.
all the class times have recently changed you should log on and check out what's going on on other days/times.
I can't believe how incredibly stressful this week has been, I'm so glad it's over! Trouble is I'd love nothing more than to get a bottle of wine, Chinese and chill on the sofa, unfortunately it's been bottle of water, peanut bar and freeze on the sofa. :(

I'm still determined to do this but last weeks STS has really shaken me, I'm really struggling to see how it's possible to not lose weight when I'm having less than 500 calories, logically this can't be possible, I understand about water retention and how it can cause a small loss but to not lose a single lb, really?? I don't get it!! I can't help thinking that even doing something like ww or sw I could actually lose weight, the only time I STS on sw was when I'd cheated, so where's the logic? If I don't lose a decent amount this week I'm going to have to have a serious rethink!

Is it possible that my body is just going to be permanently stuck in the 13's??? I really don't want to be, but I've spent over a year bouncing around in the 13's and never dropping below!

Right now this diet seems like far too much effort for no reward!! :(
I'm okay, plodding on still getting on with the diet... Curious to see what happens at WI because apart from an extra litre of water a day and body brushing on a night if I remember I've done nothing different!!

I watched a programme last night about a guy in the US who lost 400lbs with just diet, not gastric band or anything. His best friend is his personal trainer and helped him do it. Anyway long story short this trainer friend has a blog on you tube, type in 'reshape the nation' and all kinds of helpful hints etc are available. The first one I opened has completely changed how I've been thinking, about maintenance and my metabolism etc. I'll try and add the link if I can.

Here it is, please let me know if the link works...

YouTube - Chris Powell's State of the Nation for January 12, 2010 (Part 2)
link works :) just watching BL at the moment. will listen after it.
Hey surfhunny! Hope you're feeling better. I know STS are really annoying but even on a VLCD you can have a STS. Plateaus happen on every diet, and maybe 13st is going to be a big plateau for you, but it will go down. :)
I've been stuck in the 13's for sooooo long I hope this plateau is at an end soon!!! I'm sick of it. It's not even as if I want to be skinny, I want to be 12st! That's still 8lbs above the healthy weight range but it's where I feel happy and healthy and I can lose that 8lbs slowly with SW.

I'm sooooo cold, I'm sitting here in my big cozy hoodie, with the fire and heating on full blast, I'm still cold, the joys of ketosis huh?

Nikki I've just watched the episode of BL where they balanced on 1 foot, I'd have so won that challenge lol. I did it while they did it and right through the break and didn't even wobble :D why can't I do that at yoga? I'm all over the place with that, mind you I haven't do yoga since I was about 17st so maybe it'll be easier now.
You're bound to lose it hunny. You're only eating 800kcal max per day! If you have already plateaued in the 13s, then it means this is one big hurdle for your body to get over. But you'll get over it and win, dammit!!! :D

I know, the cold is terrible :( I'm thinking of getting a single size duvet to wrap around me on the sofa :eek: There isn't much we can do though, apart from being patient. :)