Surfhunny's Countdown to Florida

So far so good thanks Shanny, been kept busy!! I'm having my 4th shake now because the others are having their food, as I expected they didn't bring treats in either so that's a bonus, nowhere to buy crap from either cis the vending machines don't take notes!!

The next little danger area is when the food trolley comes round either at 11 or 1, if it's the late trolley I'll be a bit tempted but if it's early I'll be full, so here's hoping it's early lol.

My head hurts a little bit so I'm going to drink more water even though I've already had my 3 litres.
It was the early trolley yay!!! There's one Jaffa cake sitting on the counter and I'm going to make Jamie eat it, he's 21 with a superhuman metabolism so it won't harm him lol!
Even if it did, better to harm him than you! Lol
Exactly, and he didn't complain either lol.
you're doing so well. weigh day for me. had a hell of a week. have a hell of a week to come too.
Well I survived the night shift!! I'm really pleased because they are my biggest downfalls, I'm so weak willed in the middle of the night when I'm working, it seems like a whole extra 12 hours where I have to be good and I'd normally not struggle because I'm asleep! I'm so glad they don't come round very often!!

Anyway today I'm going to do some housework grrr and then set up my new game, EA Sports Active 2. It's meant to be like a personal trainer, comes with a heart rate monitor (could be interesting) and resistance band. All this just to avoid the packed gym for a month!
great things said:
you're doing so well. weigh day for me. had a hell of a week. have a hell of a week to come too.

Thanks Nikki, I hope this week isn't as bad you're expecting, I know you've got your mums op coming up, but make sure you take time out for you too xx
Brrr I'm freezing, got the fire and heating on full blast while I do the housework, I'm hoping that this means I'm getting into the pink, I have no sticks to check and I'm not going to get them because I get obsessed with them. I'm just going to rely on my body and know that so long as I'm sticking completely to SS I will be in ketosis.
I've had a very productive evening so far. I've done half an hour of my Zumba game, it's bloody brilliant I love it, I only went on to try it out and ended up doing 6 sets, I feel like a total prat doing it but with the blinds shut no-one can see! The figure of myself on screen is nowhere near as hideously scary as it is in the Biggest Loser game, I'm relieved you don't need as much room as I thought.

I've also done the first work out on the EA Active Sports 2 which is also great, this was the one I was really worried about because it was expensive and I was scared that my livingroom would be too small.

I'm glad I haven't wasted my money, I might just have to try a recalibrate the Biggest Loser game to get it working right!
I certainly am!!! Yay!!! I found an old pot of stix that had 3 left in, still in date and it's pink!!! It's really bizarre, because I feel really good, that feeling of wellbeing you're meant to get? I've definitely got it :) and I don't think I ever experienced that last year. I did the first time I did CD but not last year, think I just stressed about it all too much last year.

Tomorrow could be challenging being back at work with all the comments from my nosey workmates. I know I shouldn't have to explain myself but I'm just going to say I'm doing a 2 week detox, which in a way is what I'm doing....

Day 3 is in the bag, bring on Dangerous Day 4!!! Not going to set foot on the scales until closer to the weekend to avoid complacency!!!
don't listen to the comments. just keep focused. mum's op tomorrow.... mid morning!?!

did the challenging things on BL kin game. was ok. wasn't what i thought though! did ok. managed it. boxercise with bob :)
Hope it all goes well tomorrow Nikki.

I'm off to bed now, I'm shattered! Bring on day 4 and the nosy parkers at work!
Aww wow read your post twice, delighted that you feel good.!!

Take no notice of what people say to you.
Sal you know why your doing this restart and what you want to achieve.

Happy day 4 sal keep smiling sal your shrinking my lovely. X
I officially hate Day 4!!! I've been hungry all day which is crazy, I'm absolutely in ketosis, so I shouldn't be, I've had 2 litres of water too. Hate feeling hungry.

My best friend made one of those giant cupcake cakes and brought it in so I've told her I'm doing a bit of a CD detox fortnight, she's fine about it but I haven't told anyone else, no one mentioned it earlier at lunch but I'm sure before long there'll be the usual comments.

I'm starving, I had this problem last time :( don't really know what I can do to stop it. I short of drinking tons more water which is really not practical at work!

I just have to remember it's just for 2 weeks, but I'm struggling today :(
you can do it. think to yourself are you really hungry or thinking that you are hungry... missing having something in your mouth.
Just try to remember how chuffed you feel when you hit day 5! If not it'll be back 3 steps to day 1!
I'm not going to eat anything!!! I've come straight home from work and put the xbox on immediately, if I hadn't I wouldn't have wanted to do the workout, but it's done now. I'm not convinced it'll do much for me because I only burn just over 100 cals at a time but I guess it's burning more than sitting on the sofa does lol, and I might get a bit toned?

Just off to have last shake and water, day 4 almost complete without any hiccups dispite wanting to eat my own arm earlier, I'm still bloody starving!!!

Settling down with my shake and Biggest Loser on the telly!!