Surfhunny's Countdown to Florida

I've just seen the best quote ever "I'm not fat, my stomach is 3D" love it!!

That's great! And you don't even need 3D glasses to see it! :)

How's your day been?
I lost 3lbs at WI. It was 5lbs on my scales this morning but officially 3lbs. Had a bit of a chat with CDC about how I'm feeling and I feel a bit more positive. Still have to take it hour at a time but feeling better about things.
Surfhunny said:
I lost 3lbs at WI. It was 5lbs on my scales this morning but officially 3lbs. Had a bit of a chat with CDC about how I'm feeling and I feel a bit more positive. Still have to take it hour at a time but feeling better about things.

Well done good loss!!! Xx

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Yay! Way to go! :) I just love it when the scale goes down!

Hope you're not bunged up any more! I had some relief yesterday, but feel quite bloated today. Hopefully it's not the yummy peanut crunch bar I had this morning.
I also have to report that my cake was eaten within minutes, and was the only one to go completely, must've been a good one then :)

I've made an appointment with my GP as I'm really struggling with stomach ache. I'm terrified she'll say I need to come off CD. I got a couple of days worth of lactose free shakes this time to see if helps any. My appointment isn't until Monday (total nightmare getting to see my GP cos she's a lady doc and doesn't work full time) but I needed to see the same doc as last time I went because I think this is all related, although I'm pretty sure it's IBS.
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I'm sorry to hear you've got bad stomach aches. I woke up this morning feeling better and have stuck to shakes, soup, water and tea so far. Keep us posted on what the doctor says - many of us seem to suffer from stomach/digestive system issues.

I'm not surprised your cake was completely scoffed up. Yum!
This abdo pain is really starting to get me down. It's causing me to tense up all the time so my back, butt and leg muscles are aching too :cry: I hope the doctor doesn't just dismiss it as IBS without investigating possible gynae causes. I don't particularly want kids but I want the option still, so I want to make sure it's nothing gynae related. Oh I could cry, it's not massively painful, but it's there all the time driving me insane :cry: roll on Mondays appointment.

What the fcuk was I thinking :cry:
Confession Time & Pity Party
I can't believe I ate that whole bar of chocolate. I also had some biscuits earlier at my mum and dad's. I went over to walk the dogs because they've been out all day and when I got in I was cold so I made a cuppa and had some biscuits. I did it because there was no-one there to stop me... then on the way home from their house I stopped at the shop and bought the chocolate. All because I feel lousy about my pelvic pain :( and had no-one to talk to about it. I don't want to worry my parents because they have enough on their plate with Mum's uncle who has dementia and lives in Cumbria with no other family. My friends have just told me to see a doctor and offer no real advice or comfort, they're too busy with their own lives. Everyone is. :(

It's definitely true that everyone else has lost faith in my ability to do this diet and what do you know, I go and prove them right. What the hell is wrong with me??? Why am I still finding it so hard?

I set up the whole Biggest Loser Challenge to help me keep motivated and guess what I did? I gained weight!!!! FFS!!! I seem to spend all my time helping everyone else and not myself. My CDC listened to me on Tuesday and I found myself promising I'd focus and give it 100% this week, but I know when I go to WI on Tuesday, there'll be yet another big disappointment.

How the heck can I get out of this rut? I can talk all the talk, and give a list a mile long as to why I need to do this but when it comes to it, I always fail. :cry:
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I hope your doctor can help you with your abdo pain - I can't imagine being uncomfortable for as long as you have been. :( When I have stomach pains, I sometimes curl up around a hot water bottle - the warmth on my stomach, and also on my back, helps me relax the muscles in the area.

Funny when I am at someone else's house I almost feel like what I eat there "doesn't count" and have an intense urge to indulge. Happily, I'm not often in that situation.

You're not failing, you're human and needed some comfort food. Stop beating yourself up! Perhaps instead you should relax a bit on the diet and focus on getting and feeling better. Once you've sorted out the abdo issues, you can always hit CD hard again - and you won't have to worry about what's wrong or suffer the pain.

Take care of yourself!
Sally I'm similar. I e had problems focusing too. I'm stressed. Not a great combo diet+stress+low confidence = failure.

We can both do this. It's a short iPhone answer as I'm sat outside ems school ready for them to come out.

I've not even written in my diary. I've eaten cheese and some nuts this week. I've lost 1lb where I should have lost 10lbs!
TMI Alert
I'm laid here in tears right now, I've been out with my friends and their kids, been writhing around in the soft play at the wacky warehouse. I was fine all morning, mild stomach ache nothing worse than normal, but now I've got this major pain in my lower abdo going down to my left groin and out labia. I can't get comfortable at all no matter what position I sit stand or lie in :cry: my doctors appointment can't come soon enough!! But I know I won't get answers or help immediately though, it'll need investigating and I'm dreading how long I have to put up with this pain for.

It's not bad enough to warrant a trip to A&E it's just upsetting and I'm worried sick!
TMI Alert
I'm laid here in tears right now, I've been out with my friends and their kids, been writhing around in the soft play at the wacky warehouse. I was fine all morning, mild stomach ache nothing worse than normal, but now I've got this major pain in my lower abdo going down to my left groin and out labia. I can't get comfortable at all no matter what position I sit stand or lie in :cry: my doctors appointment can't come soon enough!! But I know I won't get answers or help immediately though, it'll need investigating and I'm dreading how long I have to put up with this pain for.

It's not bad enough to warrant a trip to A&E it's just upsetting and I'm worried sick!

hey dn't know the whole story, and don't know how the sys works in UK, but it seems serious!! go to the a&e anyway will ya!
Hello :) sorry to barge but have you been for a number 2 lately? I think either way, you should go straight to A&E if it gets any worse, just to be checked, it wont hurt :) xx
hey surfhunny, had to reply to your post BEFORE posting the reason i'm on your diary... I'm going to do 2 weeks of CD to finish my packs, then I'm attacking jillian michaels' 90 day revolution thingy... saw your sig with the ups and down of the "same pounds"... SOOOO i really think, you and i, and even "great thing" have the same prob, been on this quick-fix crap sh*t for too long... we are no longer healthy eaters... I've been off cd for 9 weeks and i saw your msg about your guilt trip on the choc bar... i say, NOT normal!! EVERYONE should be enjoy a choc bar without feeling bad about it!!! this stufff has us in a vicious unhealthy cycle. just trying to be honest for real... if you're interested, or anyone else for that matter, let me know, i just thought of you because we've been gaining and losing the same pounds FOREVER... when i'm off cd i drown my sorrows in the vino, but bottom line is, we're NEVER satisfied!

PS: DAMN girl!! you look good in your new pic!
Go to A&E. You need some pain relief if nothing else!
I'm not going to A&E it's not as bad as that, it's just upsetting and scary which is why I'm crying. Mind working overtime etc. also I don't fancy the embarrassment of having to explain my symptoms to my colleagues in A&E. It'll be bad enough if I have to go for tests. I know it's all meant to be confidential and people are professional, but it's not really something I want to discuss with the people I work with unless I actually have to call 999. I'll go to the emergency drop in centre if it's gets any worse.

None of this is helping with my diet, I'm in no mood to drink my shakes, I feel nauseous if I eat anything. I just wish I knew what's wrong with me, that's half the worry.

Yes Charley, I've pooped today lol.
Grrr I'm finally comfortable and now I need the loo, typical.
I'm much more comfortable now thank you, just lying in bed watching tv. Hopefully will have a better day tomorrow. It's mad how this comes and goes. I just want to know what's wrong with me.