Surviving the weekend


Full Member
How do u survive the weekends? The weekend was the time that we enjoyed takeaways, meals out and alcohol!

Last weekend I was working so survived weekend one!

Today I'm missing it! Had some chicken with chilli and garlic spices and salad for dinner, so a wee treat from my packets! Then some Asda coke and a choc coconut bar for a treat! And my final treat made a berry shake and froze it like a desert!

Still could really murder a takeaway and big glass of wine! Plus dont think it being my totm is helping!! Watching my partner tuck into treats and alcohol too!! :-( sobbbb! It's only week 2!

I have planned a break for a weekend in September for a celebration I can't get out of and then have holidays 3weeks later! So I defo must stay on plan til then!

Help!!!!! Lol x

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oh, cruel cruel partner! You need something else you enjoy to take your mind off food/alcohol - I know this might sound a bit sad, but have you tried the "lager" drink that is alcohol and calorie-free? I find it makes you feel like you're joining in socially a bit (obviously not exactly the same, but better than constant fizzy pop).
aaaw I feel your pain hun weekends are the hardest time arent they OH has been to a BBQ that I managed to dodge and I just went to pick him up and he smells of Jack Daniels and chicken ..its gonna make me hungry sleeping next to him lol...I'll be licking him in my sleep;p

They do get slightly easier.....
Im like you got my head zoned in on holidays and a weekend away in september too....I will have 1 drink and be the worlds drunkest woman...cheep date or what hehe
Weekends are trying, the most trying time for me. I have found a weigh in day which is on a Saturday is really helping, as it avoids the Friday night binge as you dont want to put yourself out of ketosis and gain lots of weight on a Saturday, then having had a good loss on the Saturday you dont want to spoil it Saturday night or Sunday. That is the plan anyway. Monopolising on the crooked thinking.

Going to try and look at building in interesting protein options at the weekend so that it feels like a treat. Popping round to a friends for lunch today and bless her she is grilling me chicken and steaming me veg. Haven't found a way round the glass of wine yet, so am having to leave it out and stick to sparkly water.

Any suggestions for coping gladly received x
My partner is doing s&s with me too so not finding it as hard, its hard feeding my 1 year old and not licking my fingers when he had a cake etc lol xxx

Hayley Jane :) weight lost so far: 1stone
Weekends are hard

I usually workout lots at,weekend, get out for a walk too, getting our if the house helps

Work on a project however small - tidy a drawer, knit, ebay old clothes etc

Warm drinks, make a nice latte, hot choccie n relax with a book or do some pampering

Keep busy, keep the veggies stocked up! Try somethin new with protein - a baked egg, Spanish omlette, jerk chicken etc spice it up

We can do it Xx
great ideas! Im changing my WI from fridays as Im in the way of thinking, well i did well all week, Ive WI and Ill be good but ill eat more protien than I should, and nibble on bits and bobs.

I think a Sunday WI will be best for me!
This weekend has been tough for me, I had a lazy day yesterday and thought about food constantly- when the mind has nothing to occupy it, it thinks of food!!!!

So my tip is to stay busy!!! Over the past few days I've given myself lots of tasks like selling old books on amazon, clearing out a cupboard, tidying out my wardrobe etc!

I'm a few quid richer and have a cleaner house :) AND it's kept me out of the fridge :). Off to write my ' to do' list for today.....
sounds like great tips! Survived yesterday without cheating!
Hopefully found my will power again today! :) lol
Eeeeek hope I haven't ruined it all

Had a shake for breakfast and went out all day with family! Forgot to put my bar in my bag! Drank water at the pub with them, talked them out of lunch but by dinner time everyone was starved including me!

So I thought I was clever finding a carvery?
I had a small portion of turkey and some cabbage and a glass of water!

Hope this keeps everything on track! Wasn't too bad but they're dinners certainly looked more colourful and tasty! X

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I was a naughty boy, i had a few vodkas n coke zero while watching the boxing on sat, next morning brekkie was a nice strawberry shake LOL as i still stuck with the plan eating wise. I weighed myself this morning and im down still.