Susie58- 2014 the year of my success

Well done for resisting the Italian food Susie! Not sure I would have done. Pleased you enjoyed the show. Is it a musical?
Yes its a musical satire by the people who wrote South Park so you can imagine its level of crudity. Still very funny though but you would be shocked if you went to see it totally unaware of what its about x
Might go and see it next time I'm in London.
Have you seen South Park Lynne?
Yes, my son's sometimes watch it. I'm not easily shocked working with young offenders - or living with Chris and Tom!
End of day 19/70& felt hungry today. Ended up with a tiny slice of cheese!

Other than that been good.

Miles today:

Bike 6 Miles
Orbitrek 2 Miles
Walking not worth recording.

Think i'm going to sleep well tonight x

Day 1/70 TS - weight 14st 7lb - Goal, to lose 36lb by holiday

Week 1 weight 13st 13lb - loss so far 8lb - 64 days till holiday
Week 2 weight 13st 9lb - loss so far 12lb - 64 days till holiday

Day 16/70 weight 13st 8lb - loss so far 13lb - 56 days till holiday
Day 17/70 weight 13st 8lb - loss so far 13lb - 55 days till holiday
Day 18/70 weight 13st 6.75lb - loss so far 14.12lb - 54 days till holiday
Day 19/70 weight 13st 6.75lb - loss so far 14.12lb - 53 days till holiday
Sounds like a good day today Susie! are doing so well. And a great day for exercise...sweet dreams x
Happy belated birthday! Wow you certainly seem in control of the food and exercise at the moment. Very inspirational, keep up the good work! xxx
Thanks Ladies.

Day 20/70 & another STS. No exercise today as was gardening for most of the day, then went shopping. Bought a nice white evening top in a size 16. Almost fits as its a short type of top that doesn't have to go around my hips. I got into the habit of buying long tops to hide my bottom but figure now that I'm loosing weight might be time to try a different style & experiment a little. It will look nice with a skirt on holiday. Its white with some sparkly bits on the front, looks very feminine.

Best try to get some sleep as I'm up early tomorrow. Don't think its going to happen though. Hope I see a loss tomorrow. I need another 0.9lb by Wednesday to reach the weekly loss needed for holiday target.

Night everyone x

Day 1/70 TS - weight 14st 7lb - Goal, to lose 36lb by holiday
Week 1 weight 13st 13lb - loss so far 8lb - 64 days till holiday
Week 2 weight 13st 9lb - loss so far 12lb - 64 days till holiday

Day 16/70 weight 13st 8lb - loss so far 13lb - 56 days till holiday
Day 17/70 weight 13st 8lb - loss so far 13lb - 55 days till holiday
Day 18/70 weight 13st 6.75lb - loss so far 14.12lb - 54 days till holiday
Day 19/70 weight 13st 6.75lb - loss so far 14.12lb - 53 days till holiday
Day 20/70 weight 13st 6.75lb - loss so far 14.12lb - 52 days till holiday
Happy (belated) birthday! Desperate to see Book of Mormon - I've heard rave reviews!

Also like your style of getting a foot massage instead of food treats. I am rubbish at this. I was fine to begin with (OH was horrified when I came home with a new sideboard I'd bought as a 'treat') (his, entirely valid, argument was that a £100+ piece of furniture is not a 'treat').

I love that feeling of being able to wear smaller sizes and clothes that show off my best bits rather than hide my rubbish bits! :)
Top sounds fab Susie.

Wetting myself at CM:
(OH was horrified when I came home with a new sideboard I'd bought as a 'treat') (his, entirely valid, argument was that a £100+ piece of furniture is not a 'treat').
I did a £300 odd Lulu Guiness handbag treat when I got half way last time with 5 stone off - I haven't allowed myself to use it since I regained - too guilty - would be hilarious if I had bought a sideboard and then when I regained, had to empty it and keep it covered with a blanket, not so easy to keep a sideboard in a dustbag at the back of your wardrobe lol.
Top sounds fab Susie.

Wetting myself at CM:
I did a £300 odd Lulu Guiness handbag treat when I got half way last time with 5 stone off - I haven't allowed myself to use it since I regained - too guilty - would be hilarious if I had bought a sideboard and then when I regained, had to empty it and keep it covered with a blanket, not so easy to keep a sideboard in a dustbag at the back of your wardrobe lol.
I love both these posts!

Now thinking what I need that I can buy as a 'treat' for getting to goal!
Perhaps we should start a ' what will your next weight loss treat be?'thread!
Ha ha love it ladies. My ultimate treat would be a water fountain but thats not likely to happen till we move if ever.

Day 21/70 and 3/4lb loss. Felt hungry and bloated today for some reason and no exercise as too tired after not being able to sleep last night. Will make up for it over the next two days. Think its going to be another late night but can have a lay in tomorrow to catch up on sleep if need be.

Is it a full moon tonight cos both the cats are going potty. ?

Night everyone x
I did a £300 odd Lulu Guiness handbag treat when I got half way last time with 5 stone off - I haven't allowed myself to use it since I regained - too guilty - would be hilarious if I had bought a sideboard and then when I regained, had to empty it and keep it covered with a blanket, not so easy to keep a sideboard in a dustbag at the back of your wardrobe lol.

Hahaha - 'Darling, it's no good, I'm back to my starting weight. You'll have to put the sideboard in the loft until I can get back down 2stone'.

Suzie! I've just seen your signature!! Seriously?? 12lbs in a fortnight/three weeks?! That's freaking amazing!!
Thanks CM.

Day 21/70 & STS today so that's a 3lb loss for the week bringing me to 15lb loss for the 3 weeks since restart. More than happy with that.

This coming week is going to be tricky as staying with my dad on Saturday, Sunday & Monday so will have to eat something. Sunday he is taking all of us out for an Indian so need to be very careful afterwards as that's often the hardest time for me where I continue to eat for the rest of the week!!

Aiming for a STS for the week, that way any loss will be a bonus & a reason to be cheerful. That will be ok as I am 5lb up on what I need to lose as a weekly average for holiday target.

Hope everyone's winning today.

Hope I sleep tonight as I am seriously into jelly brain mode due to lack of any of it :silly: xx

Day 1/70 TS - weight 14st 7lb - Goal, to lose 36lb by holiday

Week 1 weight 13st 13lb - loss so far 8lb - 64 days till holiday
Week 2 weight 13st 9lb - loss so far 12lb - 64 days till holiday

Day 16/70 weight 13st 8lb - loss so far 13lb - 56 days till holiday
Day 17/70 weight 13st 8lb - loss so far 13lb - 55 days till holiday
Day 18/70 weight 13st 6.75lb - loss so far 14.25lb - 54 days till holiday
Day 19/70 weight 13st 6.75lb - loss so far 14.25lb - 53 days till holiday
Day 20/70 weight 13st 6.75lb - loss so far 14.25lb - 52 days till holiday
Day 21/70 weight 13st 6lb - loss so far 15lb - 51 days till holiday
Day 22/70 weight 13st 6lb - loss so far 15lb - 50 days till holiday
