Susie's 2022 campaign

For the life of me I could not live in Cumbria, pretty but far too quiet for me... I need people that talk to you.
Ooo if you move there you're only a drive away from me..those tribute nights at the club with me & my sister could be on the cards.:) X

Yes i like a nod and a hello and a chat going down the street too. I think, from what I can see online, the Peterlee/Easington etc area has grown quite a lot - lots of supermarkets and services close by. I'll visit when i get back and check it out properly, maybe even rent for 6 months or a year and see what i think. But of course I have found the perfect house to buy LOL - It's up for auction so no doubt will sell quickly - but that's the type of thing I'd love.

And YES to a bit of tribute band nights! :D. Plus gadget shopping haha.

Well my get up and go seems to be MIA this morning...
Wow, that house is a bargain..looks nice.
Can you imagine me at an auction:D I'd have to sit on my hands & put my whole head in a brace so I couldn't move or I'd buy 4:D X
Just saying seem to be very busy.
How are you doing emptying the food presses
How are you doing emptying the food presses

Pretty good, nearly all the tinned stuff has been used up, and I've given away stuff that's unopened and which i don't use very often, like honey. Having said that, a friend was going to a mountain town's honey festival yesterday and i asked her to get me four jars of this amazing balsamico honey, made with eucalyptus and other stuff - so brilliant for when i have a cold! :)
Morning, what's on your list of to-do's today? My to-do's always seem to end up tomorrow's..and then I run out of them too:D Have you much to pack up?
A mountain honey festival sounds lovely and seems like another dreamy world away from the misty damp days in Newcastle..and bet the honey is delish:p X
My list today is to start and finish unpacking and do all the washing. To get some exercise and try to stay on track with food. At least I have food for the day made

My list today is to start and finish unpacking and do all the washing. To get some exercise and try to stay on track with food. At least I have food for the day made


My list is still lying on the table waiting for me to look at it:D x
My list is still lying on the table waiting for me to look at it:D x

LOL yep that's pretty much it here too :). Took the car to the garage - new cambelt and service before the long drive back, and did some laundry - but everything else is now shoved onto tomorrow's list :).
So because I have a list of To Do's, what have I been doing? Sipping mandarin liqueur (a gift, trying to use it up, no, really :rolleyes:) and googling places in N'land - and oooh I do like the look of Berwick-on-Tweed. Thoughts?
I don't know much about Berwick, though I do know someone that moved up that way and absolutely loved it. She'd intended coming back but sold up and moved there permanently.
Mandarin liqueur sounds inviting:p good job you're trying to use it up..the bottle could smash in the car n the way back and cause damage:D x
Always lock the phone away before you drink alone
LOL very true. What's that phrase? "Don't drink and dial!" - or in my case, don't go anywhere near Facebook :D. The ex called back this morning and said I was hilarious, so at least I gave him a laugh.

Drinking alone is not something I do a lot of, TBH. A lot of expats drink heavily - because they can, I guess - the wine is lovely, cheap and plentiful - but I realised early on it would be too easy to fall into that trap.

Woke quite early this morning, and started ticking a few things off The List, then a kip this afternoon - Stella is so sweet, she loves to curl up on my hip and snooze with me :).
Oops about the phone call to the ex..I hate that next morning oh noooo feeling:oops: frantically trying to think back over the conversation:D sometimes I wonder if they make it up it's so cringe:D then it's the hmm, yes, does sound like me:D
Nothing beats a cat curled up with you, I love cats. My daughter's cat wraps herself around your neck like a scarf and has the loudest purr I've ever heard, she's lovely.

Good for ticking things from your list, mine's still on the tomorrow pile x
:)Soooozzzeee where are yoooouuuu X
I'm here! But not feeling too fab TBH, I had some fish yesterday and been up since 4am with a nasty tummy thing :sick0019: (that should spell it out beautifully for you lol). Whether it was the fish or remnants of my hangover, who knows. Feeling better now but a lot of sleeping has taken place, with Stella as my zzz companion.

So, yet again, nowt got done on the To Do List. Ah well as Scarlett says, tomorrow is another day. Stella is off to the vets for her passport and rabies shot, and I've got loads of clothes/shoes to sort out to give to a friend (she sells them for an African charity, bless her), plus will try and get some laundry and whatnot done.
had some fish yesterday and been up since 4am with a nasty tummy thing :sick0019: (that should spell it out beautifully for you lol)..

Well that could be a weight losd