Susie's 2022 campaign

Oops! Can't pm you yet I'm afraid - need to make 50 posts first - phew...
Hi CK - I can't pm you yet either. The forum rules here don't allow me to post web addresses so hopefully you'll find your way OK - google the words daily, free and books. You can set it to send you emails on any topic - so I get an email every day with free books on cooking, amongst other things - and there's often a 5:2 book appearing there. Some are rubbish, some are good, but at zero cost, who can quibble? :D And if you don't want them on your device any more, just delete from the manage your kindle link on Amazon.
Morning crazy :) chips here. So I don't hijack Susie's thread, I post regularly here, but also on my Chips with Everything is Back thread on WeMitts (We Mean it This Time) forum. Also on a thread called Let's Give this a Go, started by a lovely Dutch girl named Lostis and on a Tuesday weigh-in thread. Although we're following different paths there is some crossover of ideas and tips. I'm doing WW old points at home. Can't imagine fasting for 2 days. You must be so strong willed. I would be eating my manky slippers after a few hours ! :eating: Hope you have a good week. chips xx
lol lol chips me to i would not be able to eat nothing for 2 days neither im doing cc and works for me xxxxxxxxxx
Ah Chezz and Chips - it's not that bad! You can have 500 cals so it's not exactly fasting!!
Will try to follow your other threads as well - bit busy doing dreaded housework as MIL is coming for a week tomorrow - eeek! How that fits in with the diet I've no idea??? Bad probably...
lol lol crazy bless you love you seem a strong willed person you will do great xx
lol lol crazy bless you love you seem a strong willed person you will do great xx

Oh dear, strong willed for about a week usually!! But I MUST do something now as I practically collapse when walking up slopes. Not good...
Thanks for your support - and sorry Susy for hi-jacking your thread again! I'll start one for me soon and hope it becomes visible - unlike the intro post!!
lol crazy that sounds like me lol lol
Hijack away Crazy, not a problem :D

I'm entering a new diet challenge from this week and that's to do it on a very tight budget. Decided I really needed to rein in my spending, particularly if I want to buy a little bolt hole in Italy, so it's down to supermarket brand only for me from now on! :)
thats me suzie when i come of my break next week im going to try and spend less and work out weekly shop not on list then we dont get it xx
I've been spending £200 plus a month on groceries, just on me and the cat :eek: - so am going to halve that. the trouble is that budget stretchers like pasta aren't so great for dieting, but will give it a shot and see how I get on.
£200+ a month ? When I was drinking I was spending that a week ! :cool: Seriously though, food bills are frightening. I feel like I've been mugged when my shopping is delivered. Much less for more money, and diminishing quality is a major winge with me :soapbox: Get stocked up on fresh veg. If you get to a supermarket buy reduced things that will freeze, and cauli, cabbage, leeks, mushrooms, toms etc anything really and MAKE SOUP to freeze. I use it as base for chilli, sauce for over pasta or a spud, or add protein, be it shredded chicken or a tin of green lentils to make main meal. I always have soup lurking. Going to do celery later and throw anything in that needs using up.

It's strange really, I never used to enjoy or be interested in cooking before I started trying to lose weight. Now I'm always looking for new ideas and trying things I've never tried before. Plan to do an online shop today so I have good things to hand. Hope you have a good day Sooz. chips xx ps lost 2lb today, so just over 10% gone :)

I've been spending £200 plus a month on groceries, just on me and the cat :eek: - so am going to halve that. the trouble is that budget stretchers like pasta aren't so great for dieting, but will give it a shot and see how I get on.
£200 a month! I don't actually list how much I spend on groceries maybe I should with this in mind. I do find the more processed stuff which is low calorie/fat for some reason is more expensive. But I do have lowish bills I think because I am a veggie so must of my stuff is veggies/fruits etc. I do drink diet soda which is naughty and probably the most expensive purchase on my grocery shop. But I think I might list it as well as money is a bit tight so I should look at it.
Hi all - sorry, it has been a manic week, both workwise and at home. Nearly lost the flat on Wednesday but we seem to be Ok again today - very upsetting and really not what I needed with a full on work schedule.

Will try and catch up on diaries over the weekend xxx
Hi Sooz :silly:chips here. You are thin on the ground :rolleyes: Brings on my panic attacks when you go missing. Check my thread for the most wonderful accidental cucumber soup idea. Gorgeous and cost next to nothing to make. Be good chips xx
Hope the flat buying is running smoothly for you - just know how much stress that can add to life..
Hope your cat adjusts to the change of scenery when you move- is it good for mousing???
hi susie i hope all is going well with the flat and work ok will catch up with you soon xxxx
Hi all

Sorry for being awol, been so busy at work, and lots of stress with the flat (still waiting for the vendor to instruct a solicitor!), and on Friday I heard that an uncle from a branch of the family we don't have much to do with died two years ago, and no one told me. Very sad, because I was really fond of him.

Sigh...anyhoo, lots of work to get on with but will try and catch up with diaries later today. Big hugs all xxx