Susie's 2022 campaign

I sometimes think it is best to try different plans anyway - stop your body getting complacent or you getting sick, slimming world (at home based on my own knowledge) is my back up plan if low carbs starts to fail me. No more meetings. Anyway virtually every plan is aiming for cutting calories isn't it - it just differs in how you get there so if you can do it without a plan then why not.

I have only ever made yogurt using hugh fearnley whittingshall's recipe which doesnt involve a gadget but it was nice. I think i would prefer a yogurt maker (his recipe involves leaving milk with yogurt as a starter in the airing cupboard which is a little dubious)
Morning Susie, well lots of changes with you as usual👍. I thinking planning is the key, not the club, not the app, not the clapping, just proper and methodical planning. Make a plan, buy and cook the food and stick to it. Im not saying that its easy, that regular life, late days, eating on the move doesnt get in the does. And thats were we all fall down.
Yep you're right Tipp, it's just a case of keeping going, isn't it! I've decided to focus less on doing lots of batch cooking to avoid overeating and just keep things sinple.

Morning all - jeez it's blowing a gale out there today, and snow is forecast...hope you're all nice and warm! My work building is right on the coast and it sounds as if it's a pirate ship creaking away and making very odd noises!

Had a nice SWI this morning, 5lbs down - I'm sure it's just water weight or whatever, but a good boost nonetheless :).

B - toast with cheese, ham and lettuce, coffee
L - Asda sweet potato and chilli soup, red grapefruit, green salad
D - chicken korma with cauli rice

Total - 1,379
Woo well done water weight is still weight you are no longer slogging around. I'm suddenly wondering if grape fruit is low carb enough to fit in low carb/keto. It's not sweet so maybe. It's meant to be an excellent fat burner etc.
It's meant to be an excellent fat burner etc.

Yes! And one needs all the help one can get LOL. I'm even back on the ACV which is in my squash and water.

I was a bit surprised by the scales actually because I scoffed a load of (non logged) chocolate, but maybe it was balanced out from the load of salad I had too :).
We can do this ladies
Gosh I am stuffed, had a lovely Asda sweet potato and chilli soup, and couldn't fit in my grapefruit, yogurt and salad if I tried.

Isn't it strange how some days you just feel so much fuller than others?

Not to worry, I might have them for dinner instead of the chicken korma - will see how I feel later.
And of course I ate loads last night, not helped by the arrival of a WW snack pack - which I had to try out and went overboard - result, my lovely big loss is still a loss this morning, just not as big...but I'm not going to let it derail me, not doing that any more! This is the good ship Steady as She Goes from now on lol.

B - sausage and cheese sandwich, coffee
L - sausages with salad, grapefruit, apple
D - chicken fillets with cheese and onion mash and spinach

The sossies ramp the cals up a lot, but come in at 1,410.

Had a great night though, the furniture got picked up without a drama, so I've bought the yogurt maker. Going to read up on ways to introduce more and more clean eating - that's definitely the way I want to go. Have ordered the Alice Liveing book from the library (thank goodness for libraries :)).
Had a good afternoon - ate lunch and my fruit, still felt hungry so had...water :D.

Home now, love getting home early - and might do the chicken as korma with cauli rice. Ready to eat right now :D.

Later - ended up throwing chicken, med veg, carrots and beetroot in the oven to roast, then dolloped some pesto on top - LUSH! Will definitely do that again, and got more for tomorrow's lunch with a big handful of spinach.

Also ordered gluten free oats - the normal ones make me bloat and get so very very windy :classic_eek: :classic_oops: so will try the GF one with nuts, fruit and homemade yogurt next week. Really enjoying the freedom of Ccing/clean eating - not that I'm a proper clean eater yet!
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Morning all

Pouring down here, but no snow thank heavens. Quiet office today, everyone's at a training day - a good time to do catch up! :)

B - ham and cheese sarnie, coffee
L - l/o chicken and roasted veg
D - got lots of green veg to use up so might do a soup and smoothie
S - banana on Ryvita rye

Have a good day.
i'm the same whenever i get an order of something - have to try it all. I used to love the weight watcher rich toffee bars when i was doing ww. I still have some of their gummy sweets actually (well out of date, taste exactly the same) that i occassionally have a little packet of - the sweetener is malitol which is not actually that lowcarb so have to limit them.
I think they all have bad sugars in them, I was bloated as anything overnight and tootling away like nobody's business!

Nearly succumbed to the delights of the lunch van - but didn't :).
Well done avoiding the van at lunch today! I've just got up with a lot of your posts - I haven't been on the forum much recently so nice to have a quick 5 minutes to catch up on how everyone is getting on :)

I've not heard of slimpod, so I'm going to have a quick Google!

Looking forward to hearing how you get on CCing/clean eating :)
Morning all

Not too bad on food this weekend - well, actually, not brilliant, but still Ok - lost 4lbs for the week, so I'm happy with that.

Didn't sleep well though, so might have to be a bit carb heavy today...

B - omelette and toast with cheese, coffee
L - green soup, rye cakes, banana, apple
D - don't know yet, chicken and veg probably

So windy out there!
Do you find carbs help you sleep? I find while they make me tired they prevent me sleeping as i have wind but mostly they cause me to overheat.
I seem to crave carbs when I'm really tired - but actually I was pretty good today, said NO to the mega grilled cheese sandwich from the gourmet place that visits work 1-2 times a week :). I will sometimes have a slice of bread in the night when I take magnesium, it seems to help the mag get into my system quicker - if i take mag on its own, it makes me a bit queasy.

But I did have bread zapped in the microwave this morning and I'm not sure hot bread is agreeing with me, got an awful tum about 3pm - so will do toast from now on. Can't blooming well win LOL.

Having a little treat now, a few (hundred) sweet chilli edamame beans, ansd very moreish they are too!
Well done on the loss Susie - those beans do sound moreish - it sounds outrageous that someone can come in to your work place with gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches - far too much temptation!
Bad eh? And there's always someone going to Arthur's, which does the amazing double cooked chips :classic_eek: .

B - omelette with toast and cheese slices, coffee
L - chicken soup, rye cakes, grapefruit, apple
D - heck chicken sossies and salad

Comes in about 1236 :).

Have a good one, ladies x
Got home and the new cleaner had been - I was mortified because it's now so beautiful - which just shows you how lazy I'd been! Oh well, it's keeping someone in work LOL.

Worked late so had a lasagne ready meal, cals will be higher but that's ok.

Did get a chance to quickly google "brown bread and wind" (as you do) and I think I might be wheat intolerant. We'll see. Anyway I might try and make my own dutch oven style bread this weekend, if I can get my A into G :D.