Susie's 2022 campaign

Well done on Slimmer of the Week! You worked hard for that :) Lots of veggies in your menus which is lovely. This weather is a bit pants, but it's been far too hot down here in the south for me, so the cooler weather is very welcome.
Thanks my lovely, really pleased with my focus - long may it stay! I've got my NZ trip in December so that's my first big goal, would love to have lost 4 stone by then - and it's completely doable - especially now there's no alcohol or biscuits in the house!

Am finishing up tonight with golden milk made with almond milk, turmeric, black pepper, vanilla essence, nutmeg and a tiny squish of honey. I've got a huge bag of turmeric to use up so this is a nice way to do it.

Syns ended up being 19.5 - decided to syn the almond milk and have the A choice cheese later if I feel the need.
@ladyfelsham Ooh! Off to NZ?! That sounds good!😀

What’s this golden milk - what amounts of each ingredient do you use and is it a hot drink? I have a bag of Tumeric I need to find some use for!😊

Yep off to see the mad rellies for three weeks over Christmas and New Year, and I'm going business WOOHOO! Paid for when I still had a job haha. Can't wait to see everyone, and it's also with one eye on moving back in the next few years. I'm not settled up north, going home has been pulling at me for years and I'm old enough now to want family around me as bits start falling off the bod, so why not :D :D.

Golden milk - I won't lie, it's an acquired taste, and there's a load of slightly different recipes on the net - but it's so very good for your immune system, and helps you sleep. Mine is basically a mixture of turmeric, cinnamon, vanilla, nutmeg, black pepper (helps the turmeric absorb into your bloodstream better), ginger and sweetener. I make it up as dry ingredients and then add a dessertspoon full to heated unsweetened almond milk. Here's a recipe with exact amounts -
@ladyfelsham Get you! flying business class to Aussie! :D 👍 Sounds a good plan too :D
Just had a look at the golden milk - sounds interesting! got the tumeric , just need the other ingredients🙄😂

Oooooh and guess what pics I found?!
That Minimins meet up we had in Birmingham !:D @Elanor
Can't even remember what year it was now?
And what happened to the others that were on here?🤷‍♀️:(


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Oh wow!!! Fab photos!!! I was so small back then, gained about a lot of stones since then. It was 2015 we all met up. I think it's only us 3 left on here, I haven't heard from anyone else in years.
@ladyfelsham Get you! flying business class to Aussie!

LOL wash your mouth out - NZ! :D

@ladyfelsham Oooooh and guess what pics I found?!
That Minimins meet up we had in Birmingham !:D @Elanor
Can't even remember what year it was now?
And what happened to the others that were on here?🤷‍♀️:(

OMG remember the t-shirts that Essie had made up for us?!

Was it really 2015 El? It was before I went to Italy, which was 2015. And since then I've lost and gained and lost and gained...

Shelley and I kept in touch and she came and stayed with me in Italy for two weeks, but she had some sad family stuff happen a couple of years ago and dropped off the radar. I'm friends with Claire (she's got a gorgeous little girl) and Candice (doesn't post very often) on FB and Lottie pops in here from time to time. I'm also still mates with Ditzee and a couple of others from way back when :).

Food today -

B - B choice wrap with A cheese and bacon, coffee, lots of coffee
L - a cheese, spinach and bacon omelette I just found in the fridge!
D - beef stew with a tiny bit of l/o courgetti
S - keeping them low, went over last night

Grey and yuck here again today. is that summer over for this year, do you think? :classic_roll_eyes:
@ladyfelsham 😂 OK ..NZ then ! ....close though!😂
I've got shelley on FB and @Elanor caz of course..and Essie..and Tracey, and also cheryl ..who was on here but not at the meet, and also some from here I haven't seen in a while on Instagram , claire i think was on my fb or IG ut i don't think is now🤔
And oh yes! those -t-shirts!😂 i vaguely remember them!

yeah, where has the summer gone?
OMG remember the t-shirts that Essie had made up for us?!

Wasn't it massive pants? I think I might still have mine somewhere. I'll have to go look.

Oh yes! Lottie does appear occasionally. I think I've got Shelley on FB, and you Denn, but no one else.
OMG they are hilarious! I left mine on the train home I think, classic. @Elanor look at your beautifully colour coordinated writing :D :D.

Gosh I've been on Minis since 2010! Had a diary in the Atkins section but moved over here in 2013. How time flies - and how the weight keeps staying with me!

That means I've been dieting for a decade (like Julia Roberts says in "Notting Hill" - and oh how similar we are lol) :eek::eek::eek:
I can't take credit for the writing. I think Essie wrote all our names on our own pairs, and the WeMittsOnTour and date, then we signed each others, I didn't get everyone's signature though. I often wonder how she is, she was lovely.

Whoever said losing weight is easy, obviously never needed/wanted to lose weight.

Good things come to those who wait.....apparently :)
OMG yes! I remember now! 😂 I have no idea what happened to mine!🤷‍♀️😂

I've been on minis since 2013 on and off , and also been dieting for that long too - well more like since i was about 19! over 3 decades😂
Part of my lifestyle now trying to get the weight off and keep it off🙄😂
Catching up now a seem to have gatecrashed a reunion. Sounds lile fun
LOL @tipperary - gatecrash away :).

Been a busy couple of days, with lots going on at home - was up at silly o'clock speaking to various family members there - so I think a nap may well be on the cards soon! Just back from taking the car out to charge the battery - people everywhere and not a single face mask among them, idiots.

B - wholemeal wrap with bacon and 1xA cheese
L - the stew that keeps on giving
D - skinny noodles with a couple of green veg steam bags
S - on the low side, WI tomorrow!

Hoping for a good result tomorrow, and a SWI this morning is looking good - but we all know how things can change overnight!
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Loving the meet-up and big pants 😂

NZ by business class! Lovely. It’ll be so good to see your family and friends Susie, really lovely❤️ X
Fingers crossed for WI. How long does eack zoom SW take
About 30 minutes, there's about 6-7 women join in. I love the consultant too, she's so supportive - so when normal group resumes I'll be going to her one for sure, and not a local unknown :).

Oops missed lunch...stew for sinner then :).