SW quiche - can I still eat it?


Yummy Mummy! xx
I made it 6 days ago. It looks fine, what do you all reckon?

Got bacon, tomatoes, cottage cheese, egg etc in it? If I heat it up??

Dont want to poison myself lol but dont particularly want to waste it and throw it out either! (tight i know, but Im on a budget!!) xx
I'd be inclined to say no, as the meat and eggs are food poisoning inducing foods and I wouldn't eat anything like that more than 2 or 3 days old.
I wouldn't trust it! I had food poisoning last year from off chicken and although I lost 5lbs that week it really wasn't worth it, I wanted to die and probably could have at the rate I was losing fluids.. although everyone at class was asking me to cook for them :p (kidding - don't eat it!)
Hmmm yea....I'd eat it if it smelt okay, but I'm a student. Says it all really!!
Especially don't eat it if you have a low immune system. I think eating lots of out of date food has given my body some kind of super immunity to mould!! Haha :D