Sweet Pink's Journey from 'Tubby Tummy' to 'Yummy Mummy' & all the bits in between!!

Sweetpink, please don't get disheartened! You've lost 4 stone in 5 months - that is absolutely fantastic! With all the changes you've made to your diet -and now fitness - your body is bound to need some time to adjust to everything at some point.

You sound like you're in the right place mentally, so just keep going. I try to average 10 syns a day rather than 15, because I do mostly green days and eat lots of carbs, so I find that usually I don't need the extra syns, because I've got a whole stock of syn free recipes I know I love and I still eat a lot of food!

Good luck for this week! x
Thanks. Its the frustration of not seeing the numbers moving on the scales when I know that actually I do deserve a good loss that frustrates me. I suppose it makes up for the occassions that I had a better loss than I maybe deserved :rolleyes:

I suppose I should be thankful that this is my first STS & that I feel my mind is in a better place to deal with it than it would have been possibly in the beginning when I saw this as a diet rather than a plan for life. I wont lie & say it hasnt got to me but rather than calming my frustration with food (like I would probably have done in the past) I hopped onto my crosstrainer & done 5k. I now feel a lot better & I will get a loss next week if it kills me!!!! :rolleyes:
Well I decided to cut back my syns everyday to 12. Cutting back from 15 to 10 just seemed a bit drastic as having my wee treats really keep me on track so I'll see how that goes before I cut back any further.

I also really enjoyed venting my frustration on my crosstrainer yesterday & have decided to try to 5k at least 5 times this week for a decent cardio workout. I know I have been doing a good 1-1 1/2 hours on the wii fit everyday but I'm going to try this & then 30- 45 minutes of yoga & muscle exercises to see if that suits me better. Then if I play any games they are more of a bonus rather than my main workout. that being said I love the stepping & boxing so I'm sure I'll fit them in somewhere ;)

Foodwise I was good yesterday. I stayed on plan, had my 1/3 superfree & had plenty of fluids to drink (water & diet coke) I feel like the plan is now just part of everyday life rather than a short term plan which is maybe part of the problem as my body is soo used to it now so hopefully shaking up the exercise might just shake things up again...well I can only try I suppose. :rolleyes:

This morning I took eldest dd to school & came home & hopped onto the crosstrainer before my breakfast so I have my 5k done for today & I actually feel really refreshed & energentic :eek: which is a good job with 2 little ones to run after all day (3 when it coes to 2pm!!)

Anyway I must get off the computer & get on with some housework before catching up on a bit of work before lunchtime.
Morning everyone :D

You know when you go shopping & you pick something up & think that there is no way on earth that will fit me & then you go into the fitting room & as discover that not only does it fit but that its too big!!!!!!:eek: Well thats my little NSV!!! I went into the changing room with an 18 but seeing as it was a silk mix top with no give in it I took a 20 in with me too just incase. I optimistically tried the 18 on first & couldnt believe it when I need the next size down
I guess I must be losing inches even though the scales arent being very kind to me at the minute. It was just the boost I needed coz although I refuse to give up I have felt a little disheartened this week :(

Oh & while I was out I spotted a lovely top in the sale (down from£55 to £7) but it was a size 12 so I bought it & that can be my motivation as I really want to wear it as soon as I can (this summer would be nice :cool:)

Foodwise yesterday was another good day & I managed only 10 1/2 syns & managed to use 1/2 a HeA (I really struggle with milk :() I have been watching everything I put in my mouth this week & am checking portion sizes etc (even though I dont usually have huge portions) I really want to succeed in reaching my target this time & be able to maintain it. Maintaining it does scare me a bit but I guess thats all part of the journey (I really should rename this diary sweet pinks journey to hell & back in search of Slimville!!!! )

Exercise wise I did struggle a bit this morning to find my motivation to climb onto the crosstrainer but I made myself do it & do feel better for it....I'm just loving the energy its giving me & I really feel great after it I'm glad I gave myself a kick up the backside this morning to get on with it. I really need to set myself a little challenge or something to aim for as I love targets to keep me motivated so must get thinking about that.
Sounds like buying that top has definitely increased your motivation:) You have done amazingly well so far and your menus look really tasty. All that ecersize is probably why you haven't seen a huge shift in lb recently, and rather more in your measurements. Wish I could motivate myself to do some exercise - at the moment I'm still blaming darkness and cold weather as we have no gym equipment inthe house and I gave the wii fit to my mum after I never used it...!!

Keep up the good work :)
Woohoo! Well done on your NSV Sweetpink - and on keeping up your exercise routine! Hope the scales are kinder to you this week. x
Ok so I need to vent my frustration somewhere so I can properly move on. I've just had my 2nd STS in a row despite being 100% on plan the past 2 weeks. The week before I did have a decent loss but its starting to feel a bit like 1 step forward then 2 steps back. I've been stuck in the 15's since Christmas & I really want to move down into the 14's so I'm going to attempt a few red days & see if that kickstarts things a bit.

Anyhow this is my first red meal plan so if anything isnt right please let me know.

42g All bran (HeB) with a mullerlight & half a grapefruit

4 lean bacon with scrambled eggs & 1/4 melon

2 cups of peppermint tea

spiced chicken with 57g wholegrain rice (HeB), chillis, carrots, spring onions, soy sauce (might have to experiment with that one a bit)

snack a jacks 4.5
highlights choc mousse 3
options made with 250ml of semi skimmed (HeA + 2syns)

Total 9.5 syns
Well friday meal plan had to hange slightly as I discovered that I couldnt have wholegrain rice as a HeB on red so I played safe & had an omlette instead.

It felt like such an achievement to manage a whole day of red so I decided to take it one day at a time & see how I manage & despite spending all day saturday with a stinking headache & the fact that I would have given my right arm for a lovely bit bowl of rice I am now on my 4th red day :D I even gave up my usual weekly takeaway last night. Mind you it was in favour of a BBQ (all SW friendly) so don't feel too sorry for me :p

I've also upped the exercise again so I'm now doing my sit ups every morning & evening as well as 30 minutes on the crosstrainer every evening. I'm still using my wii fit but thats in addition to anything else rather than instead. I do fancy some shake weights though after reading some reviews about them so I might just have to treat myself to some next month to get my arms toned for all of these pretty summer dresses that I intend to be wearing :D

Anyway the headache seems to have subsided today thankfully so I will try to carry on with my red days until wi on friday to get a better picture of how it works for me. If the result is good I might treat myself to an extra easy day on friday (that really does sound like such a treat now!!!) & then go back to reds after that.
Well I have just completed my first week of red in order to mix things up a bit & I'm thrilled to say that I have lost 1.5lbs!!! The first couple of days were tough as my body was really craving carbs especially rice when I found out it wasnt on the HeB list but I managed & not only that I actually enjoyed it. I felt like I had a lot more portion control with red & still felt full. I loved the fact that I didnt have to have 1/3 superfree with every meal as I have sometimes had difficulty in having my 1/3 with my actual meal which really is the point of EE. To be honest when I looked through my diary this morning I probably had more superfree throughout the week than I would on an EE as I was reaching for fruit as snacks. Same goes for speed & superspeed foods as I was eating a lot of chicken & fish rather than too many carbs which I think was probably my downfall a bit over the last few months when my losses have slowed down.

Today though I am going to have an EE day purely because I would like to have a bowl of rice albeit a more portion controlled one but tomorrow I plan to go back to a red day. I'm soo happy with my loss this week even though I saw the time I might have been disappointed with 1.5lb. Now though I appreciate that every lb or 0.5lb counts & every single one is helping me get closer to my target weight. That being said I would really really love to lose 2lb this week simply because that would get me into the 14 stone range which is one of my mini targets & it would also get me my 5 stone shiney.

I had my bacon & scrambled eggs this morning & lunch is going to be pasta & sauce & sweetcorn (oh soo naughty on a red!! :p) & tea tonight will be salmon & rice. This all actually feels like a real treat which is great as I woke up this morning with that holiday feeling. Strange I know but I think it will keep me on track :rolleyes:

I hope everyone else is having a lovely day too
Well lets just say I am in shock!! I don't know if it is a coincidence or not but after my EE day yesterday where I had white rice & white pasta I had a severe attack of the munchies in the evening time. Thankfully I managed to keep it under control & stick to my syns (to be honest I only used 7 1/2 of them) & tried to keep my snacks as superfree. As well as that I felt really bloated after my lunch & tea. As I say it could be a coincidence but it definately wasnt a nice feeling after feeling really in control thrughout last week. I'm back on red today to see if I can loss that precious 2lb to get my 5 stone shiney though so long as its not going on I am happy. Anyway I just thought I would check in with how I felt yesterday to see if anyone else has felt like that. In future I definately think I will stick to wholegrain :rolleyes:
Well after my EE day on friday & did a red day on saturday & then decided to try a green day on sunday which wasn't bad at all so I definately think I will add a few of those into my week now too. Now I know what everyone means by enjoying their 2 Healthy Extras!!!! ;)

I've been back on red since sunday & I have to admit that I do feel better on a red. I know its probably psychological but I feel I have overindulged on EE now even though I know I havent. I happy to mix the plans up now & at the minute thats suiting me great as I'm enjoying the variety & the newness of planning for red & green days.

Hopefully I'll be able to get back on my crosstrainer today as my knee is feeling a lot better & get back on track with my exercise too. Body Magic hasnt been neglected though as I've spent the last 3 days working in our garden which was fun though tiring!!

Anyway today is a red day & my meal plan is as follows

42g All bran (HeB) with banana & custard mullerlight
1/2 grapefruit

SNACK - apple

3 SW approved sausages 3 syns
scrambled eggs

salmon, veg, 227g potato sliced (HeB)

snack a jacks 4.5
highlights mousse 3
options hot choc made with 250 ml semi skimmed (2 syns + HeA)
Hi Sweet - I have only just spotted your diary!

I will be reading with interest, as I think I need to cut down on the carbs too, so very interested to see how you get on! x
Thank you Spanx :D

Well today I am stuck at home (sick kids) with an empty fridge. Some might think that is good & I cant really go wrong but the odd bits & pieces that are in the fridge & cupboards are not SW friendly. So my red day today has not been very adventurous though the omlette I had for lunch was yummy. It was chicken & bacon & really fluffy!!! Thankfully I have 1 apple which I will keep for an afternoon snack & hubby is going to nip into tescos on the way home from work for supplies.

After reading through a few threads it got me thinking about how I used to view food when I was growing up & ultimately how I ended up needing to lose weight in the first place. Treats really weren't treats as we got them far too regularly for them to really be any kind of treat. Even the word treat has a certain feel good about it though before you even add the sugary sweets into the mix. I think my parents thought they were being kind but they were partial to a few treats themselves so I always viewed sitting down to a big bar of chocolate as pretty normal. Then there was the convenience foods...freezer...to oven...to plate. This was a normal family meal. I will never forget findus crispy pancakes....eeeuuurrrgggghhhh!!!! Again at the time I ate them & my parents probably thought they were doing the right thing as I was a fussy eater as a child. Fortunately when I was younger & right up until I had my children I was always very active so even though I wasnt the slimmest I wasnt huge either. Then of course when I had the kids it wasnt as easy & I didnt have the same time to keep up my activity levels. Added to that there was the baby weight I needed to lose too. I tried cutting back & changing my ways of eating but without any clear direction it was easy to slip back into my old ways. Over the next couple of years I had 2 more children so 3 lots of baby weight along with years of eating unhealthy snacks (my own meals actually didnt need a lot of adjusting to make them SW friendly) & here I am. I am.

Now 6 months into my journey & almost 5 stone lighter I know that I will eventually get my weight down to what it was in my teens & not only that but I know I can maintain that through a healthy diet. The most rewarding thing of all is that my children will grow up with the knowledge of how to eat healthily & that 'treats' are ok in moderation. One of my aunts who has been following my SW journey closely says all the women in our family struggle with their weights & that it is down to genes which is probably true in part but I hope that the knowledge I give my children regarding healthy eating mean that they won't have to struggle with their weight when they are older & I can put a stop to that trend. Another aunt who has told me that I am too thin (should have gone to specsavers :rolleyes:) told me at Christmas to have a few days off plan....then New Year have it off plan....then what about all the birthdays & other family & social occassions throughout the year too? Will I have them all off plan?? She said yes of course.... you cant starve yourself all the time!!! I rest my case!!!! :sigh:
I'm soo chuffed today. Despite * arriving I managed a 2lb loss this week so I do think a balance of mostly red days seem to work for me. I think its the carb control more than anything as I do love my carbs :eek: So that means that I'm into a new stoneage...14's..but I don't plan to stay there for any longer than I have to so 13's here I come!!! :p Not only that but I have my 5 stone shiney. I'm still 6.5lbs away from my Easter target of 14st 7lb but I think that might be a bit ambitious with only a couple of weeks to go. Its still nice to have a mini target in mind & I'm sure I'll get there.

Now just need to concentrate on onwards & downwards & all those lovely clothes I will be able to wear when I get to target
What a lovely weekend!!! We had a BBQ on saturday evening which was absolutely fab just a pity the sunshine has gone today :(

Anyway I am back to a red day today (I madea bit of a boob over the weekend but enough said about that!!! ;)) & hoping for a nice loss this week again. I spent most the weekend gardening which has surely got to be good for the body magic & I plan to start back on my crosstrainer today now that my knee is feeling better.

I'm also enjoying that feeling when my clothes are all starting to feel loose again so I better start saving for another new wardrobe ;) I've also had a few comments from people about my weightloss which really feels good as I know I don't seem to notice it as much as others even though I see the numbers moving on the scales. I'm still soooo excited to finally be in the 14's (even if it is only by 1/2lb at the minute) & even more excited about reaching the 13's!!! Like my husband would say...typically I am never happy!!! lol

Hope everyone else is having a lovely day
Just back to update that I managed to do just over 6kms on the crosstrainer this afternoon which is a bit less than I normally do but better than giving myself another injury!!! :eek:

My husband also challenged me to see how many press ups I could manage (easy one) coz I was complaining about wanting to tone up my arms for the summer. Well I rather pathetically only managed 5 before I collapsed in a heap so i think I might need to work on that one!!! :eek:

I've a few syns saved for my bedtime hot choc made with milk which I am really looking forward to. I think tomorrow will be another red day & I really fancy some smoked haddock for tea so will have to go shopping in the morning & if the weather is nice I might take the kids for a nice long walk!!!
Shanny, Glad you found it. Hope you manage to make some sense of all of my waffle :rolleyes:

Well this evening I got on the crosstrainer while watching Eastenders & managed to do 11.76kms while watching. Who says TV is bad for you!!! lol

Today has been another red day. Rather unambitious I'm afraid.

banana & custard mullerlight with 42g of all bran (HeB) followed by a grapefruit

kippers & a small green salad (quite n achievement for someone who doesnt like salad but the kippers were delicious :p)

mullerlight & apple

smoked haddock, potato slices (HeB) & veg

1/2 melon
snack a jacks (4.5 syns)
highlights mousse (3 syns)
alpen light (3 syns)
options with milk (2 syns plus HeA)
Weigh in this morning and 2.5lbs down.....just another 57 to go!!! I'm thrilled to be another few pounds into the 14's & another few pounds closer to the 13's too ;). I honestly cannot remember the last time that I was this weight...probably in my teens!!!!:eek:

Anyway I think mainly red seems to be suiting me at the moment. I love my carbs so it definately gives me 'carb control'. Today is treat day though which for me doesn't mean a binge of any kind instead I have an EE day & enjoy one of my favourite meals (salmon with soy sauce rice) for lunch as my WI treat!!! I'm not sure what I will have yet for tea..its one of those disorganised days for me unfortunately but I need a trip to tescos this afternoon so will decide before then :rolleyes:.

So this morning so far I have had 42g All bran with mullerlight for breakfast followed by 1/2 grapefruit & will be having salmon, rice & veg for lunch. There is a lovely ripe melon in the fruit calling my name too so thats on the menu for today at some point too. Plus I might make some of the syn free lemon meringue that I found on the recipe section on here. I made it for the first time this week & I have to admit I was a bit unsure at first but it kind of grew on me as I ate it & by the end I was actually enjoying it. Don't you just love syn free treats :rolleyes: