

Still fighting
Ok I have terrible tiredness so bad that I'm falling asleep at my desk at work. I feel like ive had a terrible nights sleep on waking in the morning! I do have to get up to the loo at least once sometimes twice in the night and the loo is downstairs so that tends to wake me and takes me a while ot settle!

My other major symptom is constant hunger even after eating a meal after 15 mins I feel hungry again. Finally most bothersome symptom is swollen ankles - I have a desk job and come about 2pm my ankles are so swollen and tight and tender difficult to even walk on!

Anyone got any idea if this is diabetes or anything else?

Hi, tiredness and waking to go to the loo at night are certainly symptoms of diabetes. Are you sure that it's hunger and not thirst? because that's another major symptom - just before I was diagnosed I was driving the family insane with leaving a glass of water in every room of the house! You definitely need to go and see your GP to check out what's going on, and as you've asked the questions about your symptoms you know things aren't normal for you. The sooner you are diagnosed properly the sooner you'll feel better.
Good luck