t2g weekly weigh ins

Week 1 (20.2.13) -12lbs (212lbs -200lbs)
Week 2 (27.2.13) + 2lbs (202lbs)
Week 3 (6.3.13) - 5lbs (197lbs)
Week 4 (13.3.13) -3lbs (194)
Week 5 (20.3.13) -2lbs (192)
Week 6 (28.3.13) -4lbs (188lbs)
week 7 (3.4.13) +1lb (189lbs)
week 8 (10.4.13) - 5lbs (184)
week 9 (17.4.13) - 2lbs (182)

So I made it to 13stone. I cannot believe I got as low as that, I am just back from an all you can eat holiday and I am afraid to say I may have gone overboard - did do a lot of walking and to be fair it was a holiday and life is for living. I was not sure what I was going to do after this holiday as I have now finished my packs but I have decided I am going to do another 4 weeks, to be started after saturday though as I have a drinking and eating occsion then and I do not often get these. I am going to continue with my weekly weigh in though to asses the damage from holiday lol between now and sunday I am going to calorie count and back to running. I am going to attempt my 6 mile route tomorrow or at least some point this week, which is unbelievable considering I didnt even think I would be able to complete my 1.5 mile run just 3 weeks ago! just go to show you gotta give things a try. even if i do not run it all I will still do 6 miles worth exercies x
you are doing so well between weight loss and running. Great.
mere x
Weight loss brilliant. And how fantastic to get from 1.5 miles to 6 miles n 3 weeks. As you say even if you don't walk all the way you will be able to measure how long it takes this week and then measure how long it takes next time you do it. God luck x
aw i did not do the 6 miles. took my husbands advice and done the 4 mile route. and ran it all! i cannot believe this. gonna do the 4 mies again 2 or 3 times and then try the 6 miles. when i started i didnt even think i would be able to do the 1.5 mile route!!!

i have lost 8 inches from my bust, 6 from my hips, 3 for each of my thighs and 4 from my stomach. its amazing seeing the numbers but still doesnt seem real. i am so loose i really need to tone up!! x
The amount of inches you have lost is amazing T2G you must feel as if you are running on air.
Mere x
Week 1 (20.2.13) -12lbs (212lbs -200lbs)
Week 2 (27.2.13) + 2lbs (202lbs)
Week 3 (6.3.13) - 5lbs (197lbs)
Week 4 (13.3.13) -3lbs (194)
Week 5 (20.3.13) -2lbs (192)
Week 6 (28.3.13) -4lbs (188lbs)
week 7 (3.4.13) +1lb (189lbs)
week 8 (10.4.13) - 5lbs (184)
week 9 (17.4.13) - 2lbs (182)
week 10 (24.4.13) +4lbs (186)

sad to see the weight go up but tbh I am happy with that gain cinsidering I came straight off exante onto an all you can eat holiday! eek. I have been calorie counting since coming back at around 1200 calories. doing ok. looking forward to getting back onto exante. would start tomorrow if it wasnt for this event on saturday. it is weird having hunger pangs again. i am quite pleased with my mentality to food, thought i would go into binge mode when i stop and pleased I have not. hope weight doesnt go up anymore before i start exante, would be amazing to stop around here!
today was day one on diet, didnt got great - had 5 milk tray sweet :-( other than that done well! I was down to 184 yesterday morning so lost 2lbs of my 4lb holiday gain in only 4 days! ok so i just put 194 instead of 184 it does take so long for brain to ctach up doesnt it! hopefully have a loss before wed weigh in but we will see as already blew today and doing nightshifts always increases my weight for a few days x
Well done for get two pounds back....I bet you lose the other two in the next week
Week 1 (20.2.13) -12lbs (212lbs -200lbs)
Week 2 (27.2.13) + 2lbs (202lbs)
Week 3 (6.3.13) - 5lbs (197lbs)
Week 4 (13.3.13) -3lbs (194)
Week 5 (20.3.13) -2lbs (192)
Week 6 (28.3.13) -4lbs (188lbs)
week 7 (3.4.13) +1lb (189lbs)
week 8 (10.4.13) - 5lbs (184)
week 9 (17.4.13) - 2lbs (182)
week 10 (24.4.13) +4lbs (186)
week 11 (1.5.13) - 4lbs (182)

yay :) my next weigh in and i will b 12 stone something OMG!! so with 5 days calorie counting and two days exante I have lost my 4lbs weight gain I am so pleased and actually cannot believe I am going to be 12 stone something!! and maybe by end of this month I might be 11 stone something.... eeek! lets try for that!!!
Well done T2G. I was listening to a program on BBC Scotland this morning about the 5 2 diet and saying eat healthy for 5 days and semi fast ie Exante type diet for 2 days. Supposed to be very good for your health and you are living proof that you can lose substantial amounts using that method.
Mere x
Well done t2g!!!

Bet you cannot wait!! Hope your in the 12s next weigh in! That's what I'm aiming for!!
T2g...well done. What a brilliant loss...12's to be hit next week
thank you :) blew diet early hours this morning though whilst at work. thats annoying! well back on it might lower my may goal to 10lbs though...
As long as you are right back on it..that works for me
Well, I did not get back on it. I had a weekend from hell! and as I was already off plan I decided to take that stress away. I am however back on it today and I am not weighing either to try not disappoint myself. I have not yet decided how long to stay away from scales but it will at least be wednesday but I am actually considering longer. I did wanna get into 11s by end of may but really I have not got a reason to be there by then other than the fact it would have been nice so not stressing or getting upset about it, I had a lovely meal with OH last night and a very large serving of icecream and it has been a while since I have been able to say that and I have no guilt about it.

I am struggling at work for whatever reason so I have made a decision, I am going to have 2 bars at work if needed - ok i know 2 bars are not recommended but got to be better than the biscuits and toast and sweets i am going for! and i am also going to have a meal seperate from my packs - i normally have veg along with my pasta but instead of this i am going to plan a seperate meal of salad or stir fry! i think this will get me through my at work munching! x
You have to do what will work for you and if this is your way of getting through your day, that has to be good. As long as you STS of lose gradually that will be great.

good luck today x
I work nights! and Im awake at least 24 hours if not 36 lol so it can be difficult. I have been doing ok and have unintentionally went too long between packs without realising but past few shifts have been a struggle and each shift I have been a little bit naughty more and more and more each shift. kinda crept up on me!

I do agree what you say about this being something that we need to manage ourselves and do what we need to do so we can achieve our goal of weight loss! x
If having two bars works for you I see no harm. As you say better than biscuits etc. I split my bar and eat half at night while watching TV with hubby because he snacks then and I would rather eat the bar than crisps or sweet popcorn!
Mere x
Week 1 (20.2.13) -12lbs (212lbs -200lbs)
Week 2 (27.2.13) + 2lbs (202lbs)
Week 3 (6.3.13) - 5lbs (197lbs)
Week 4 (13.3.13) -3lbs (194)
Week 5 (20.3.13) -2lbs (192)
Week 6 (28.3.13) -4lbs (188lbs)
week 7 (3.4.13) +1lb (189lbs)
week 8 (10.4.13) - 5lbs (184)
week 9 (17.4.13) - 2lbs (182)
week 10 (24.4.13) +4lbs (186)
week 11 (1.5.13) - 4lbs (182)
week 12 (8.5.13) sts! (182)

not a good weigh in :-( but then i havent been 100% this week and I am just off 2 night shifts which always make me go up for a few days. I am hoping for 3lbs lost this week but I am so far behind on my may target I may drop it. I will decide next week what I am going to do. bit down today but realistic. I am much smaller and lighter than I ever thought I would be so really a stay the same is not a big deal and the compliments I have been getting this week is better unreal and embarrassing!

So here is the start of the next week. And I am doing 3 shifts this week :-(! but I will get through them! x
Yah for the compliments. You are due for a big weight loss next week.
Mere x