T_T's (hopefully!) dimishing returns!

Just trying not to dwell on it. It was exactly what I want to be doing and jobs in that sector just don't come up very often at all. Doesn't help that I'm starting to loathe the thought of even coming into work... Just need to keep my head down and get on with it.

Wicked! was absolutely amazing. So glad we went (and I don't even regret the pizza afterwards!)

B - banana, blueberries, raspberries and strawberries with fat free Greek yogurt.

L - jacket potato with cottage cheese. Mango and nectarine. Free rhubarb crumble yogurt.

D - mushroom pasta dish. Not sure on a sauce just yet... will have a look over some recipes today to make a decision.

S - pear. Sugar snaps, cherry tomatoes and carrots. Mini SW quiches.

Feeling a bit under the weather today. I guess it's a combination of job disappointment and all the bugs flying around. So many people have been off work recently.
Seems like I managed to get hit by a bus... in my sleep. Still feeling rough this morning and have next to know voice. Another day at home for me. I am planning on trying to go to WI tonight though; will just have to see how I feel. Dosed up on pain killers and flu tablets and drinking a stupid amount of water.

Not really very hungry, but will be trying to stick to plan.
Boo - seems feeling better last night was just to lull me into a false sense of security. Feel terrible again this morning and voice has practically gone. Another day in bed :-( Annoyed, as I really did want to be back in work today. I have Monday booked off as holiday and I think it just reflects badly on me. Not a lot I can do, as need my voice to be able to do my job...

Also hoping to feel up to body conditioning tomorrow morning. I'm hoping that feeling better yesterday was a sign that I am on the mend, at least. I am still achy and feel super weary. Rest and fluids on the books!

B - will have some fruit in a bit.

L - going to make some minestrone soup and mini quiches.

D- Quorn steak strips with pasta in a creamy sauce and lots of green veg.

LOADS of water! And some mint green tea, 'cause it made me feel better yesterday. Although another day of day time TV is making me want to hurt someone. Might have to watch movies instead. Or grab my book.