Take two, go!

Well Ladies - After my wobble yesterday I was well rewarded - 7lb loss this week so very very happy. Hopefully this will keep me spurred on til December!!! What about you Kamikat - How'd it go?
Well done Seabre! Good on you for staying strong :D And 22lb already, that's amazing!

Lost 2.2lb, that'll teach me to cheat >_<
Seabre!!! That's fantastic!!! Well done :) :) hope you are really proud of yourself!

Kami - don't beat yourself up - 2.2 lbs is still a great loss. Better 2lbs off than on!!

I'm having a very hungry Monday.... Think it's the cold weather. :)
Thanks Girls!!! Skinny you are exactly right - Kamikat 2.2lbs is a great loss by any standards - I just have so much more to loose its bound to be coming off me a little quicker!!! Just think - You had your wee cheat (you are only human) chalk it up and move on - You still had a great loss and the last thing you want to be doing is beating yourself up! What we are doing is very, very tough and not many could do it!! Give yourself the pat on the back you deserve - You are a strong person - Stick with it!!!
You girls are far too forgiving :p Thanks, I'll do my best this week!
Day 23
So our neighbour's back wall has blown into our garden in the storm... nobody was hurt thankfully, but it certainly startled us! My housemate and I are trying to get that sorted with the landlord/house owner/neighbour at the moment. I briefly thought of going out for lunch to get our minds off it, but she's trying to lose weight for surgery and I'm trying to lose weight here so we didn't tempt each other.
Good for you Kamikat - I'd normally be the first to see that as a perfectly valid excuse!!! You're strong girl!
Aw thanks Seabre, it's so much easier at home now that my housemate's on a diet as well, she's calorie-counting to lose weight for a tonsillectomy. Going out is still an issue, I have three events in November (dinner party on 8th, weekend-away 14th-17th, my birthday 26th) so I might take the month off LT and go keto then instead.
Yeah Kamikat - I know what you mean, might be better option rather than beating yourself up either trying to resist a lot of temptation or giving in and feeling guilty about it. I have been doing a lot of research on Atkins /Low Carb and i think that is def the way to go after Lipo - I think you could still loose if you kept in Keto. Will be very interested to see how it goes for you so PLEASE don't leave the thread!! (Always looking after my own interests lol) Keep me posted and do whatever feels right - I know I def couldn't do all those occasions while on this so......
If only they were all in the same week :p Thing is, my birthday's not far from Xmas so part of me worries that if I go off-plan, I'd not want to be back on it for just 3 weeks and refeed for Christmas (I am NOT LT-ing that day!). But I wouldn't be able to avoid the temptations on those days in November. Oh decisions decisions. I could maybe just keep LT-ing and have those couple of days as planned 'cheat' days? Oh I don't know!
Day 26
Sneezy, shivery, head spinning, throwing up from the rear end :( Hopefully it's just a day-virus or something. I'm trying to get myself to finish just this one job application due today, then I'll let myself get to bed and watch TV. Amazon Prime lets me stream, I'm now on Season 4 of Buffy :)
Poor you Kamikat!!! I'm not a great sufferer at the best of times but when on this....... Hope you feel better tom x
Thanks Seabre, feeling loads better today :)
I woke up at about 1pm, pottered about in the house, had a shake and then went to my friend's picnic. Resisted, which is good. From there a group of us went to a folk dance, which was really good fun, and now it's nearly 11pm and I've still only had that one meal. Not hungry, but should eat...
...so I had my two meals, and stayed up until 7am >_< I woke up about half an hour ago, apparently my housemate had been shifting furniture all morning and had knocked a few times so I must have been very deeply asleep!
Thats strange Kamikat - I had a long lie in this morning - didn't get up til 1pm!!! Hubby was great to let that happen ;) But I couldn't face anything but black coffee til @5.30pm when I had my first shake.... I have half a chocolate shake in my coffee now but it just seems that I have absolutely NO appetite these days!!! Still have cravings though.... On another note though - My Dad gave me his Vibro plate machine!!! He has never used it (picked it up ina liquidation sale a few years ago) It is installed in my living room at the min where I can use it when watching telly lol!!! Kids love it though so may have to move it at some point! Have you ever used one?? Skinny - you??? They are supposed to be very good way of toning especially when losing weight quickly! Worth a shot heh???
Ooh have never used vibro plate but I'd love to! Let me know how you get on with it. Oh profiteroles!! That's just cruel!!!! I won't even tell you what I'm craving at the mo- I am flipping terrible for visualising food these days :)
I Know - I'm the same - I have noticed how 90% of ads on TV are for food - and even the type of food I would never eat are tempting me now!!! It will be interesting when the Celebrity Jungle comes back on cos every year I be looking at some of the food advertised fr Iceland and thinking YUCK!! But I bet this year I'll be livking my lips! The Bush Tucker Trials will be prob be appealing too lol
The advantages of not having a TV, no food adverts :p
I tried vibration plates after my last round of LT, it's hard to say how much difference that made since I took up running at the same time. I will say that my muscles felt more energised and ready to run afterwards!
Ha ha I'm def watching I'm a celeb too and yes Iceland party food is probably going to look amazing lol. It'll all be worth it when we're skinny little things for Xmas :) bought a coast dress for my work Xmas party the last day in a size 10. Determined to slink into it!!! Xxx
Hooray for the motivational dress Mindy!
Today I weighed in and have lost over 4.5lb, yay, and my jeans now fit, yay! :D