
I found the rib a really nasty place, and my hip bone, ouch
hehe yes the ribs did hurt a tad. i had my foot done first and it hurt alot! (sorry to scare you charisma! :() it took 2 hours more or less. so i though oh nothing can be worse than that, i'll have my ribs done and wasn't too shy about the size! hmmm was i wrong...i think the ribs was the worst pain i have ever been in (mind you i have never given birth, so i expect its a doddle compared to that) but it will all be worth it yay!
but charisma, if you really want one, do it, its worth it- a bit of pain for something pretty for the rest of your life :)

I've added a tattoo that I want to my albums. I couldn't find a really good piccy of a Jasmine flower so I thought a Jasmine Fairy (because that's what my little girl is after all) would be just as nice.
I'm still undecided what detail I'm wanting and what I'm not as the picture looks a bit like a playing card at the moment which I obviously don't want.
Let me know what you guys think!:D
I think it would be lovely as a tattoo, yeah I would have a serious think about the detail and maybe chat to your tattooist.