tazbabe's show and tell

got home safe and sound around 9pm, stopped on the way to shop at gretna gateway, then in annan for a fab meal, nom nom! (and atkins friendly too!).
said hello to the dogs, fell into bed.

fantastic weekend, thank you all for just being you, loved the carry on and nonsense, very us!

Carry on and nonsense - how very dare you? :eek::D:D:D
Glad you got home safely M&S, the trip down sounded like a total nightmare. And it was so lovely to meet you both. Next time I'll be in the carrying-on till the wee small hours group, instead of the sensible go to bed early because the children wake at 6 group, and then I'll prolly get an egg too! (Not really sure what the connection is though...)

Or maybe I'll be the one taking the eggs - seriously thinking of chooks now.
Oh sorry clare - think ive got your egg! Consider it payment for dinner starter:)
PMSL at the egg thief amongst us! That's totally heinous compared to my teeny crime of just stuffing my face with your starter missy! :eek:
ah the eggs...i had hoped that there was going to be enough for everyone to have one, but the girls just didn't perform quite well enough last week....so it was whoever was there at the time that i remembered to hand them out! glad you liked them though :)
its like winter agin out there, sleet almost snow falling, was warm sunshine yesterday, we played in the garden all afternoon! think i'll stay here in bed for a while yet.... (been out to do the animals)
Morning Marty and Steve, LOL @ the egg thief, has Steve finished playing with his chopper in the garden?
Laying? Ooh, what do snow eggs look like?

(sorry!) I actually can't imagine having to deal with more snow. I've been cold since November and it's only just starting to improve. I hate too hot weather but am seriously starting to daydream about spending winters somewhere warm.
Good morning everybody!!
Jim, my chopper is definitely not going to be out in the snow!!
Just found the lead for my camera, so now I can transfer the photos over, upload them and post them ASAP.....

are those geese? Yum Yum I love a goose egg, and ducks eggs to be honest :)
Brrr - hate snow (bah humbug etc)
Warmer down south :)
looks lovely, but you can keep it thanks Steve :)
unsurprisingly, we are having a 'stay in the house day' so we have finally managed to sort out my lappy, which has been playing up a bit lately, running very well now, yay!