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On "Myfitnesspal" it say that black tea has 2 calories and black coffee from grounds has 2 calories.... I always thought they were calorie free?
Can anyone please tell me if these should be counted or not because if you drink a few brews in the day the calories can mount up without you realising :(
I believe plain black coffee is ..nearly negligable, but I track everything on mfp, since I can get through a fair amount, would add them on, Saying this I wouldnt stress about the 8 (for four cups) cals either!!
I would not mind AT ALL about the calories in plain tea & coffee unless you're literally having HUNDREDS of cups a day, LOL. :D
I don't track black tea or coffee, I only track the milk I put in them if I add some. I wouldn't stress about 2 calories anyway even if it did contain 2 calories.
And this is what it says on the Dolce Gusto website

"Plain coffee is exempt from nutrition labeling, insignificant nutritional value."