Team 14 - Scream if you wanna go faster! - Official Thread

well done on your first weigh in. That is great news I hope you have an equally as good loss next week:) . I lose 10 my first week and 11 the following. It's great how quick you can lose on CD.

Wow Hypa, when you lose you lose!!! You've got the most amazing losses - having done Lighter Life before I'm not expecting anything anywhere near as good as yours .... you must be made up - well done. - Have just read your blog, will follow it closely if you keep it updated :)

WannaB - just put it behind you please, don't kick yourself or let it run round in your head, you did what you did for the necessity of keeping your job and diet separately. I'm gonna have to do this starting as from next Monday when there are various work meals etc.... just have to do what I can.

Thanks Irene - oh am I happy :D
Morning everyone

Cold and icy in Glasgow.

Wannabeslim, Irene is right - forget it and get back on the wagon. You will do great now - just keep thinking about last time.

There are going to be a few people hitting similar situations over the next few weeks. I have my "Christmas Shopping" day out coming up this week. I am planning on having a veggie burger (without the bun etc etc) and some plain salad for lunch and the same for dinner (well, its not as if I am used to variety these days :))

Well done Katie - great start for you.

Thanks Nelli, it's all feeling good so far.

We've got the same weather as you, all the snow that was still on the ground has turned to ice.
morning ladies,

Well just got back from my CDC house and have lost -7.5 pounds this week wahey:D . So I am chuffed with that.hope you all have good weigh in's this week. anna xxx

PS: mental note to self i must start updating blog
Another brilliant loss - well done. 43lbs in 5 weeks is amazing, hope you're dancing with joy :)
Wow well done hun that's fab! Yay you guys are all doing so well, I feel like I'm letting the side down.

Work sprung a random lunch outing on me today, and, well you know the story. Only problem was it was at... MCDONALDS!! I got away with having just chicken nuggets, but still its gutting! I dont know how many carbs is in them, hoping not too many. I have had 1 pack so far today and there were 347 cals in the chicken nugs so if I don't have anything else today and have a vit tablet, I should get away with the cal content... but my concern is the carbs. Am going to go away and investigate now. Fingers crossed its not much!

From now on I have decided though, I'm just going to have to find excuses to duck out of work do's until the 19th, otherwise I'll never lose an oz!

Ok so its 30g of carbs (only 1g of which sugars so I guess that's something, good carbs lol). Now in 2 CD packs there are a total of 32g carbs... so I've had less than I would if I had my normal packs... and considering there's no rule on when you can have your packs (i.e. you could have 2 one after the other)I'm assuming that having 30g carbs in one go wont do me any harm...

Feel better now, as hopefully this means I haven't delayed ketosis setting in. I have the yucky taste in my mouth so it may be I am already lightly in it... maybe tomorrow.

Fingers crossed! xxx
Anna - well done - there is no holding you back :) - Not that we'd want to - Fantastic.

Katie - you will be right up there with her soon.

Wannabeslim - it is so hard at the best of times, never mind this time of year. Good luck with the next two weeks.

I've been in meetings all day - and not ones I could keep running to the loo from - so I still have most of the water to drink which means I will be up all night - should probably just take a duvet in and sleep on the floor :)


PS It is freezing here still
wannab - hopefully it won't hit you and you're body will just accept them ..... you are good to just stop at eating the nuggets!

I'm trying to get out of a team dinner for 17 of us next Monday and then another afternoon there is a food afternoon planned in my building where everyone will bring in different dishes - tho the food there will no doubt be tempting I'm hoping that as it will be buffet style to just put food on a plate, move it around and bin it.

There is a meal/do that I am going to eat and drink at as it's a great big all day/night one for work, so that's going to be my only planned day off the diet. Am fully hoping/planning on sticking to SS through the holidays --- would love to see a good loss after Christmas rather than the usual gain.

Nelli - you need to sleep sat on the loo :)
Sad Facts

I have a spreadsheet that I started keeping when I did LL - needless to say it went by the board after the fact, however, I did resurrect it when I started CD, From it I pulled the following facts and I don't know whether to be horrified at the results or surprised at how versatile by body is to have coped with all of this.

  • With Lighter Life, from Jan 08 – May 08 I lost 68lb, 1lb every 1.85 days :D
  • Between May and January 08, I put ON 42lb in 238 days or 1lb every 5.56 days or 1.2lb per week :eek:
  • For two months, I stayed the same - what on earth was going on :confused:
  • Between March and September, I put on another 19lb. Not bad (for me) at .69lb per week :break_diet:
  • Now, with CD, I have lost 54lb in 84 days or 4.5lbs per week. :D
Gosh - how I need to really get a long term grip.


PS Looking at this is all part of my "Life after CD plan"
I am doing SS+ this week my CDC said to do it for a week or two plus i would quite like a little chicken so that's what I doing and i did enjoy it today felt a bit more normal loll.

I have my driving test in a few days and I am getting really nervous I just hope I can pass fingers crossed. I made a screw up of Telford way road about here its horrid if you go first left u go in left lane 2md or third left middle lane then right lane its weird and awkward and even everyday drivers make this balls up till they get used to it.

Hope you all have a good day tomorrow . Have another lesson tomorrow thank god.
Glad to hear the ss+ is going well - mmm chicken :)

Wish you all the best of luck with the driving test, just take it easy, relax as much as possible - good luck with tomorrows lesson.
Morning everyone! It is nice to come back and read through lots of messages. With our support we're all going to do so well! Go team!

I went to Manchester for training yesterday. Took a bar and a mousse but they laid on food and, in the end, I had a small ham salad. Seemed like a good compromise (am on SS+) then had my mousse for tea. It was weirds though watching everyone else eat and only one girl dared ask why I wasn't eating. We ended up talk about CD. It's a strange thing to explain to people!

Anyway off to see my CDC this afternoon. I'm hoping for 9 pounds (I haven't seen her for 2 weeks and had an official 6 pounds loss last week) but I'd settle for 8. I'd weep at 7!

Anyway well done everyone on their losses. You are all doing fabulously well (I hope we win this week!) and Nelli anything you want to discuss or plan about keeping this weight off I'm your gal!
Hi Coley, well done on making a healthy choice! How did your WI go? I'm waiting with baited breath!!

Anna, hope your test result is a good one!!

oooh the suspense on this thread is killing me :D

Just to let you know I have been really good today and stuck with SS+ 100%. Took a porridge to work and just emptied the sachet out into the bowl behind my desk slyly, so nobody knew it wasn't 'normal' porridge! Lol!

I must confess I am feeling tired and low, and I'm not sure why other than I know the diet to have this effect on me. Someone at work commented today how I've been really quiet and looked pale this week - which is true - but considering she doesn't even know I'm on the diet it must be showing more than I realised!

Mike said that although I have eaten this week, it has been tiny amounts and I shouldnt be so down about it all (as I have been really gutted about the whole thing), and says that I look and feel slimmer already - bless him. Actually my belly has shrunk, and I am more convinced than ever that I am intolerant to carbs. I get bloated as soon as I consume something with carbs in, and its only on Atkins and SS that this has ever gone down. Think I need to get used to the fact that I need to eat low carb diets in future to help keep me feeling good and stay slim!

Anyhow, the scales were showing a couple of lbs loss this morning which is good news, and I'm hoping if I can stay on track between now and Monday (WI) I could lose a decent amount this week... probably not as much as in previous week 1's, but still maybe 4-5lbs.

Fingers crossed! All I can do for now is stick with it and hope for the best!

You know I said I'd weep at 7? 7.5! Does that mean I just drop 1 tear? LOL

It is TOTM so we'll see next week. PLUS I did have wine at the weekend so very much on the wagon for me til Christmas.

So anyway that works out 6 pounds last week and 1.5 this week. Still better than a kick in the head isn't it?
Hun 7.5 is great! Remember your last week's weigh in was unofficial!! So look at it as an average of 3 and 3/4lbs a week and that's good going!! :D keep it up!

Im struggling, in all honesty, but I MUST keep going! Otherwise come my dress fitting in Feb I won't have made any progress since I first went in to try it on in October!!

Well done Claire - 7.5lbs is great - more than half a stone - and what's more you are almost half way there now - and by Christmas you will be well down the hill on the other side.

Wannabeslim - you are doing great - and it will all be worth it in the end when you fit into that slinky wedding dress.

Since starting this diet I've really lost my sense of body clock that's for sure --- it weren't the best before hand but it's completely gone to pot now.

Another day completed - that's nine days off ss done ..... now if only the rest could go so quick ---- it's not the ss so much that bothers me, it's more the impatience - I hate waiting for stuff :)

Hope everyone has a fantastic Friday :D