Team 14 - Scream if you wanna go faster! - Official Thread

Morning ladies. Thanks for the encouraging comments. I do like being part of a team!

Hope you all have a good friday. x
7.5lbs in two weeks is a great loss, would make over a stone in a month ...... you could well be in/close to the 15's by Christmas and how good would that be :D
Morning All - well afternoon really.

Hope you are all doing well and that it is at least a little bit warmer in your neck of the woods than it is here.

Afternoon- or is it evening now?!

Nelli- have you got snow? it's mild here but not freezing - we hardly ever get snow, so it's a bit of a novelty for me!!

Where's Anna, does anyone know if she passed?

I'm pleased to report a much better day today. I spaced my packs more evenly and drank more. Plus AF is here and I can't help but wonder if my headaches and general crappy feelings were down to PMS... hmmm. Oh well, at least I am dealing with going into ketosis and starting AF at the same time so I can get all the yuckyness over and done with in one go. Am expecting AF to affect my loss this week but then I haven't been 100% all week so my loss probs wouldn't be huge anyway!

What does everyone have planned for the weekend?
Snow has all melted here now - am glad as it's much better without it.

Had a great day today, faced my first pub visit and happily had coffee and water and wasn't tempted at all. Enjoyed all my soups today, am still loving my nightly hot mintchoc, think that's def gonna be an 'everynighter' :)
well it's a gorgeous sunny day here today, and made even better by the fact that....

I'M IN THE ELEVENS whoop whoop!!! :p

so happy I could do a little jig! Only 12 lbs til BMI 25 and between 1-2 stone away from my final goal! Yayyysicles!

Off to make a porridge now, then going to see my mum and do some Christmas shopping.

Have a good day everyone! xx
:party0019: Way to go wannab, that is brilliant news - well done, you're doing great! :party0019:
Thanks hun! Just got back from seeing my parents and have managed to get my work secret santa gift and Mike's present sorted out. Picked up a little something for his parents too, so we're getting there slowly! Just my mum, dad and 2 brothers to go now!

Haven't drunk enough today so going to guzzle the water tonight- probably why I have a splitting headache too :( still, it's worth all the headaches, cold and tiredness to be in the 11s!!

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend xx
Hi All - had my shopping day in town - and my MEAL - I ordered a veggie burger and salad (of which there was a tiny little bit) no chips - and didn't eat the bun. Did have a glass of chardonnay. This was just after 12 today. Came home and just checked and my ketostick is PINK - something I didn't expect even though I didn't eat much.

The really exciting bit is that while I felt full after eating - I was waiting to start to feel hungry - but didn't - in fact still don't - so I am hoping that this whole exciting day won't even cause a blip.

well done hun :) and great news that you are in ketosis already!!! the carb content of the burger must have worked its way through your system really quickly! :D hope you enjoyed yourself
Evening ladies! How are we all doing? I'm very chipper today. 2 pounds down this morning and had a lovely (and not too hard) walk to and from the post office up and down the hills of my lovely city.

Nelli - I hope you enjoyed your day. How was your burger? Heaven or not as nice as you'd imagined?
WannaB - Oh to be in the 11's! How exciting!
Katie - oh mint choc! I'm obsessed with toffee and walnut myself. I just have those, a few butterscotches to make mousses and bars now! I think I will actually miss my toffee and walnuts in the end!
Hypa - How's it going hon? Have you had your test?

I'm not sure if WillBSlim is coming back or not! We might have to get another new member!
Nelli great news that you're still in ketosis, so glad you don't feel hungry.

Good bit of shopping there wannab, I've not bought my secret Santa yet as I don't know who I've go.

Coley do you have the toffee & walnut as a hot drink or as a cold one? Quite fancy the sound of that one.

All set for a quiet evening dossing in front of the tv and/or reading tonight :)
Cheers Coley, will try get some on Tuesday.
Morning Everyone.

Claire the burger was really nice but I don't think I wanted it as much as I wanted not to be hungry after I'd eaten it (if that makes sense). Even up until this morning, I have kept thinking, "do I feel hungry yet?" - and you know what, there might just be something in this "low carb" stuff :)

One thing I have learned from the people on this site is that you can eat something without it being a disaster - even enjoy it and then pick right back up where you left off. LL - or at least my LLC, kind of missed that point.

So I had a great day and bought some smaller jeans to slim down in to, only to discover THEY ALREADY FIT !!!! So basically, it was a FABULOUS day.

Katie, I too love the Toffee and Walnut - I have two a day (hot) with a spoon of Nescafe (really the only coffee I have these days). The other pack I like is the Oriental Chili with a touch of tabasco. That has been my routine for the majority of my time on CD,

I bought lovely Christmas cards in Costco. They have a cut out space to insert a picture, so my task today is to get three golden retrievers - one a four month old puppy - to pose with reindeer ears for a suitable snapshot - should be fun.


PS Well done on the 2lb
Nelli - Can you post the pic? Sounds adorable! I don't normally do cute but that sounds fab! I know what you mean about the hungry thing. I think you end up so scared of coming out of ketosis that you think you'll end up eating everything in sight! I must've come out of it on holiday but apart from being a bit more peckish it was fine. I'm hoping it won't be the birth of a hunger monster at the end of this diet. I've been reading some threads on the lightlife forum where they are introducing food and whilst they do have odd days of naughtiness (like 2 apples instead of 1!) no-one seems to have gone insane and eaten their house! Its a good sign! I like my house!

WannaB - 11.12!!! How fabulous. Your happiness just bursts through the screen.

Katie - It's funny because I think most people end up having only a few types of shakes/soups. My CDC said she ended her diet just on chocolate and I think mine will be just Toffee and Walnut. Hopefully I won't miss it afterwards! I might buy like 20 packs and use in emergencies!

I'm going to post out weeks weigh in results now. If WillB comes I'll update.
I was wondering if a pack a day plus low carb meals might not just be the long term answer. I so much enjoy the first one of the day.

Lighter Life has a maintenance program that leads you back into food. As far as the LLC I had was concerned, it was all a big secret and she wouldn't tell us anything about it until after we had completed the 100 days and any development we needed to do to get to target. When I lost my 68lb (7 more than I put back on :) and was going on holiday - still with a stone to go to reach the target I had set - she didn't suggest there was any alternative to ss'ing and so, when I did eat (and I didn't put much on) I felt sooo guilty about it.

My CDC on the other hand has been helping me plan, first of all for yesterday, then Christmas and my holiday in January and it is like night and day.

Incidentally Claire, I noticed you are just a smidgin off the 3 stone mark - well done.

Well done Wannabeslim - when you start, you really START :)


PS Picture in progress - i.e. I am giving up for now