Team 14 - Scream if you wanna go faster! - Official Thread

Hey coley,

Is that website your own company. The jewellery is very nice and original be ordering a few bits from it :)
Yes it's all mine! I run it after work. It fulfills my love of shiny things!

Just had my weigh in - 3.5 pounds! Am well chuffed. So according to my CDC I'm 1 pound off 3 stone lost.
Yayyy well done Coley! You should be chuffed :) that's fab!

Nelli, sorry to hear the scales are sticking for you too! I dropped the low carb meals yesterday and today, and the scales were down to 11.8 this morning so I think I'm just gonna stick with SSing for now to maximise my loss possibilities!

Have been really good all week so hoping to get under 11.7 this week which would be a big landmark for me - I'd have lost 10% of my body weight since Sept, be 6lbs from goal and near 11st than 12 :D fingers crossed!

Anna - CONGRATS on passing your test- big well done and it must be a relief to be on the roads and have the test over and done with!!

Afternoon ladies! Am VERY happy today because I just had a big meeting at work that went well (I organised it and ran it) plus I have 5 parcels to send out on my way home from work. Yay!

WannaB - 11.7! That's my goal. I'm quite big boned (well ...arsed!) and even my CDC says that 9 stone something (which my height suggests is my top weight!) might be a struggle for me.
Hi Everyone - Claire I am like you - I have wide shoulders and big bones and the weight I would be at if BMI 25 (never mind less) would make me really skinny -I had the same discussion with my CDC a few weeks ago and she suggested I recoup after Christmas as she thinks I should be more than the charts etc say. Right now I don't feel I will ever restart if I stop :) so I need to keep going to the end - wherever that actually is.

Wannabe - I was thinking the opposite - maybe trying some low carb to see if it would bump my losses up a bit - after I stop that is. It's funny, but since the scales don't seem to move I am feeling hungry - and I could murder a glass of chardonnay. Don't think it's anything to do with last week - just my p****d off frame of mind.

On the plus side (or should I say minus :), I am fitting into all the clothes I bought after the LL diet, and need to alter a couple of things as I definately am a different shape. Definately saggier !

Beware anyone of doing this a second time. The first time I was amazed (and grateful) when everything went back where it originally came from (including the boobs), but this time I am not quite so chuffed. Roll on the next yoga class - and thank heavens for Bravissimo.

Hi gang,

Just found out some bad news at work - can't post it on here just in case as it's sensitive, but I may nt have a job in the new year due to things beyond my control :( what a great Christmas present. I'm really sad cos I LOVE my job (and obviously need it to survive too!) and don't want to have to leave, so am keeping my fingers crossed and praying that I can stay.

I am doing ok, but realised today how much I used to eat for comfort in the past. Right now I could murder a huge pizza (sorry for food ref) but I'm not hungry... and thinking about it, it seems I WOULD be an emotional eater after all this time feeling sure I was just greedy. So there you go, I have learned something about myself today.

Despite the urges, I have not given in and have been 100% today. Not sure I'll be able to afford SS for more than another week, but will see how it goes. Am proud of myself for getting this far, and thanks to you guys for all your support and positivity - it keeps me going!

It's funny you guys are big-boned too. Although I'm only 5'6'', I have rugby-player shoulders and wide hips (am a classic hourglass) so am not sure at what weight I will need to stop dieting. Where I have abused my body through gaining weight quickly, my body tone now is not great, so I can't really tell what's fat and what's just bad muscle tone! Am working on the muscles tho!

If I can do another week of SS I am hopeful I will be near BMI25 and at least then I can focus on keeping it off over Christmas and maybe losing a little more/toning up during my 2 week break whilst eating 1200 stye.

Sorry for the rambley-rant, I'm feeling a bit stressed and need to let it out! xx
PS I'm now done to 11.6 which means I have reached my 10% goal, and have got under 11.7 which is my second goal! It also puts me into the 25.something BMI which is GREAT! Only 5lbs to go :D

WannaB - Oh that's very bad news. Poor you and such awful timing! Fingers crossed it doesn't come to that. But good for you keeping off the pizza! I think the emotional eating thing will always be there but it's about being aware of it. I figure if you can stop it 80-90% of the time you can let the 10% go by.

Nelli - I feel the same about restarting. If i do get pregnant and stop I will go on a diet after but I'm not sure I could do this again - not at this level. Maybe one of the higher plans.

So far we are in the lead on the team challenge! Can we win it a second week?

I'm down another pound today which means I've unofficially lost 3 stone on this diet! I'm going to add two more tickers I think. 1 to show total weight lost (over 5 1/2 stone) and 1 for the next stone. I need to see where I have come from and where I am going.
Oh Wannabe, I am so sorry to hear your news and hope that it comes to nothing. Just what you don't need. Well done for your resistance to food - that is such a biggie.

I am sure that I have just about driven my OH crazy today - literally since I opened my eyes this morning I've gone on about losing / not losing, long term maintenance - what weight I should / need to be etc. I am totally obsessed - which I know is not good.

Claire, well done on the 3 stones - you are doing fantastic.

Just back from shopping and I am shattered !

Hello Team 14,

Thanks to Coley I've just joined the team, being new to a team can you let me know what to do re: posting weight losses.

Also, I intend to keep to CD over christmas - is anyone else doing this?? It'd good to be in touch with someone over that time to keep the motivation up!

Will b slim
Morning everyone

Hi Willb - welcome. Well done on already being halfway through this crazy weightloss programme. I don't know what I am doing over Christmas yet - one minute I am planning to have a nice low carb meal and the next I am resorting to my comfort zone of a nice warm cup of Toffee and Walnut with a spoonful of coffee. I am on holiday from 3 -10 as well.

Today - I am cleaning - insides of windows, corners, cobwebs, etc Should finish around Tuesday (only kidding - it's not THAT bad). Also have to do some work tonight - no rest for the wicked eh.

PS Scales STILL not moved -I am trying not to freak out!

Morning Ladies! I had such a grump on yesterday after shopping for lovely Christmas food for a party we're having today but cheered up watching the X Factor...although I did snivel a bit!

WillB - welcome! You just need to tell me what your starting weight was, last weeks weight then every week just tell us the loss that week. I post results on Sunday to the competition thread. We won last week and I have fingers crossed for this week too!

Nelli - I'm low carbing for 1 meal on Christmas Day, Boxing day and New Years Eve then staying on the straight and narrow the rest. Oh but I will be drinking wine. I'm hoping to stay the same that week - any loss will be greatly appreciated!

Sorry that the scales aren't moving. Just keep going (easier said than done!) and they will shift again. It is medically impossible not to lose so your body is just messing with you.

Right am off to get ready for party. See you later!
Thanks Claire - words of wisdom.
I am not going to let this get the better of me
I am not going to let this get the better of me
I am not going to let this get the better of me
I am not going to let this get the better of me

Gosh, wish we'd had Copy and Paste when I was at school :)
Just stopping by to say hi! Nelli - the scales aren't moving for me either :( not holding out much hope for WI tomorrow :(

Still struggling to get the packs down me and have been feeling really weak and light-headed, so am doing a day on a low cal atkins principle today and it seems to be working. Have had a porridge but felt so ill after I just decided that atkins must be better than nothing.

Welcome Willb, so now there's a Wannab and a Willb... interesting eh!? xx
Sorry you're not feeling so good on the packs Wannabe - and hopefully your alternative is working for you.

It's quiet on here - Anna is probably out driving all over the place :) and we know Claire has a party. I am cleaning for Scotland (and it feels like I AM cleaning Scotland ! I am Shattered) I keep having to have a wee rest - this ss'ing does take it out of me, though my CDC keeps telling me I should have MORE energy than normal. She must have taken a different formula :)

Well ladies there is good news and bad news. The bad news is that we didn't win the challenge - we came second...

The good news is that our WannaB is slimmer of the week!
wooohoooo yay I can't believe it! :D (second is great... much better than first cos it means we have something to aim for next week!!) xxx
Good morning Ladies! I hit the 15's today! Yay! This also brings me to 80 pounds lost altogether (on both diets!). 80!!! That's mad isn't it?

Anyway hope you all have a good day. x
Well done Claire. 80lbs WOW - you must be so pleased with yourself.

Well done to you too Wannab. Great way of looking at it.

I have been so bad this week with drinking (or should I say not drinking) water. I don't seem to be able to get it down for some reason. Maybe that is why the scales are not moving. Tomorrow is my weight in day and I am dreading it because I feel really bloated.
