Team 14 - Scream if you wanna go faster! - Official Thread

Hi All
Sorry I haven't been on - been really busy again, but we had quite a good week. Claire, you should probably bump me from the team. I am maintaining, having either one or two packs each day, but my head isn't in the right place forthis diet right now.
I would love to keep popping in to see how everyone is doing, and to snaffle the first available slot when I get my head together for ss'ing.
Hi nelli

sorry to hear you are having a rough time at the moment. You have to have the right headspace to do this plan because like no over diet you are not allowed to eat. Sometimes I find that part of it hard but othertimes i love the idea of not having to think about food.
Hi everyone

Nelli - It's up to you. I can keep your place open if you'd like or fill it. Whichever is best for you.
Hypa - Good to see you back. Hope things haven't been too horrible for you. Do you have a weigh in for this week?
Devoted - 3lbs is great! I'd love 3lbs every week!
If you can keep it open it would be great. - It's a lovely morning in Glasgow and who knows maybe that will be the catalyst to get me moving again.
Hope everyone is well.
Hey team - wherever you may be - we won this week! Yes the wooden spoon for coming in last! Yay! Victory at last!
it cant hurt to see where there up to nelli we know but the others hmmm. I am sorry I havent been around a lot lately but so much in my life been going on.
That's ok. I suppose its just hard for me when I am really struggling with the diet not actually working - so it's hard to be the cheerleader pulling everyone together. I know I offered but I was feeling more positive then! What I might do is just leave it for a week or so then see how things are. x
Hi Ladies
Big surprise - I got back on track at the weekend - and am down 5lb. I am taking it a day at a time because I am still stressed big time and working really long hours. I could murder a glass of wine - but heading to bed instead.
Hope everyone is doing good.
Guess whattttttttt!!!!!!!! I have gone down 2 sizes waheyyyyyyyy:D lost 6 this week also . SOOOOOOOOO Happy!!!!!
Well done Hypa! You are going so well.

My CDC has cancelled this week (I'm seeing her next Monday) so I'm going with an estimate loss of 4 pounds. That's 3 pounds that randomly went on last week and an actual pound loss. I'm on 59 pounds now.
Hey team 14! Just thought I'd stop by and see how you're all getting on - glad to see you doing so well Anna hun :D keep it up!!

Coley, I think you're doing a great job as team leader - stick with it :) and I'm sure you'll have a good loss when you next see your CDC!

Just to update you, I've actually been back on CD since I resigned my space on here, and have stuck with it! I'm still on it at the moment (SS+) and am 1.5lbs away from being down to BMI25 and 2.5 away from being in the tens. So just to send a little encouragement your way really and to say 'keep it up' - can't wait to pop back again soon and see you all even closer to goal.

GO TEAM 14!!!
