Team 22 - XxX Rumbles XxX

By the way, I hope you don't mind but purple hugs is going to join the rumbles. She starts same day as me :D xxxx
good, think a cd team has 6 anyway. I think the more the merrier,...... are you looking forward to tomorrow and have you bin doing anything to prepare????
Coo-ey!! lol Try not to groan! ;) I won't mind if you don't all agree - just let me know if that's the case. :)

Have you spoken to admin about becoming a team in the team section? Think they register losses etc for challenges. ;)

I love green tea it's the only tea I can have without milk but have lemon in mine so am going to have to try the peppermint one soon. :)

Had to sit through the girls in McD's earlier after swimming... :eek: I'm veggie so there is little choice for me anyhow, but I managed on a diet coke.. came home and have had my shake. :) hubby can't believe it!! :cool:
Well i had to change CDC to get one that was closer to me, so go to my first meeting on wednesday and start on thursday. But i got told to cut down on my carbs, so have been trying :D but i'm a poor student so that is all we eat lol i've herd green tea is brill for detoxing so think i'm going to try and drink as much as poss before thursday :)

I think the more the merrier as well, i don't understand why some teams won't let others join. Ahh well hehe we shall be all rejects together :D xxx
glad you on board, don't know how we change into a proper cd team, but it sounnds like you could be the one to do it,,,are you preparing by having shakes then????????
still can't get over how beautiful you are in your pic, puts me to shame, but ha ho your still a spring chicken, have you lost some weight already with your old cdc???? purple hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I have to go now guys, but i'll be on tomorrow. hope you all have a good night. Remember never alone xxxxx
Hi can I please be a rumbler too? I'm on the easter challenge with some of you:D

I'm a little bit ahead of some of you I think? I started last monday so weigh in day for me tomorrow eek!

My tummys rumbling badly at the moment so off for some pepermint tea!
Oh and I meant to say Goosy that I think to be a 'proper' team you're only allowed six members. I think the more the merrier too though after all we're all in this together and some days support on here might be all that gets you through!
hi loved up, take it goosey gon e for the night, sure it'll be fine, have ya joined the easter challegne yet????
Well if Loved up is in then that makes us SIX!! :)
I'll ask what is involved and maybe we could vote a leader? They'd need to keep and email 'stats' to the administrators I think.

:) Will be nice to keep up with each other even after the Easter challenge. :)

Am looking forward to Thursday, but have just realised I'm not seeing my CDC till 6pm so will only be on CD from that night.. think i'll have 2 Slim fast shakes in the day and then a CD for dinner! ;)
you gonna do ss then, cos am doing ss+ myself
Each team has 6 members, one of whom is the designated team leader.

Each member weighs weekly and submits results to the team leader.

Team leader submits weekly team % result and biggest loser result between Thurs and Sun either on the weekly thread or by pm. Deadline is Sun at 6 pm.

Calculations for each individual %:
number of lbs lost divided by weight last week in pounds multiplied by 100.

Calculations for team %:
total number of lbs lost divided by total number of last week's weights in pounds multiplied by 100

This is what it says in the Team section..
I'll add more as I find it :)
you gonna do ss then, cos am doing ss+ myself

Am doing SS+ but as I'm veggie am going to have to be careful and if in doubt have 4 shakes.. I did well on SS before but my hair started to fall out after a few months.. sounds extreme I know but figured if I take in more calories at least after a while then I could prevent that.
wow to hard for me i'm a divvy
I do 3 shakes and a green and white meat, but you can have quorn or tofu and veg, cooked or salad do you eat fish????
Evening all, been busy all day my friends daughter is 1 2day so had a maniac childrens party, was really good no food and no drink well apart from water. Day 2 over nearly whoop whoop hope tomorrow aint as bad considering it will be my 3rd day, How is every1?? xx
I've emailed Irene H for more info on becoming a team, and a team number, but have made it clear we haven't got a leader yet.

Not sure what's meant by Green and White.. :eek: I didn't eat at all on CD before. Only bars.

I don't eat fish or shellfish etc, am more of a veggie veggie if you know what I mean (am happier when there are 10 veggies on my plate) ;) but do eat tofu or quorn occasionally. I bought some quorn 'chicken' fillets the other day - not something i'd normally eat but figured that with salad or veg would be ok. :) Also like stirfry tofu so that'll work.

Am emailing with a moderator who has a list of veggie protein that is acceptable. :) So hopefully I'll manage. :)
in the book it list the white, and its a lot of tofu, never tried it but i like quorn, used to be a veggie a few years back, but pregnancy cravings put a stop to his fault.
hi kerry, you did well at the party, a friend just invited me for lunch tomorrow...... nearly blew my stack at her..... I said coffee was fine,but????? friends who needs em. inconsiderate souls lol