Team 27 - Weight to go team- The CD Returners

Well done SS!!

Aaaargh I am having such a tough weekend foodwise, I am hungry. It is worse when my family are eating around me. I have eaten sandwich meat (mainly water I hope), nuts and cheese. Ok they won't kick me out of ketosis BUT they are high in fat and calories. I'll be one of the few to be glad it is Monday tomorrow so I am home alone ( except for baby) and can avoid confronting food.
Not sure what wi will be but pretty sure it isn't 3.5lbs. Grrr...
Hi Guys! The weekend has been ok. I went to the cinema today with bro and sis and I didn't have anything, I just watched my bro and sis eat popcorn and hotdogs. I weighed myself this morning and I'm 10.2 I'm up 2lbs and I don't know why. :cry: i'm going for my jog again tomorrow. I've decided to do it 3 times a week. How's everyone been?
Last again, Oh dear!


This week's Wooden Spoon goes to team 27
2.71% CD W8 Warrior Princesses!*** (21)4 results Gracey (4.47%)
2.44% Fat Guys Slim (19)
W10 5 results MsJMC (2.38%)

2.23% The Water Babes (9)
W15 3 results Sarette (2.84%)

W10 5 results GillyBee (3.02%)

1.92% The Sliminators (25)
W9 4 results Fatblaster (2.97%)

1.36% Flab2Fab (15)
W3 5 results Land of Maz (3.15%)

0.5% Weight to go (27)
W13 4 results Wez (0.98%)
Woo-hoo...I lost 3lbs this week. I am pleased as I knew I had nibbled too much.
Good luck with the motivation for jogging Petrina, especially to get that 2lb off. I think I will get back on the trampoline regularly. The weather is gorgeous here this morning so baby and I are out for a long leisurely stroll in the sunshine.
Hi guys, just heard there is a space here, is it still going?!

I am Zoey, I am 25 years old and started CD today, would love to be part of a team to keep me going. I have 6 - 7 stone to loose and want to loose the weight for my wedding next year. We are also hoping to start a family soon soon after that but need IVF, if I have a "normal" bmi then the chances of success are doubled, so that is me and my reason for doing this, hope you will have me. I am 100% committed to this and my weigh in day in Mondays x
Welcome zoey84 - you are so welcome. We set this team up when we were all returning to cd a few weeks ago. I've only had my 4th wi today so you are not far behind.
My wi is Monday too - something to look forward too, eh? The first week is tough but get through that and it does get easier. If you can let me know your start weight and then the loss each week, I let the team know our individual % and team %. I then tell Ireneh(mod) the team result and the biggest loser result weekly and she produces a team results table in the sticky above.
Good luck on your journey!
Thanks Wez :) I am prepared for a tough week, my CDC was lovely and didn't pretend that it would be fab from the start, I just want to make it through the first week, I deliberatly decided to have my weigh in on a Monday to keep me focused over weekends!

Do I need to give you my start weight now? If so, it was 16 stone 12 and 3/4's, dont know if you use the 3/4's part or not, thanks for having me :)
Welcome to the team Zoey84. It will be hard but once you see the losses you'll be ok. Well done Wez for your 3lb loss, that's great. I weighed myself this morning and I'm 10st. Finally back to normal. Hopefully by my WI I'll be 9.13. I've come on my period again which is so annoying so hopefully I'll still lose. I'll be off for my jog again tomorrow. How's everyone doing?
Hi guys.
how are you all doing?
I did a preg test today and got a very faint positive!!!! I am not getting too excited as its our first month of even trying! I am due on tomorrow.
BUT i have started CD again today in case I aint preg so bring on ther weight loss girls FNM is back..... for the meantime lol.
Cheers z84, I only need it to calculate the % you lose - which will be fab on your 1st week of course. Hope things are still going ok. Liking your ticker - so colourful. Don't forget to copy and paste our team logo in your siggy too.

Petrina, I'm so pleased for you losing that 2lbs, it just shows how water retention affects us, doesn't it? If only we didn't weigh ourselves inbetween wi, it causes unecessary stress although I guess it can be motivating. Exercise will definately help speed up your loss, just make sure you don't overdo it.

FNM, so glad to see you back. Isn't a positive faint or not still a positive? What did the instructions say? When will you retest? That is so exciting. I hope your restart is ok, did you fall far off the wagon?

Really enjoying this weather, makes me want to be outside and it helps me to drink the water without feeling cold. I'm on my 5th week of having apple & cinamon porridge for breakfast and still not bored of it. I actually look forward to it. Just shows I'm a creature of habit I guess.
When I saw my cdc yesterday I admitted my nibbles and she said that as long as I had things that were allowed then not to worry. She has returned to ss herself because emotional eating has got to herand she has put on a bit of weight. I don't want to be a cdc but I think it would be dangerous for me if I was because i woud easily become Aa serial dieter as all those packs would be to hand. At least I haven't been having huge binges but it is just too easy to pick at meat in the fridge whilst I'm there. Of course, I'm trying hard not to.
hey thanks I have heard a line no matter how faint is a line. I am awaiting a camera being delivered today and will be as anal as to post it up here.

well restart going ok had a porridge this morning and have had a litre of water!

one thing............. please if any of you guys are on my facebook dont mention testing or possible pregnancy as we want it to be a secret until teh wedding! We want to enjoy it rather than people scoffing cos we haev 4 months till the wedding and i will be pregnant on the wedding day!

Hi fattynomore, hope it is a bfp for you, how exciting, i too have heard that a line is a line :)

Petrina, thanks for the welcome, I really want to do this once and for all, I am really struggling today, am so hungry but hoping it gets a bit better by the weekend, I have thurs and fri off work aswell as the weekend so hoping to distract myself with making wedding favours and things, bit early and not getting married until next May but think I will need something to keep me away from the dreaded fridge!

Wez, nice to know your CDC is sympathetic, good to know that she realises we live in the real world and sometimes things dont go entirely to plan!

The weather is lovely isnt it, I have to say that while I was sitting outside the pub after workk, with my bottle of water, in my big thick black cardy, it did bring it all home to me why I am doing this, I am fed up of sweating in the sun because I dont want to take my coat/jacket etc off! Hope everyone is ok x
Hey Wooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwww congrats FNM. Am so pleased for you but should you be doing cambridge hun? Am soo so pleased for you both how exciting.
Have i lost my place??
I couldnt post cos everything jus got to much i got so down about not being able to milkshake just have felt rubbish.... well cos of mr being so unhappy we sat down and jiggled and juggled things so i can do it!!!!!! Am so so happy Contacted my cdc and shes coming next thursdasy i have a couple of days worth of shakes left so am restarting in a couple of days yay yaya yay all im worried bout now is that i lost my place :( hope not. Let me know
hi everyone , just wondered if you have any spaces left. I'm on my fourth day of CD . I ve got about 6 stones to lose and would love to join. I'm finding this site great for that lil bit of inspiration and other people understanding what your going through !!!!

xxxx x
hi guys I am out....

have a look at my LINE!!! this was done just 5 mins ago! H2b goesnt even know! So no one say a word of facebook!!!

Wow - Big congrats FNM!!! Sorry you are leaving us as you were such a great poster - you will be missed. Hope the wedding goes brilliantly, you seem well planned!

IW2BS - we still have your place. I was concerned that you weren't coming back and we hadn't heard from Gamma for 2 weeks. We came last 2 weeks running (not that it really matters - just for inspirational motivation, I know). It made sense to enrol a new member as things had been quiet here for too long. And now we have lost FNM for good reasons luckily. So pleased you have managed to sort things so you are back for good. Hope you find things easier to get back on track. So, still unsure what to do about Gamma as there are people keen to get in a team.

z84 - I so know what you mean about hanging on to the coat. I feel like this and it is worse that I'm still wearing my maternity tops as I refuse to buy bigger sizes. I must slim down back into my old clothes...and, of course, buy more.

Heard that sun is set to shine until the weekend, I hope so. Had a lovely afternoon in the garden with my 2 girls, makes me pleased I'm still on maternity leave. The water intake has been good again today but can't stop nibbling. Mind over matter?????? Just habit I guess.
rainbowfrost - I can't pm you as you haven't posted enough yet. Don't want to mess you about, there is a possible space as one of our team hasn't posted for 2 weeks but that could be for a number of reasons. I'll try her on fb I think.