Team 27 - Weight to go team- The CD Returners

Hi everyone,

well done on the loss Wez, how is your dad?

My official wi was same as unofficial one 0.5 lb. I really need to get back on track and stop picking.been 100% so far today. Been to the gym which I plan to do every day as it's half term, and my husband is working and daughter revising, so I'm at a bit of a loose end. I normally see friends during half terms but they are all either working or away
Hey Trisha, enjoy the time to yourself and maybe get pampered? You are doing well with the exercise, I wish I could do more to boost weightloss.
Today my baby wouldn't let me put her down, we come home from the shops about 10:45 and since then she has been permanantly attached. Our food shopping was delivered at 5pm and I sat her in her bumbo and she screamed whilst my 4 year old & I tried to put away the shopping. Aaargh. So pleased they are both asleep in bed now and it is quiet BUT I am tired and cannot do exercise now, I should but I can't.
if your still looking to fill the place let me know and i'll be happy to be part of the team
hey all. Im well again, had full blown flu for 3 days, totally came off the diet, but im trying not to be too hard on myself, my BF keeps calling it "whine flu", the cheek...he gets a cold and is bed bound for a week, i get flu and im moaning, lol. I feel so annoyed i got sick though and had to come off....trying to stay positive though, back on SS for 2 days....not going near the scales until sat.....

your both so lucky half term!, ah, although bet you both have a lot of work to do...!, try and enjoy the break.....I think getting pampered is a great idea wez....always perks you up!, its a shame the sunshine has gone for you both :-(

Can you imagine how good it would be to have losses of 4lbs each week...that would be so amazing!, wed all be at our goals in no time!

Also came across an article in this months ELLE magazine when was sick.....,written by a woman who lost like 6 stone on CD and is maintaining...was really inspirational....that could be us!!
Hi Guys

i am so sorry, i have been ill and stuck at home with my monthly i suffer really bad and passed out because i lost so much blood Too much info. The Dr said my body has just taken a knock after the gastroenteritis and now the heavy period.

On top of that we have not had the internet running because sky said our policy had expired etc etc.

Sorry to let the team down by not putting in my results but i did lose 2lbs

I will be better this week promise,

Hope everyone is well

WEz- hope things are a bit better with your dad
if your still looking to fill the place let me know and i'll be happy to be part of the team

Hiya, how are you getting on with cd? Welcome to our team!!
Naz - I'm not on half term cos I am on maternity leave. I actually sent my 8 week return to work letter today so I officailly start work at the beginning of the summer hols, although I'll be physically returning in September. Due to major child-care issues (& costs) as 4 year old is starting school, I am returning part-time which I hope will be better for our family.
How horrid to be so sick, are you ok on ss?
6 stone sounds loads but I have to get rid of 5 & half stone and only a small part of the way there. I love reading those stories in the lighterlife mags as it shows just everyday people so what is my excuse???
Today I got up with the true intention to ss 100% and drank my 3 litres but at times when I needed to eat I only ate slices of ham, that is so much better than handfuls of nuts and slices of cheese. Tomorrow is my exercise class, come rain or shine - it is outdoors, so I must give it my all and stick to this diet. I need a good loss on Monday.

MissM - what a run of bad luck, gets you down when you are under the weather too. Great that you have lost 2lbs, well done!
Dad is out of hospital and I rearranged his flight for tomorrow lunchtime so I will be pleased when he is back in the country and I hope I can get to visit soon as he lives a few hours away. He says he is well and relaxing at the hotel but I trust his partner to keep him in check as she is a bit of a fusspot, in a nice way.
hi Team
I'm jack, and i'm into my third week now of restart , and I usaly weigh in on fridays , unsure which days you want me to pass you wez my weight loss , so just shout but not to loud ok :)
Have not yet caught up with your posts on here so don't know much about you all , whos on the team ?
I was on Team 19 but there were only 3 of us left so we thought we would split into other teams .
so hello all
Hiya Jack, welcome to the team. I'm trisha I used to be in team 3, but everyone left either gave up or went on to maintenance. I've been in this team for a few weeks. I'm on yet another restart, although I never really gave up cd, I've really struggled since February, when I went on to 810. I'm back on ss/ss+ now, and this is day 3 of 100%
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Hi Trisha , how many on the team do you have ?
So you was on team 3 , yes sometimes that happens .
So since Feb you've found it hard , me since Jan but now its time to kick Ass :))
Lets show this lard that we can move it .
So day 3 for you , do you have a headache ?
,not sure how many are on the team, wez will be able to tell you that,

I'm fine at the moment, no headache or anything feel more positive on other restarts I've been trying to do 810 mixed with the odd ss+ day, and ended up cheating/picking but this time I'm just doing ss/ss+, I'm much better with food our of the equation, and hopefully will be able to stick to it.
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Thats what my CDC says by eating you make yourself more hungry , which yes I have noticed .
So Trisha , you only have 13 pounds to goal , wow .
Are you working ?
I'm at stay at home mum
yes, I'm a teaching assistant in a high school so I'm on half term at the moment, I'm spending quite a bit of time at the gym.I have one daughter who is 18 and studying for her A levels, she's off to uni in September.
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I have a son 18 , another son 15 and a daughter 5

So what age are they at the school your at .
My son whos 18 works in London in networking in a law firm .
What is your daughter going to study
the school is a secondary school so 11 to 16, I work with all the year groups and in all subject areas.
My daughter is going to study Law at uni,
Hey Jack! We are now a full team.


Iwant2beslim is without a pc at the mo so I hope she'll be back with us soon.

I am on maternity leave with a 5 month daughter, I also have a 4 year old daughter and my husband is trying hard to stick to Atkins diet since Feb but hasn't lost a stone yet. Although the restrictions on cd are tough at least it is coming off. I go back to teaching in Sept and need to get back into my size 12 work clothes that I packed off to the attic last Spring.
I started cd the day after Mother's Day and have had 4 days off for a long weekend break near the beginning of May. My losses haven't been fab so I am trying hard to do something about that to get back on track. The pressure of not returning to work a bit of a biffa is huge for me and I know that I will be so disappointed with myself.

Well, I went to my 2nd postnatal exercise class and was lapped by the others (back to my schooldays) but I am persevering. We did more cardio this week instead of circuit training and while the others changed between jogging & running, I stuck with powerwalking and strolling. Red faced and sweaty when I came home so it must be good, eh?
yes you're doin great wez. I went to the gym this morning, spent some time on the treadmill climber and then did some weights, then went for a swim, but today I am much more tired and Lethargic, maybe because I'm doings ss, hopefully I will do better tomorrow
hi Wez

so your husband how much does he have to lose ?
Yes Cd is a hard diet but the results are good , I think any diet can get you down , but this way its faster .
So if you lose 51 pounds you will get into a size 12 wez ?
so when in sept are the kids back , I dont have the dates yet , I know mine break up July 21st .
Thanks for the low down on the Team Wez .
trisha , them ages 11- up can be hard work .
Both doing well with tonning up , I do alot of walking but no tonning yet , I dread it lol
hi jack term times are different in different parts of the country, we break up on 17th of July and go back on 3rd or 4th of September.
i've only just started using the weights to tone up, and I've a long way to go!
Thanks for that trisha , might look on the school web site they must have the date by now .
Roll on the 6 nasty big weeks ARRRR school hols lol
Tonning ,I just dread tonning . but it has to be done , what I do notice with CD I lose weight off my legs more so than top half , which is a good thing . but with SW its top half first , strange .
Well today is a busy one for me too I will go see my friend then back home then my (cdc my friend will be here and then off to see mum in the hospice :-( .
How are you all today?
Does your cdc come to you ? or do you go there ? mine comes to me .