Team 27 - Weight to go team- The CD Returners

Team losses:
Minivix 2.16%
Alipally 1.77%

Need 3 results to enter the tournament, no pressure Trisha!!
Wez I sts - thought I'd posted it do you feel like you have gained?

glad you are enjoying being back at school, it must be nice having a couple of days off during the week, there never used to be much staff movement in our school, and for the first 5 years I was there no-one left, but the last 5 years at least 5 or 6 staff have left every year don't know why its changed, but there is definately a change in mood in the school and it just isn't the same place.
Thanks Trisha.
Tomorrow will tell, don't think gain will be too bad but just more to get off!
Minivix 2.16%
Alipally 1.77%
Trisha 0%

Team 1.42%

Ali, got your pm will get back when have more time. Very busy naming every part of uniform as dd starts school tomorrow and I put it off as I hate ironing!
ahh first day at school for dd, I bet she's ready and feels grown up!! We've had a lovely day today, been on a long walk, dd came with us, dh and dd had a nice lunch in a tapas bar I just had a black coffee and had my shake when I got home, I didn't have the extra pack today, and didn't even feel like picking, might be different tomorrow after school, but I will have to extra shake if I feel the need.

When do you go away ali? bet your hubby will be surprised when he sees you.
I just hope he notices!!

Go on Thursday... I'm very excited now! Went and had a Brazilian wax today... OUCH!! He'd BETTER notice my personal grooming or they'll be hell to pay!!

Glad you had a great weekend Trish... Hope you managed to get all those name tags ironed in on time, the little blighters lose loads when they first go to school!!!

Right, have packing to do!!
ali a Brazilian !! you are brave!!!

Not had a good day today really cheesed off with work at the end of last term senco had told a colleague and I that there was no money available to give us extra hours at HLTA rate ( which is quite a bit more than TA) but found out today she has given some extra hours to a peripatetic teacher that comes in, this will cost 4 times as much as us, and that she'd asked for more hours after us!!! we are both well p***** off , added to which she (the teacher) has decided that on her extra day she will take some of the kids we'd been working with, instead of us, no doubt she'll take credit for the progress they have made with us.

of course came home and cheated :cry:and now I'm so angry with myself for letting her get to me got to look for a new job and soon.
Hi old team mates , now been thinking ok , if the place is still there i'll be glad to join you guys again , let me know .... BTW how are we all ?
Hey MsJMC, you can have my place. I am now an unofficial member and holding leader post till Ali is back at end of the month. I just like gossiping here, trying hard not to mention food.

Ali, could not face a brazilian, or any form of waxing, I have a really low pain threshold, the thought makes me feel queezy. How can he not notice???

Trisha, what a tough way to start the term. Could you not go above SENCO's head to do HLTA, at least you are keen to do it. Was it brought up in your professional development? That record would have been seen by a line manager. Staff are entitled to have regular training, I think you should make more noise about your interest as you'll have so much more responsibilities and worth within the school. Someone higher up needs to know how you feel, what she has done is unfair.

1st day for dd was fine, she cried so I couldn't but dh & I walked home in silence, it felt weird. Left her colouring with the head, then the head phoned me 30 mins later to tell me how settled she was, that was a lovely gesture. So pleased to see her at lunchtime.

I had my car serviced yesterday and they found a nail in each rear tyre causing slow punctures, luckily they were both repairable. More money going out.

Had a relaxing morning at a salon having manicure & pedicure, lady had recently qualified & was slow in her work but chatty. We talked about the 9/11 documentary last night, I asked if she remembered the actual event and she said she was in Year 6 at school. Hmmm, felt old then. Came home to reality of a screaming hungry baby, it is lovely having dh home this weekend but he really messes up her routines. Relaxation over!

Great news, lost 1.5lbs on 1st week. Can't believe it. Really thought introducing foods would be a gain. Back in the 11s!
Wez excellent news on the weight loss well done.

Myself and colleague are both HLTA's and have been for 3 years. the senco is our line manager,and we've mentioned more HLTA hours etc at every PD since then, but as she holds the budget for SEN dept she has final say, and always gets her way, Head knows we both were looking for jobs in the last school year, but school is in a huge deficit, and they have just taken on 5 cover assistants (cheaper than HLTA and supply teachers) so there's no money left for us, but I have just sent for info on 4 jobs, in different authorities so will have to see. I had to do a lunch duty today, so taking it now, which is why I am at home, going for wi shortly not looking forward to it, up until yesterday I had lost 2 lb, but after the blow out yesterday have put this back on, I know its only "water weight" but it will still show as a gain on cdc scales :cry:

Lucky you having a manicure etc, did it help take your mind off dd at school?

As for cars we've still not got ours back!!! so I'm still using the hire car supplied by insurance co, it most be costing them a fortune, ours is supposed to be ready at the end of the week, but I won't hold by breath they have said this for the last 4 weeks!!!! I think they must be rebuilding it!!!

Ali how's the packing going? but your getting excited, don't think I could spend such a long time apart from oh.
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ok just a short one for now , no Wez stay on the team :) stick around ok ....i'll join up then if the place is still going .
Will do ticker later , all this waxing lol , brave , blush blush that would be me lol ok will chat more later as got few things to do now , but i'll be back .....
hi , ok Just updated things with my ticker ...
I have done alot of walking today , in total 3 hours , will have to keep this up at least 2 hours daily .
so how many on the team is there ?
Trisha lets hope things pick up for you !
which diet are you following at the moment Wez ? I can understand if you ahve been on cd a long time you can think right thats enough , but good having you still around , hi to the new team leader Alipally , and when did you want the weight loss in by ?
Ok i'll catch you all later :)
wow Jackie 3 hours walking how good are you!! trying hard to stay on track today but its a struggle just had a hot choc shake, in the hope it will stop me picking
Today has been okay at school, kids are great, even the new one who is supposed to be a " nightmare" has been good, but its early days I suppose,

its just over a week now until dd goes to uni and I'm dreading it the house will be so quiet and empty without her.

Not long now Ali, bet you can't wait.
Hi ALL , hows everyone in the CD house ?
Trisha , I bet you will be so upset to see her go , but you know it will feel empty at first but you get used to it , and she will be back half term . its like when my son left home my older one took me a few months to get used to him not here , i remember when living at home with my mum step dad and sisters and we always had our BF in , and the dog there too , my god the house was so full , but we all left within 3 years then the dog died not long after too , mum seemed so sad , but being 22 then you just don't understand you just think of yourself ....
Lets hope work stays that way !
Wez , i know you don't want to talk about food to much but its ok with me , i watch all the cooking programes and think how good it all tastes lol
Ali , how are you doing girl after your waxing hehe
Hi Girls,
How are we all?

3lb loss this week, TOTM next week so kinda expected things to slow down a little. Still, a loss is a loss I guess.

Absolute chaos in my household again this week, 'think I must have the most unconventional family ever.

Back again tomorrow, DH's just walked through the door.. at 4:15pm.. oh er, this doesn't look good..
wtg mini, thats excellent, I am sooo jealous. just wish I could get my motivation back, as I'm really struggling at the moment. last week I lost 3 lbs in four days, had a bad day at work, fell off the wagon and put 4 back on :( I really need to get off the cycle of lose 1lb gain 1lb sts, If I could just get though 1 week of 100% I'm sure I could get my mojo back, and lose the last stone or so.

whats causing so much chaos at home?

I was going to go to the gym, but feel really rough at the moment, stinking cold and my head is thumping (it's not swine flu though, just a cold, checked on help line, "plenty of fluids etc") so I'm going to give it a miss tonight.

I've been 100% so far today, just had a hot choc shake to curb the picking. DH is working late today and won't be home until 8pm and dd is off to work shortly, she only had 2 more shifts before she leaves her part time job. So I am all alone, application forms for the jobs I'm interested in arrived today so I am going to check the job spec and see if they are worth applying for.

Wez how's dd enjoying school, and baby nursey? and how is being back at work for you?

Jackie I really enjoy cookery programmes as well. Hows the diet going for you?
hi All , Wez how are you getting on , when did your daughter start school ?
Alipally , hows everything ?
hi Trisha , I think you are doing what i'm doing at the moment , having a few off days , and a few good , ouch , we have to get this right in our heads Trisha , my tummy has been wondering whats happening to it .
I have booked my holiday this year i'm off to the Algarve Dec 26th until 3 of Jan , so I need to now buck up .
I lost 1 pound this week cos I have been on the rollercoaster of ups and down , this just has to click it just has too .
MininVix , new face here , hello , didn't see you when I was last on this forum , hows it going for you ?
Cooking programes , when i see something i like I think right when I'm off this diet i'll have a go at that , but i'm still waiting lol
Hi everyone lost 0.5lb this week :(

yes Jackie I'm the same as you, and couple of good days followed by a couple of bad days :(

Not been to the gym this week as I feel really rough, stinking head cold, I'm going to complete application forms this weekend, plus catch up on the housework !! the house is a tip at the moment, as through feeling rough all week not got much done.

How is school going for you Wez, what are your new class like? plus how is the Scaresdale diet going? you did well to lose a lb,
Ever since starting CD I really enjoy watching cooking programmes, I'm almost obsessed with them. Very weird. Strangely, I also love cooking for the family (think it has something to do with not wanting them to eat cr*p and by making it myself I know exactly what's going into the food they're eating) but, I hate the fact I can't taste any of it. I also resent DH for being able to stop eating when he's full and stashing the leftovers in the fridge for lunch the following day. How the heck is he able to do this?

PS. Family is unconventional in that there are so many divorces, remarriages and skeletons in the closet that I've only just tracked down my real father after 20 years absence. I've a half-sister who I've not seen for 25 years, aunts and uncle I've never met, a Mother who resents me (I'm from her first marriage and apparently I remind her of my real father). My mother worships the ground my other half-Sister walks on, which has had a negative effect on our relationship and therefore we're no longer in touch either. I get on well with my step-Dad but he has no contact with any of his blood relatives or his now ex-wife (my Mother), which is something I've tried to change but always reach a stalemate one way or another.
Most of my relatives on my Mother's side now live abroad, those that can be traced anyway, and most of my father's side I've yet to meet. My paternal grandparents died before I got a chance to meet them.
DH's family, on the other hand are the family that most of us can only dream of, they're pretty much picture-perfect. It very weird to have to admit that I get on better with MiL than my own Mother!