TEAM 4 restart - Moving Mountains

Had to go to the supermarket to buy pet food and came face to face with one of my trigger foods. Oh my goodness it was a close thing! I was hungry by then and had to run away as quickly possible! How couldI even think about it on day 1?
How is everyone else doing today?

Hi Heffalumpy, i'm doing good today, although gotta try and catch up with my water, not had enough today. I know what you mean about the scales, i'm on mine 3 or 4 times a day, it's doing my head in, gotta get rid of them I think!
Hi Lisa! I'm struggling with the water too. I thought 4 pints didn't sound such a lot but oh yes it is! I don't think I've ever drunk so much. Some people write of drinking 4 litres - I would slosh around!
Hiya Guys.. hope you've all been having a good day so far?!

Haven't seen anything of Forever today!...

I'm not too bad with the water as always drank quite a bit before anyway. Just about to start by 4th Litre of the day...
I've been good so far! Yippee! Not nearly as hungry as I thought I would be - just in general! I'm working tomorrow evening on a ward I don't know so might not be able to put my brick in the fridge - it's only a 6 hour shift so I might just drink water while at work and have it when I get home. I'm always hungry when I get home.

Elay you have inspired me to turn the tap on again.

I do hope Forevernow is OK.
Heffa... sounds like you are doing well so far! The first week is definately the hardest, but it soon gets easier! If you can't take a tetra with you then i'd suggest leave having your shake till the last min before you step out the door to go to work and drink lots of ice cold water whilst on shift..

I have a great system in place with my water... very sad but it works for me. I have some Buxton Big Gulp (1 litre bottles) and I fill 5 of them up every evening and put them in the fridge. Then during the next day I take one out etc etc, until I am through them all. I don't fill them up as I go, I put them on the kitchen side empty and feel good as I put empty bottle next to empty bottle!

Lisa.... Hope you're weigh in goes well tomorrow. I'm sure that you have done brilliantly!

Kelly... hope you've had a good day xx
Thanks Elay - I will do as you suggest. It will be good to know I have one to take when I get home :) Not looking forward to the shift though - the ward is for the elderly with behavioural issues and can be very difficult on a bad day... I am happy with the "elderly" but the behavioural problems can be tricky. :grouphugg:
Well Done Kelly....

Another day is done and tomorrow will be as successful as Today!

Woo hoo! 1st day complete. It wasn't (quite) as hard as I was expecting but I'm trying to prepare myself for a tough time over the next few days.

Well done Kelly and Elay yesterday! Lisa, how did you do? Let us know how the weigh-in goes!

I slept badly last night - is this the diet or too many family worries?
Have a good one!
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Good Morning everybody, I hope that you are all in a positive Upbeat mood!!

I've woken up in a really good mood.. spurred on by trying on some jeans in my wardrobe that I bought years back that still have the labels on and low and behold... they FIT!!!!!!:D (size 14 Oasis Jeans)

Heffa, I hope you have a good Day at work today... don't let the Oldies with the "behavioural" problems grab your bum! Well Done on getting through Day 1! Keep Positive and stay focused!

Lisa... Good Luck for WI!!

Kelly, Glad you did so well yesterday.. here's to another 100% day!

Day 2 in the Big CD house....I don't feel well!:cry: I've got fluey symptoms and really don't want to go to work but I have to pay for my CD somehow!:cry::cry::cry:
Kelly... you'll be fine. Remember it's only these first few days that are the worst! You've done so well before and you can do it again!
Elay - Bravo! You must feel great putting those jeans in their place! I have TOO many unworn things in the cupboard. They sit there and mock me when I open the door. Well done!

Kelly - I hope you feel better in a little while. Be kind to yourself (I do not of course mean wavering one iota from 100% cd).

I know what you mean about the expense. Even though I knew how much it cost I still had a panic attack when opening my purse to pay for this week's meals yesterday. Working is NOT optional sadly. Don't know whether I'll be with the girlies or the boysies today - a choice between bottom piching or being thumped - not sure which is worse....
I think when you are in ketosis, your not as hungry anymore, and I think thats when bad breath starts to kick in a bit, urghh, and maybe don't feel feel so tired and sluggish.
I've been out and bought the largest Listerine I could find. I've never tried it before. It's seriously strong stuff!

I remember buying some little gel sheets that were to be dissolved on the tongue a year or so back.Are they still available? I was looking for them in Boots yesterday and couldn't see them.
I just got back from WI and lost 9lb, I am very pleased.

Heffalumpy, I went and brought a couple of fresh breath mint sprays, the taste in my mouth is rancid (sorry, I know it's gross).
wow Lisa well done hun!
When I said this morning I was feeling ill guys I didn't mean from CD, I'm actually ill ill!:cry: I'm sticking to ss 100% don't worry I'm just feeling very very sorry for myself at the moment.:cry::cry::cry: