TEAMS - How to Join (please read LAST post)

would love to know what you were watching LOL :D
Hi! I was wondering if I was too late to join a team? Just joined the forum and have my fingers crossed :)
Team 2 hun :) x
I would like to join a team if possible? :rolleyes:
Hello can I join a team too please - hope Im not too late
Am I too late to join a team? I'd love to join in if poss - still got quite a way to go!
hey rach :) did you get my pm? id say our team could do with a couple of members i dont think all my team have found FAT FIGHTERS yet :(
littlepiecesofcheese and dopeyangel, team 2 :)
shrinkingannie and maypole (if you want to join), team 4 :)

maypole, if you're confused, read the very first post of this thread. Otherwise, bikinibod can explain anything you're confused about :) x
course, team 4 thelynz76 :) make sure you pop in and introduce yourself! x
Please can I join a team?:p
Any room for one more, i'm new here and would love the support. Thanks. ~X~
You are more than welcome in to Team 1 if you wish
team 4 is more than happy to have any new members :)x
Team 4, wishuponastar :) x
Hey hope i'm not too late to join! I go to my first meeting tomorrow!