Tee's diary

Omg I'm in such a fowl mood today :-( my mim and brother have pi**ed me off, the kids are getting on my wick and all I have done this morning is sit on my backside!

I know I need to pull myself together but I just can't get motivated. Gonna get lil one fed and do kettlenetics.
Awe Hun sounds well annoying over there. Know its hard but just suck it up and do your K, it'll be one positive thing of the day x. Hugs x
Iv just done kettlenetics, beforehand though after a bp coffee I weighed again, 68.1..... 400g in a couple of hours..... Don't know anymore!

Iv been looking at carb cycling, though cant find proper idiots guide, anyone here done it?

Mum was going to call me back at lunch and hasn't, fed up with meaning nothing to people :-(
Iv just done kettlenetics, beforehand though after a bp coffee I weighed again, 68.1..... 400g in a couple of hours..... Don't know anymore!

Iv been looking at carb cycling, though cant find proper idiots guide, anyone here done it?

Mum was going to call me back at lunch and hasn't, fed up with meaning nothing to people :-(

Oh don't fuss over the 400g. You know it's probably gonna be the liquid from bp/water. Can't comment on the carb cycling but have switched over to dukan, grabbed the book from The Works bookshop for 3.99!!! I'm writing a review of it in my diary.

You mean a lot to me - you've been so good at supporting and encouraging . Your MY bestie! Mwa
Thank you all for dropping by :)
Busy, I was 400g down so back down to 68.1 just do confused, I know weight fluctuates but it's so frustrating!

Decided to have a more relaxed weekend, iv bought kidney beans in chilli sauce so going to make chilli. I know there is sugar in it but its not a lot. I had a tablespoon of Nutella and a couple of mini cheese and onion pasties. Hadn't eaten all day so hoping iv not done too much damage.

Posting piccies my lil one took, hopefully in another couple of weeks I will be able to show better results and finally see the scales moving!


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Wow tee your not even big! You have a lovely figure!! You've got typical kettlebell arms!! They're sooo toned. I think if we work through the respective program's we'll be well toned. Are we ready to move onto week 3? Or redoing week2? There's still a couple of moves I can't do in wk2.

Feck it, it's Friday! Girls gotta live too you know!! ;-) I've just also not only fell off the wagon, the wagons gone into reverse and run me over a few times!!!
Wow tee your not even big! You have a lovely figure!! You've got typical kettlebell arms!! They're sooo toned. I think if we work through the respective program's we'll be well toned. Are we ready to move onto week 3? Or redoing week2? There's still a couple of moves I can't do in wk2.

Feck it, it's Friday! Girls gotta live too you know!! ;-) I've just also not only fell off the wagon, the wagons gone into reverse and run me over a few times!!!

Rock n Roll on a Friday night lol I'm sat watching Bones :) love it!

I will definitely be carrying on with kettlenetics, thinking about doing it over the weekend too :) I'm thinking its a lot easier than your Kettlebells, I'm finding it ok and the moves are quite easy...... It is only a light "bell"

You are a star Busy x
Yep agree with girls, you have a beautiful figure. Every time someone posts pics of themselves I cry because you and busy are my weight and I look disgusting! You look fab! Enjoy your weekend the way you know how to enjoy a weekend now if that makes sense :)
Yep agree with girls, you have a beautiful figure. Every time someone posts pics of themselves I cry because you and busy are my weight and I look disgusting! You look fab! Enjoy your weekend the way you know how to enjoy a weekend now if that makes sense :)

Los I don't even think your that bad. I think you probably could do with toning up a bit - nothing more to worry about.
Rock n Roll on a Friday night lol I'm sat watching Bones :) love it!

I will definitely be carrying on with kettlenetics, thinking about doing it over the weekend too :) I'm thinking its a lot easier than your Kettlebells, I'm finding it ok and the moves are quite easy...... It is only a light "bell"

You are a star Busy x

While you were watching bones last night I was reading the keeping fit forum (what a load of party animals we are...not!), anyhow there's a thread on kettlebells it's quite interesting.

I looked at yours on YouTube, your moves are probably a little easier as your workout is longer, where I think kettleworx is harder moves but over in half the time. I'm still only on the 5lb bell and week 2 and its still kills me. Excellent idea to do over weekend as it'll deplete the carbs we had last night.

Have a great one x
Thank-you ladies :)

I'm going to have a very lax weekend, going to still track but raise my carbs up to 25g by eating the usual greens but making up the remainder by having low carb fruit, macadamia nuts and a few 75% cocoa drops. Hehe treat yourself :)

Had a handful of cherries with my bp coffee they were so nice, I'm craving a banana but think that is a bit too much!

Not done kettlenetics yet, OH home at the weekend and gets a monk on if he's got to disappear whilst I do exercise.....

Have a lovely day peeps x
While you were watching bones last night I was reading the keeping fit forum (what a load of party animals we are...not!), anyhow there's a thread on kettlebells it's quite interesting.

I looked at yours on YouTube, your moves are probably a little easier as your workout is longer, where I think kettleworx is harder moves but over in half the time. I'm still only on the 5lb bell and week 2 and its still kills me. Excellent idea to do over weekend as it'll deplete the carbs we had last night.

Have a great one x

Just had a look at kettleworx on utube, yeah moves are along the same principle and yeah mine are a tad easier, what I was thinking is my bell is too light, just weighed it and its 4lb. I'm thinking of buying a heavier bell and sticking to it, quizzed OH about utube on tut telly and he got excited about buying a smart tv, lol I don't think so!

Someone mentioned a fitness channel on sky..... Are there any Kettlebell workouts on there? What channel?
Just had a look at kettleworx on utube, yeah moves are along the same principle and yeah mine are a tad easier, what I was thinking is my bell is too light, just weighed it and its 4lb. I'm thinking of buying a heavier bell and sticking to it, quizzed OH about utube on tut telly and he got excited about buying a smart tv, lol I don't think so!

Someone mentioned a fitness channel on sky..... Are there any Kettlebell workouts on there? What channel?

Ha ha to hubby! We have iPad tv (although its not been set up yet), a device which lets you play apple stuff through tv. If you can do all the moves easily then maybe it is time to progress on the bell.

Fitness tv sky channel 28-something, I used to follow a lot of the workout years ago, although some where really naff. There was a kettlebells workout for new mums. Not sure what stuff is on there now as we have Virgin and they don't show it - boooo. If you do get it have a look at ladans legs bum and tums 2 and yogalosophy by Mandy Engber.
Morning teeny,

im watching fitness channel right now and kettlworx Are on there but it's the teleshopping program's. it looks good, I'm going to have to get kettle bells now :)
sky 282
kettleworx sales person on there says 20 mins, 3x per week for 6 weeks have an amazing body. H,mm I'm tempted.
Morning! Well I totally fell off the wagon yesterday, thought feck it and had tortillas with my chilli, a bar of chocolate then a choc mint tart.

You know what, I felt totally ill all evening :-( the tortillas were good whilst eating them, the choc disgusting and the tart too yuck! Woke up today with site tummy and thinking why did i bother?!

Induction for 5 days, get back into ketosis and stick to it! I'm going into Winchester with the family, going to hunt down a 4kg Kettlebell and get going with that :)

Have a lovely Sunday peeps xx
Tee, you have a lovely figure, you cant have much too lose? Dont be disheartened as often the worst bit is those stubborn few pounds that prevent you from getting to goal..... treat your body to the extra :D carbs, lul it into a false sense of security... then shock it with induction, should see those pesky pounds off...:p