Tender Boobs


Silver Member
Over the last couple of weeks I have been in agony when I have taken my bra off at night. It's like I was years ago because of PMT and I remember the same feeling after having my children. I am post menopausal and have had all my 'bits' taken away.
I can sort of remember reading that fat stores estrogen - am I being a little too imaginative to think that my fat losses have released estrogen into my system and is causing the pain???? (I have always been into self diagnosis :D)
Anyone else had this???
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Hey Wilma, you poor thing! I know a lot of people experience huge differences in their monthlies due to losing weight and I guess the same hormones that affect that, are probably the same ones that are making you more sensitive.

Might be worth checking with your doc, but otherwise, if you can ride it through, hopefully it will settle x
I have avoided my doc because I couldn't stand the pain of someone touching them!!
Thanks for reply Bunny
I have heard that the fat cells store hormones, and does indeed release them to cause havoc with monthlies etc.........
Could be the same thing for you.
YOu need a hot pillow, you put it in micro, i use mine for bad neck, works great
I think I have found the answer to my tenderness. It might be useful to thers who are having period problems too - I have read a few!
I am presuming that although I don't have periods anymore I am just having the tenderness. Weird though - I haven't had any hot sweats since starting CD. I hope they don't start again when I am at goal!!!

'I spoke with my doctor about this and the answer he gave me I have never seen in a blog or book before. His explanation was as follows: your body fat retains estrogen and when you lose body fat quickly, then your body doesn't know what to do with the explosion of extra estrogen so it makes your cycle unexpectedly start prematurely. Then the estrogen level stays elevated because of your weight is dropping so your cycle never stops.'
Ah I'm so glad I found this thread, I can't cope this week with the pain in mine!

Nice to know I'm not alone, even if its not a very nice thing to share.

Theresa x
Does that explain why I have had 3 in 5 weeks since starting CD and one of them lasted 12 days!! I'm hoping for a gap this time!!!! Nothing else is wrong!
Hi there,

Sorry to hear you are suffering i just want to add that when i was breastfeeding, savoy cabbage leaves straight from the fridge and in to your bra worked wonders for general tenderness.

I know its not the same thing but it may be worth a go, at the end of the day its all caused by the same homones.

I hope you don't think i'm mad!
You are right about the hormones being released.. It was a question I asked my doc, I don;t have many periods but this time had a long one. Also why many 'infertile' women fall pregnant after a big weight loss. I haven't had sory boobs but my god have I had awful period pains.
Rather any of that though than this blubber!!!!