The 1lb plod!

I had 0.5 pound on. Not too bad considering I'd DHs birthday and a wedding. Have a hen this weekend so will be up again no doubt! Don't really mind when I have a reason for a gain (and if I enjoyed it!)
Not bad at all! Better than my 2 1/2 gain haha!
Ok. None of us had brilliant weeks last week. Draw a line and start fresh tomorrow? My husband is finally joining me as I got him on the scales and weight nearly 18 stone. Gave him the shock he needs I think. This will help me massively as I have no will power when he is eating naughty stuff, so I'm feeling positive today.

I will lose one of these this week! So will you!!!!

I was doing so well all weekend... then last night I got the munchies, went to shop and bought a bag on M&Ms and Galaxy bites and ate them with my boyfriend :( instantly regretted it after... but it was good at the time! Lol. Must learn to resist sweet treats... doesn't help that my boyfriend has a stupidly fast metabolism, weighs about 10st and can eat whatever he wants!
I was doing so well all weekend... then last night I got the munchies, went to shop and bought a bag on M&Ms and Galaxy bites and ate them with my boyfriend :( instantly regretted it after... but it was good at the time! Lol. Must learn to resist sweet treats... doesn't help that my boyfriend has a stupidly fast metabolism, weighs about 10st and can eat whatever he wants!

Oh no. I do stuff like that though, then feel really sick. Or I just say, start again tomorrow, but never get anywhere!
My husband used to be like your boyfriend, could eat anything and get away with it. The past few years its changed though, think this is why he is struggling as he has always been able to eat what he wants.
I'm slowly getting motivation back. Although we are having our garden done this week and It makes me funny with eating when the workmen are here. I just grab stuff when they aren't here. Don't know why?!
Yeah I'm waiting for the day that he starts to slowly put on weight hahaa... hopefully when I'm lovely and slim ;) and the tables will have turned!

I'm feeling pretty motivated this week... hopefully it will pay off on Friday when I weigh myself, but we shall see!
Very odd. I've lost 6 lbs apparently! No way is this right. Think I need new batteries for my scales, or maybe ill just let them run out and ill weigh less each week? :)
WOW!! I hope this is right because that would be great! :) I think i'd just leave the batteries... haha
How are you all getting on? After my hen last week, I was away for a week with work so missed w/i. I've been grazing on rubbish since! Not looking too hot for Thursday! :eek:
I haven't checked in for a while. Me and the boys have been ill again. Not weighing in this week, need to feel human again then will get back on it. Anyone else find it hard when you are battling extreme tiredness? Eating rubbish makes me more tired but I still do it.

Well done everyone else. You are inspiring me to get back on it! Only 1 lb is quite easy, just need to stop letting obstacles get in the way.
Shocker..... I lost 2lb last week!!! I was off work and I don't generally eat much when I'm at home (mostly because I can't be bothered to make anything haha) so because of this I managed to lose 2lb woo! I'm also going to try to start biking to work as well so hopefully it will up my losses each week and get me a bit fitter in the process!

I hope everyone is doing well! We've all just got to try to stay motivated :) WE CAN DO THIS GIRLIES!!!