The battle of the Bubble

Poor bubble. Sad to read that you are so unhappy at the moment. I am sure that once you start eating healthily again you will feel more positive. Focus on your achievements, don't dwell on what hasn't gone the way you planned. Positive mental attitude. Change the things that you can and learn to make the best of the things you can't. Good luck my friend. X
Thanks spudsey! I will learn to look at the positives of life. Nice to see you posting. You joining me this week? Hows the boys? hope all is well. Did you spend any of christmas with mum? Dont be a stranger, i miss you. X
I have been reading diaries but not posting much. I think I am ready to start again on Monday. Been busy eating all the naughties so that they are gone before Monday. I did get up to see mom and dad just before Christmas, they are okay. Kids are fine. We are all dreading school and work on Monday: goodness knows how we are going to get up. I have had a very lazy 2 weeks off, the couch has a permanent Lindsey shaped space embedded into it! Still, will take it one step at a time and try to sort the food out first then think about getting more active again. Have been you tubing lots of slimming world blogs and feel quite positive.
Glad you had a good break. Its nice to be lazy. Yep ive been lurking at sw stuff and feel different this time. Hope it brings some 'feel good' into my life again. Ive also got my fit bit been tracking walks whilst on isle of wight but looking forward to some real movement. We can do this mate. X
Need a new avatar that fat belly is quite of putting! Searching...
I'm fed up of being a mum, boss and wife 100% of the time. I want to find the bubble from deep within.
I'm crying as I write this that's how unhappy I am with life at the moment. Don't get me wrong I have come a long long way from last year, no dark thoughts or suicidal ideas, just completely fed up. My kids argue all day long, my husband is an old fart that stuck in the 60s when kids should be seen and not heard, his answer to it all is to shout and swear not understanding it gets us nowhere! I know he is old school and being a lot older than me I need to except certain things but its just.... well hard.
Anyway sorry for the 'off subject' back to weightloss...

Holy... I hear ya, sister!! Today has been okay - but that really sums up how I feel a lot of the time... and I only have two and work part time! My hubby and I are usually a pretty good team, actually, but there are definitely times when we're totally not on the same wavelength and I feel like I'm banging my head against a brick wall trying to get my point across. I agree, we need to take the time to stay in touch with ourselves. I'm hoping to do more of that sort of thing this year too.

Don't write off 2014! Although you might not feel on top of the world at the mo, things have changed a lot for you over the past year, and kicking the meds is a major accomplishment! (That said, you know that if you're feeling down enough to have to start them again for a bit, it's not the end of the world, right?) We're all still coming out of holiday mode, so don't beat yourself up about eating. I think once you start back on plan, it will just become easier not to do it. And if you do do it, I will be around again this time to kick yer butt ;)

Thanks moonie! I do know i can take them again but i really dont want to. I dont want my body to rely on them i want to produce my own seretonin and i know eating rubbish wont do that too.
I also know a happy mum is a happy household so im working on that too. I need my bum kicked and my brain too. As were all healthy (apart from the fat thing) were above water with finances (albeit just) we have eachother and love so truly havent got anything to be so down about but I just cant shift it at the moment.
Just keep at me and ill come through at some point.

Now falling asleep searching for my avatar. Think this might be gnight from me. X
Thanks moonie! I do know i can take them again but i really dont want to. I dont want my body to rely on them i want to produce my own seretonin and i know eating rubbish wont do that too.
I also know a happy mum is a happy household so im working on that too. I need my bum kicked and my brain too. As were all healthy (apart from the fat thing) were above water with finances (albeit just) we have eachother and love so truly havent got anything to be so down about but I just cant shift it at the moment.
Just keep at me and ill come through at some point.

Now falling asleep searching for my avatar. Think this might be gnight from me. X

hi - yes let's hope that when ur eating healthy stuff & exercising ur mood will lift - never really sure how that works with me - but know that when I'm in the zone I def feel better mentally and the weight goes down.

but it's like the chicken and egg thing - is it the healthy eating/dieting that kicks the positive feelings off or is it when we're feeling positive - we find it easier to eat healthily and to exercise?

not sure if that lot makes sense???

here's to Monday morning and ur 2015 healthy eating plan/exercise regime - we're all here for u - so hope u keep posting so we can support u xx
Hi Diary

Thank you all for your kind messages. I've took the happy bubble avatar thanks moonbeam!
Today has been a busy busy day. All holiday washing done drying and ready to iron tomorrow. (my last day off, kids are on INSET day so I closed the preschool too, great being manager! :p)
The decos are down there is no sign of Christmas in my house other than mince pies and selection boxes! I have cleaned the whole downstairs not a dust in sight no cobwebs all furniture moved and hovered behind them. So feeling very positive and 'clean' start in my house! ;)
The shopping all arrived and my fridge looking very colourful with the fruit and veg. Cut my fruit salad ready and have a nice selection of greens for my smoothies. The only thing is they substituted the yoghurts to the muller greek style which I believe contain syns. Am I right in thinking 1 syn each? I have mango, lemon and cherry. Whatever it is I will find a way to add it into my plan.
Taking measurements in the morning ready for the off. Those numbers are going to start going down, down, down!
My last supper tonight was from dominoes! oops! Kids in bed and I have just poured myself a Belgium chocolate baileys with ice. This is it, my new found taste for alcohol has got to stop again. I don't think its the new answer to things as it will not help the weight loss. Heart has the 80s on so I am singing away too. Feeling quite chilled tonight. Long may it continue. Cheers everyone! :party0036:
Just been reading your walnut whip antics... I haven't had them for donkeys years. I have got plenty of ferrerros though so must work out the syns for tomorrow as they are something I will not let the OH eat! :rolleyes:
Oo all my ferreros went in one night before I was trying to be good. I'm sure I read they are 3.5 syns each. My oh has just been trying to get me to eat chocolate orange but I resisted. Need to try be good as Wednesday going to an all you can eat buffet for my mum's birthday xx