THE Beginning

That's weird...another pound off...and I ate loads yesterday! Where's the logic?:(
But the good news is...BYE BYE 13 stones something and hello 12 stones something :) I'm 12 stones 9 today! 1 more pound off and I've lost 2 stone all together!! Yay!
If I want to achieve my mini goal I have to lose a stone before 24th of July..I doubt that I can do it but I'll do my best!

banana and greek yoghurt 150
20 g rye bread 40
25 g ham 25
coffee 15

50 g rye bread 100
herring in tomato sauce 100
beetroot 20
pickled gherkin 10
coffee 15
cople of slices of ham 20

had a little snack of rye bread and cheese...
and 3 squares of dark choc 200

800 so far
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12stone 9!!!!! That takes you below your 2 stone doesn't it!!!!
You started at 14 12........

Don't be robbing yourself of pounds and well done x x x

ps allotment sounds lush x
why are weekends so horrible?! I mean I love them but no food diary, no biking, lots of eating and drinking and sleeping...
Stupid ale festival. Oh well.
Anyway...Last week I managed to get down to 181 lbs which is very good. Will try to get under 180 this week!

Food today:
greek yoghurt banana 150
rye bread ham 100

porridge with water 100
rye bread and ham and toms 200

4 fish fingers 215
beans 80
peas, tomato, beetroot, cucumber 50
jelly 100
2! lemon drizzle muffins I made yesterday 300


not to bad I guess...did 40 mins of cycling in strong winds, and walked about 20 mins too. damn those yummy muffins :p
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Heyyyy!!! WOOOOOO! congrats on the loss! you're doing really well.
Working your way through those goals like wildfire :)
The net of the veg sounds like a good idea, my dad was just telling me that he's had to do that all over his veg, bloomin' birds!

Hope you're well :)
I'm ok..I just think I'm expecting too much. Would like to lose a pound per day :D

Woke up really early today..I think I was hungry :)
Oh well will go to work earlier and leave earlier and have a nap and do my college work.

Food today:
banana greekyoghurt rye bread ham cucumber spring onion 300

scrambled egg 100
ham 40
rye bread 80
tomato cucumber spring onion 30

Soup 130
2 cookies 150

2 veggie hot dogs 190
beetroot cucumber tomato ketchup 40

frozen yoghurt 130
little piece of pizza 100

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A lb a day is a tad unrealistic yeh, lol.
We should aim for 1 to 2 lbs a week.
Your weight fluctuates day to day with water weight and stuff liek that, so it's worth only noting down the weights from one specific day a week.
Best wishes.
I know you're right but I think I'm obsessed with weighing myself. I think I should have the weigh in on Fridays not Mondays because of the weekends...After a bad weekend I've got 5 days to make it up and lose a pound :D

Food today:

breakfast lunch:
quark with Greek yoghurt and bit of strawberry jam and rye bread with ham

cookies and milke after my nap oh yes! :) 150

fish 280
beans 100
veg 30
random snacking 200

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I have to try and not have any alcohol this weekend! It'll be hard because I do have 2 shifts at the club...I'll take lots of coffee with me :) or drink some vodka with soda water lol. I think it's not as much as drinking as it is eating with hangover.

Food today:
banana with bit of greek yoghurt 150
rye bread with ham 150

rye bread 70
egg 100
cucumber 10
sweet roll 160

chicken 300
mash 150
ham and rye bread 100

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Ok I'm back when I started last week. 181 pounds. I'm going to try very hard and not drink any alcohol this weekend.

Food today:
bananagreekyoghurt 150
ryebreadham 150

ryebreadandeggcucumber 200

3 cookies and a coffee 170

buckwheat 200
ham 50

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Yehhh, alcohol is evil with the invisible calories.
HOpe you have a good weekend, stay strong!
Umm..Nope..still gave up :) But the weight stayed the same during the weekend. I mean yesterday morning I was still 181 lbs. But today I was 185. So I gained 4 pounds yesterday. Umm... I know how the weight goes up and down but 4 pounds is a bit excessive I think...Ok back to being good and disciplined!

bananagreekyoghurt hamand ryebread 250

egg 100
rye bread 80
ham 50
beetroot 30

yoghurt drink 100

brown pasta quorn meatball bolognese 450
dark choc 100

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Umm..Nope..still gave up :) But the weight stayed the same during the weekend. I mean yestereday morning I was still 181 lbs. But today I was 185. So I gained 4 pounds yesterday. Umm... I know how the weight goes up and down but 4 pounds is a bit excessive I think...Ok back to being good and diciplined!

bananagreekyoghurt hamand ryebread 250
Morning Lisa, your breakfast sounds yummy again:D I always used to get despondent getting on the scales everyday, I gave them to my friend and she comes round every Sunday and weighs me:D I actually find it more exciting and motivational not knowing lol
Not to worry, I'm sure you'll have shifted those 4lbs, it's likely just waterweight if it's changed literally overnight.
You were right! I lost 5 lbs yesterday lol. Which brings me today to 180 pounds. So it's my 2 stone gone anniversary! Yay! 2 down 3 to go.

Breakfast today:
rye bread and ham 100
yoghurt drink 80
coffee 15

an apple 50

an egg 100
rye bread 70
ham 50
beetroot 30

quark w/strawberry jam 200

2 quorn sausages 160
broccoli 30
beans 100
mushrooms 30

had some chocolate too!

1200 so far
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You were right! I lost 5 lbs yesterday lol. Which brings me today to 180 pounds. So it's my 2 stone gone anniversary! Yay! 2 down 3 to go.

Breakfast today:
rye bread and ham 100
yoghurt drink 80
coffee 15

an apple 50

an egg 100
rye bread 70
ham 50
beetroot 30

quark w/strawberry jam 200

700 so far
Well done you, a terrific achievement. Hope you're having a great day:cool:
So sleepy this morning. Almost poured hot water all over my breakfast.

quark and blueberry jam 150
rye bread and ham 70

rye bread and ham snack 80
an apple 50

soup 200
sausage 80
beans and braad 100

chocolate 200

2 meat free burgers 160
veg 50
cookies 150
more choc 150
jelly 100

1600 :( felt horrible today. hence the choc and cookies :(
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YAAAAAAAY! haha, well done, that's great news!
Had a 30 min bike ride and went down to the allotment to get rid of some of them cookies and choc I ate before. Hope it helped :)
Quite hungry at the moment. Will try drinking water and going to bed early. Been so tired all day!